ITT:Aesthetic Traffic

dumping images

Other urls found in this thread:

starting out with 80s/90s usa














anyone lurking?

brb, looking for more pictures

>Aesthetic Traffic

got u senpai


I should've specified old, can't complain about a bump though.



Neat thread OP


Thanks, man.

dumping foreign








back to america



Gonna stick this one in some /n/ thread


let me find some stuff from the old thread for you

intended for

Straya here

Fuqqq i wish i could go back.


If it's the thread I remember, I saved what I really wanted (I'm more /hr/); thanks though.

considering im born in 91 i missed out on this too



also most of the content here is 80-90s so thread theme?

No problem, I was also the OP of that thread. If you want some good retro pictures, just go on Flickr and put the year tags from 83 to 93 or whatever year you want.

Been recorded with a sony cam





seeing all those beautiful old cars looking like new

Seattle's skyline looks soo much different now. I do recognize a few of the buildings.


This thread is excellent, thanks for all who contributed and hope it keeps going.

no problem, got an entire folder of old pics. feels good to share them for all to see.

looks pretty much the same from that angle, except now there's way more traffic and huge suburbs/parts of the city that werent there back then

oops, the filename was supposed to say "Fort" not "forth". im retarded.
yep, Houston's population is growing almost frantically... almost. More shit drivers, backed up traffic +plus people who rubberneck. It's a total mess. Wasn't as bad back then.

where are you getting these beautiful pictures from?

>that ford pickup

Found some of these on a several forums while back, and most on pintrest. (and some old crappy blogs that were made in the early 2000s)

Is it possible to feel nostalgia for something you never had the chance to experience?

All the time

>that Oldsmobile taking up the whole bottom left of the image
There's so many Olds-es in these images, it's nuts. I mean I know the Cutlass was the #1 selling car in the US for like two decades, but still!

>tfw no rocket 350 powered boat to softly burble as you inch along in lung-destroying traffic, surrounded by similar barges with no infotainment, no bluetooth, and nobody tweeting on their cell phones

What is that yellow car?

>4 VW Bugs all within 200 yards of each other

>3 VW Bugs

>miata in the castro

73-77 Toyota Celica
unless you mean the beige yellow Malibu in the lot behind it, or the yellow beetle in the back.

There's 9 or 10 GM B bodies within the bottom half of this picture, too.

>tfw Taipei is forever nostalgic feels

i think the boxy cars really add something to the picture, not getting that same nostalgia feeling from this one

Wow that really looks exactly the same.

Front car is a Cad Cimarron, onramp car is a Buick SkyHawk - the two worst GM J-bodies.

>There's 9 or 10 GM B bodies within the bottom half of this picture, too.
That picture taken now would be 9-10 GM SUVs in those places.

old traffic is just as boring as modern traffic

>four door Maverick

And what's that thing in front of the bus even? European?

And most importantly it's never aesthetic, and neither is the horrid city planning accommodating and enabling it. It should be in anyone's interest to minimize necessary driving. Ideally you'd only have a car recreationally if you like them.

Can anyone identify the blue car in the newport/doublemint parking lot?

America is a cucked nation ruled by companies

of course it was made inefficient since the car companies fought to make it that way


low trim shitbox model


'73-6 Firebird

fewer and better cars and drivers would be nice
also proper city planing so that cars are only needed as a stop gap rather than a commuting vessel

>this cave is not a natural formation
t. Cortana

>farthest back anyone has gone is the 50s

Can we get year 2000+ pics in here? I want to compare.


Oh god the SUVs and crossovers

I wonder how many of these cars are still roadworthy today?

Hard to find HD images of recent times.

go outside

What's outside?





A lot of people say cars back then looked different. They all look the same....

There is always a trend in design... for some reason red looks like the color of choice for the Saigon wealthy drivers of the period ! May be getting ready for the communist take-over ?

i cant explain the feeling in my chest that this thread gave me ;_;

memory of 1989, driving my friends 87 conquest to the burger shop with 1.50 in my pocket and an 8th of skunk in the empty space under the radio

Modern, shitty, low res OC but it's something.

Don't wanna shit up the thread too much so just these 2. Quality thread OP.

i actually like these. theyll be really cool though in like 30-40 years

I appreciate u guise.