In the history of the United States, how important is Iowa?

In the history of the United States, how important is Iowa?
t. Iowafag

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If something could define flyover state.

Its Iowa

Presidential primaries and corn.

After giving the wiki a review, not at all. The most lasting significant contributions of Iowa are your senatorial and presidential election votes (especially Lincoln) and state fairs. Guinea Grinders, proximity to the traditional hot dish producing regions of the country, and corn mazes are the other graces of the state. The smell of an Iowa October and memories of my first pee-pee touch fill me with nostalgia. My time spent there may have also engendered a preference for white women.

Man...I haven't thought about Brittany in a long time. I hope she's not on heroin or anything. She was a really sweet girl, but too willing to do things to impress people. Kind of naive too. I feel like I taught her to be more aware, but her entire lifestyle might have insulated her too much from the dangers of reality.

t. used to live in Iowa, moved to Best York

My friend used to live in Iowa and he called it "Half Price Land" because everything was so cheap.

t. District of Columbia

Forgot about this. The few times I've gone back, I'm freshly surprised by older model vending machines with matching prices.

Since I'm only in NY for school and night life/outside activities don't matter to me, maybe I should live cheap and work for NY wages for a decade, build experience, then enjoy my purchasing power in Iowa in my 30s.

I went there once. Literally the only thing you can see is the corn 10 ft away from you. This is true for the entire state. I felt like I was slowly being driven mad by the lack of scenery, and I'm from northern Illinois. We have no scenery.

>bias polandball images

h-hey, you're forgetting about the scenic slaughter houses and occasional view of animals out to pasture. Then you've got abandoned looking farm houses/barns AND less abandoned looking farm houses that may actually be inhabited.

Then there's downtown Des Moines in all it's splendor. It's got a really neat antiques shop. Bought an old barometer from there once.


Swing state. That's about it.

What's up with the hotpocket looking things the image is calling Kansas-City Style Ribs?

I have the same question except regarding Illinois.

Illinois probably has one of the most bad ass names, translated from Algonquin to French to English it means, "Tribe of Superior Men".

Fucking welfare queens. Without agricultural subsidies you would turn into countryside Detroit.

Switch it with Nebraska.

Speaking of Nebraska, who's fault was this?
Literally nothing going for them. Iowa has state fairs and elections at least. What does Nebraska have? Someone needs to apologize for this.

At least they're aware of who butters their corn most of the time.

Nothing more infuriating than a Republican welfare state.

>implying Nebraska doesn't have elections

>Iowa has state fairs and elections at least

Are you okay? Do we need to liberate Nebraska?

Particular election significance I mean.

I'm okay, they aren't.

Yes. Liberate them boredom. Give the sons of Nebraska something to fight for, a chance to make history.

>Communist LP of Michigan
Is that a union joke?

buckeyes are so great

Iowa used to be pretty important for corn and livestock back before we could literally eat ourselves to death.

It's a shitty state that just tries to be us
t. Minnesotan

Iowa is 10 years older than Minnesota :/

we're the cultural center of this part of the midwest

So you're the reason going to Iowa feels like I'm like, 5 years behind the times?

>Mall of America
Nice place. Went to an oxygen bar there once.

Know any local secrets about it?

Iowa is a cheap imitation of the real deal

I don't think Iowa is trying to compete, man.

because they know they cant

Whatever you say Nerevarine.

How important is California? Seems everyone on /pol/ thinks America would be better off without her. Makes me sad.

is there something more embarrassing than US state flags?


I think there's a battleship named after it


>le fuck Nebraska XD


Recently former Iowafag here

Not important at all

The state is really pretty in the summer when it isn't super fucking cold, though.

Why is Michigan Communist?
Why is Pennsylvania dreaming of the Confederacy?
Why is Iowa shooting itself?
Why does Arkansas work at Walmart?
Why is Indianapolis sleeping?
Why is South Dakota hiding in trees?

>Why is Michigan Communist?
>Why is Pennsylvania dreaming of the Confederacy?
Some Rural parts of northern states harbor southaboos.
>Why is Iowa shooting itself?
Growing suicide problem. 26th nationally I recall.
>Why does Arkansas work at Walmart?
Original location opened in Wal-Mart.
>Why is Indianapolis sleeping?
Don't know.
>Why is South Dakota hiding in trees?
No idea.

Best state.
Ignore buttmad yokels.

>Best state.
if you're rich.

>being unironically poor anywhere in the world

What is this meme called and where can I find more of it?

New York is the worst place masquerading as a progressive and bougie state. Everything is expensive and there's an incredibly obvious divide between classes.

Everyone in Florida is retarded

Yeah, but we have poor and wealthy taking the same trains and sometimes they bond over busker performances. It's basically a post scarcity society.

>Fucking welfare queens. Without agricultural subsidies you would turn into countryside Detroit.

Without the food Iowa produces, the country would turn into Detroit.

>can't make an honest living making food
>have to have the government give you gibemedats while you destroy the republic from within with your asinine bullshit

Fucking corn niggers.


>ywn salute this flag

The Iowa Class didn't have a flight deck.

It's coming soon.

i'll believe it when i see it

#1: Food supply

Not everyone can be the "star" in a movie, but even the unglamorous behind-the-scenes jobs are needed to make it.

What's nebraska's excuse?

They've been fucking up American presidential elections for decades now by picking the most retarded candidates of each party and thus skewing the rest of the primary season. So yes, they have a big influence, unfortunately, despite contributing nothing of significance but corn (which can effectively be grown anywhere in the country).

Iowa's role in the primary season is powerful proof of the need for one national primary day instead of the staggered bullshit we have now that give disproportionate power to non-representative corn farmers.


Nebraska has tornadoes, corn, and Warren Buffett.

Oklahoma does tornadoes better, Iowa does corn better, and Washington does billionaires better.

California is a man who was half carried half sprinted to a great deal ahead everyone else and now sits on the ground shooting himself in the foot while others catch up.
I love my state but we've just mismanaged a lot of things for a long time and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Fuck cascadians though they're all pothead welfare queens with delusions of grandeur.

Hi I'm re.ddit and welcome to state balls.png

NC is a good state
Expect for litterally everything outside RDU area, some of the beaches, parts of the mountains, and anything that resembles a public school