Filling up at the gas station

>filling up at the gas station
>on my mobile while im filling up
>indian wagey got on the intercom and told me to get off my phone because its a fire hazard
>stay on my phone anyway because fuck waiting for 2 minutes doing nothing

was he just trying to be use his faux authority or is that a legit hazard?

Other urls found in this thread:

If anyone legitimately thinks phones are a fire hazard they're retarded. It's like cell phones on an airplane, it doesn't matter anymore.

Couldn't like this post quick enough.

You were holding a Samsung, boyo

You mean upvote you reddit fagit?

except its still a thing.

you know when your phone is near a speaker and it receives a message, you get all that interference? the pilots get that on their radio/comms.

so, its not life threatening, unless the buzzing caused by your phone makes them mis-hear the correct runway/flight height etc etc

so yeah, it means fuck all, but it does do something.


>means fuck all

>plane on final approach
>cleared to land
>some retard gets his plane accross the landing strip anyway
>air controller shits his pants and frantically radioes the approaching aircraft
>pilots only hear interference because tracy's is texting mandy about the day chad fucked her in the locker room
>pilots can't see the obstacle until it's too late

>means fuck all

>what is insulation

Pretty sure you have a better chance causing a spark sliding across a cloth seat than using your phone while filling up.

>stay on my phone anyway because fuck waiting for 2 minutes doing nothing
you have ADHD or something?

are you stupid

>you know when your phone is near a speaker and it receives a message, you get all that interference? the pilots get that on their radio/comms.

It amazes me how people can speak with such confidence and such authority while being totally uninformed/retarded

Are you all fucking stupid? It's not because of spark. It's so you pay attention and dont end up spilling gasoline everywhere.

He shared: “You may have heard that unpleasant noise from an audio system, which occasionally happens when a mobile phone is nearby.

“I actually hear such noise on the radio while flying. It is not safety critical, but is annoying for sure.

“It makes a bzzzt-bzzzt-bzzzt-bzzt-bzzt.

“Now imagine that noise in the pilot’s headphones, while [he or she] is receiving a critical bit of information from ground control!”

so many links, learn to google fuckwit.

no? no response?

b t f o

kys fucktard

>Because bane is texting Dr Pavel about his plan

why is she holding my tax report?


on oil plants phones need to be explosion proofed

Airplane electronic components are built like brick shithouses to block out that interference. Pilots make cell phone calls from the cockpit all the time.

>was he just trying to be use his faux authority or is that a legit hazard?
He might not know anything or it may not be a hazard but that's what his employers told him and he must do it. Blame on the employers faggot.

>can't go 2 minutes without Facebook
There is only one cuck in that scenario

Are you retarded? You don't know what you're talking about and it's never been a thing.

The common hazards at a gas station are ignition sources like static electricity, or flames like from cigarettes that can light gasoline vapors that are present when fueling.

Cell phones use RF transmitters, which of course doesn't emit sparks to work.


>REEEEEEEE i have to post my statusupdate so everyone can see i can go to the gas station by my own. i am big guy!

Why is she wearing my GrandMa's sunglasses?

Cellphone users defended use during driving with much the same bravado as people in this thread. Finally, enough studies had been done as well as accidents occurring on the road that most of those people shut up.

People do what they want and have the attitude that you can't stop them.

Refusing to obey the posted signage is typical. Smoking in restrooms is typical. Shooting up drugs in public areas and selling drugs is typical. It hurts no one so it is completely legit.

>flames from cigarettes
>while calling others retarded

How do you think the cigarette got lit?


You have to be told to leave before you can trespass in that situation.
At least learn the law before you talk out your ass.

this. If you can't stand still for 2 minutes without getting all fidgety, something is wrong.

I like how you went from "cell phone at gas pump" to "selling drugs" skipped over "abortion" and "the holocaust"...

>Pilots make cell phone calls from the cockpit all the time.

Citation needed.

>Cell phones use RF transmitters, which of course doesn't emit sparks to work.

But cell phones have batteries. And if you drop one and the battery is damaged, spark!

No shit sherlock. Read what I said again.

No fucking duh. I've done it multiple times to dumbshits who think they can block pumps off in some asinine form of protest. We have rules laid out. Follow them or we'll tell you to leave. If you don't, you'll leave in the back of a police crusier.

>cell phones could potentially cause a spark
Fuck off, you're far more likely to generate a spark through shorting yourself to your car's body. What's next we gotta go back to fully mechanical pump systems?