/elyg/ - Elysium General

New OP edition

>What is this?
This is the Elysium general. A private server for vanilla World of Warcraft.

Horde guild: None
Alliance guild:
Alliance guild: None
Horde guild:
/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Nos Pre-Bis



Other urls found in this thread:


1st for femdead a cute

2 hours until crestfall timer is up


>unironically play this outdated garbage
you fags wouldn't even get past Skorpion in mythic NH

Go Downvote.

>dont stand in the fire! mythic raiding.tm


>lag is back

>elysium dead
>kronos doesnt even have enough players for one raid group
>crestfall never ever

wat do?

Come play skypia.online/

What advantages does Alliance even have?
>Well situated cities, Org and TB are in the middle of Kalimdor for easy travel and UC for Plaguelands
>Town in the middle of stv with two zeppelins
>Better racials for two expansions
>Way better starting zones
>first dungeon is 13+
>easy travel to rfk/rfd/sm/sfk

significantly more retards

everything you listed except racials, early leveling zones and stv flight path is wrong lol

>making a second class but on zeth instead of elysium
>use the exact same name/looks
>level 20 already
This feels really stupid all of a sudden but it's too late to remake it. Why can't we have ingame customization and or name changes? I don't want to recollection for something so vain.


I'm level 58 but I'm honestly thinking of quitting,
Like this is unplayable

I blame the chinks


Not totally sure what I'm looking at but the answer is always mangos.

How to model swap? I remember reading that the old Model Viewer trick doesn't actually work, and it had to be done in a special way ever since Elysium or otherwise you get b&.

What do you mean stv flight path? Oh and about the zones. Nelf is literally the worst starting zone with a ton of useless fetch quests between Darnassus and Dolanar. Dorf starting zone is better but then again there are a lot of useless walking and only human starting zone is pretty good. While Horde starting zones are neatly smushed into one place and have way better accessibility to main cities with the exception of humans again.

> Well situated cities
> both are miles away from raids UC is 10mins flight
> Zeppelins
Ships are better.
> Ratchet
Not even horde.
> Town in the middle of stv with two zeppelins
Absolutely defenceless and getting ganked on a daily basis.
> Better racials for two expansions
>what is fear ward, what is stoneform, what is best melee racial ever, what is escape artist
Wow, undeads get a fucking wotf and orcs have stunresist that hardly ever works.
> Way better starting zones
> wc>dm
WC is garbage.
> first dungeon is 13+
> easy travel to rfk/rfd/sm/sfk
> miles better acces to scholo/uldaman/gnommer got 20+ dungeon in their main city

Fix the google docs links before you copypaste the next OP moron

>Way better starting zones
Barrens is ass and is the retard containment zone of wow
>Well situated cites
TB and Org are right next to eachother in the shit sandwich made of the barrens
>muh racials
Gnomes make the best mages and warlocks, dwarfs make the best priests, night elves best druid, and paladins are better than stickshitters


part of the ship part of the crew

>Ships are better
How easy it is to get to ratchet for Alliance? While horde has whole quest hub there and two cities nearby.
>Absolutely defenseless and getting ganked on a daily basis.
Dunno about Elysium cause I am still too low of a level there but everywhere else I have played all the upper stv was Horde territory and Ness camp and Ally quest hub was nonstop getting shit on by Hordes.
not even gonna address that cause you're delusional.
>Way better starting zones

>1% dodge > 5% hp and aoe stun
This is what Allyfags actually believe

>Horde has great PvP racials!
>proceed to lose every single BG at 60

Sasuga Horde players.

pls respon

is there anyway to change the email on my account?


You'll be banned.

well fuck its over for me then


>those bars
do you have morgellons syndrome?

>guy doing a 20 drop quest 4 levels underleveled
>please don't notice me
>"hey u"


>windfury is op
>shamans are amazing in pvp
this is what hordecucks actually believe. racials don't matter if you're down an entire class.

>childlabour and cockinhaler at it again


>hasn't had his boipussy torn open by an ele shaman yet

I don't blame you I guess, considering everyone thinks enhance is the PVP spec.

just wow

>Rat says: Enjoy the server

the funniest thing in that pic


You might just be true.

>ele shaman
>pretty much a shittier version of a fire mage
>rolling ele shaman over a mage
ok buddy you've really got us

B-But Childlabour was a cool name.

dw team i got him

You'd think Shaman would be more resilient with healing and mail armor than Mage but it's not . They really are worse than Mages in every way in PvP.

>They really are worse than Mages in every way in PvP.
the same can be said for any melee class

is it to late to join nihilium?


ganked him in Un'goro and he took the FP like a pussy

Is there a 1.3.0 pre BiS list?

>warrior with a healslut not amazing in PvP
>rogues not good in PvP
let me guess. you're a fucking diaper babby who rolled undead rogue and can't even play that correctly?

fuck the haters keep chucking dem critbolts brah

>See some gnome farming my elementals I came to grind
>Send my pet on him and start attacking
>He frost novas my turtle and the elementals
>He polymorphs me and pops health pot
>Finishes his blizzard spam, loots the mobs , freezes my pet, reapplies poly and blinks away

Fuck this shitty game

Anyone from Anathema here?

What are the [coin of ancestry] for?

>All important dungeons are in or right next to Horde controlled territory besides blackrock mountain

add that to the list


>were you finally caught for botting?
>no its the names.
Talk about high security delta force dev team lads lmao.

fucking unplayable garbage

next server when

>fighting mobs
>windfury procs back to back, constant crits and flurry is always up
>fighting player
>beat them with unbuffed auto attacks until I die

This is such a meme class

>people actually say shit like "were you caught for botting" in in-game chat that is probably logged
>mods still don't catch them

Crestfall countdown in 28 mins.
Don't bother playing here

very very soon

Just got hacked. Not even mad. It was meme server to begin with. inb4 it happens to you user. Some rice nigg will make a buck out of your time.

Good blog

It's a fucking announcement for an announcement. How do you keep falling for this freshfag hype bait year after year?

W-what could it mean?

>not having 2fa up

>my time
Wouldnt even care. Plus they probably wouldnt get all 8 accs. Very different names a pws.

i cant change my email im already btfo

What is an IP address

it's mostly a joke, but I'm unironically somewhat hyped for what it could be
not like the server is stable enough to play anyway

ddos still going?

Whats a vpn

of course

in b4

>got home
>time to play some wow
>got disconnected 2 times within 5 minutes

i'm done with this shit

back to retail

releasing the next list of beta testers, calling it now
literally nothing to be excited about.

website down?

>the mods response to chinks monopolizing devilsaurs is "just team up with the opposing faction bro"
>they actually give a shit to ip ban a bot
good one

>Lockpicking is from now on supported by the trade window.


what was the name of your account?

>turned 60 2 days ago
>just want to do some dungeons to gear up


EVERYTHING is down there's a fucking ddos that's lasted for like a week
fuck this shitty server


so does the lockpicking thing work now?

is basically no rogue doing free lockpicking anymore?

Funny how every rogue will go from "opening boxes for free" to "opening boxes for 1g"

Really makes you think

15 minutes

its fucking nothing

>with a healslut
Yeah so 2v1. Nice argument.

>UD Rogue scams some shitty green weapon I would have vendored
>I friend him and get my Alliancefag friends to corpse camp him in Arathi

Ret pally is a warrior with heals so yeah.
Nice try

I know.

>log in
>GMs changed my pet name for no reason
This happen to anyone else?

changed password once and I refuse to change it again,this is the first time in 13 fucking years I got hacked and I blame these lazy shit devs...the chinks are just doing what we all knew they were going to do.