Be nice to Ovid edition.
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Be nice to Ovid edition.
>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Staff
Other urls found in this thread:
hi ovid
reminder to be nice to ovid in yell
reminder to give ovid nice presents
reminder to compliment ovid when she lines up the q ps
Is Ovid the new, cuter Randy Marsh?
Why is everyone so sure that Ovid is a woman or are we all homosexuals now?
9th for @red@ANIME
someone gib runes
Ovid is a massive shitter. Awful player, and unlikable personality as seen in this samefagging thread.
Ovid done literally nothing wrong and farmed his own visage and whip
what have YOU done, user?
Dear Randyrando:
If you want to get Heroes Quest done, log in within like 15 minutes, I'm ready to finish up on Brimhaven.
Otherwise, log in in like 7 or 8 hours when I'm back from work.
- t. cheaprsgold
Playing /v/scape makes me rethink my life.
Also tfw you've helped 2 people with heroes and 1 with shield of arrav in the past week. The amount of newfriends is growing :)
hi wiggins
where is your ign, why aren't you brave?
more like you're some retarded sheep that lets websites for high school social studies classes put you on some political spectrum that itself is subjective
hi ovid
anyone who got anything other than this is wrong
>3 libs now
Makes sense considering we're all a bunch of jews.
The thread doesn't stay up unless there's some random drama or people are pk'ing. This is why a thread is bad publicity
The game itself is more active than it has been in a long time. The thread is shitposts, sure, but it's here to extend an open invitation to anyone who wants to join us where it's actually active.
>The game itself is more active than it has been in a long time.
>15-30 players every time I log in
literally a screenshot taken right now, and it's not even peak hours
5 more players than my top range, very impressive! Have a (You)
>oh no, i've been caught spouting utter bullshit, i'd better say "here you're (you)" xD
>Now that I've dismantled his argument with my minute increase in his estimation, I clearly have the upper hand!
Just stop Latent, your game is shit, your thread is shit, and you are shit
latent btfo
Why is there no "neither agree or disagree" option? Also things such as "rich being taxed too much" really depends on your country. So I just filled in according to what I figured from US numbers.
Ign: fireutsie
I don't really care that much about politics though, but appearantly I'm a mild case of left libertarian?
Sorry forgot my IGN, it's Latent
will be helicopter'd and nobody would mind.
Delete that post right now.
you guys don't even know me
i don't even know you
yet, i'm bumping your post
i love you thanks
Introducing the new wilderness superpower: YeahTheCucks. We are untouchable.
ovid and sly posted a selfie in last thread. look for it friend
>waiting there for over an hour after seeing me just to kill someone else
wew cucks are right
>he wasted two tuna pots to screencap a ring of dueling with 6 charges on the ground
hey hex
Who is in YeahTheCucks?
The best pkers on this server.
You fool, if you keep farming the shitters they won't ever go back into wildy. You need to pace yourself dammit, do you want another dust bowl???
How long until they're cucked by latent?
Odds on how many of them die when he decides they're worth his time?
They would all die, they overrate themselves to the extreme.
latent doesnt care about random shitters who kill other players who weren't looking for a fight
Post it, was it that deleted post?
That's what latent did for a year
Hey guys, just so you know, the official 99 power rankings list has been collated for your viewing pleasure. Here we are.
Good 99s
Decent 99s
Standard 99s
>max quest points
Shit 99s
"I have a backlog of movies"
Congrats you can breathe
The bad kind of autistic
it wasn't deleted it didn't exist
he only did that to starlight
smithing is the bad kind of autistic tbqh
can someone give me a quick rundown on bobster?
Sorry don't know much about him, just that he is always training.
Why are fishing and woodcutting not the same rank?
>Why are fishing and woodcutting not the same rank?
Because fishing spots move at least.
woodcutting is like 10x faster and you actually need the mats for other skills that aren't memes, unlike fishing which just gives you cooking mats
Wut was the deleted post then
i mean the thread had a lot of deleted posts, mostly shitposts, a boop? picture, some anime garbage, and deez nuts
hey this is pretty dead
Not sure how I got so far left and I expected to be more authoritarian.
>fag expected to be more authoritarian
a bottom too for that matter
I don't know what I expected
>tfw conservative/libertarian except I think taxation and regulations on business are good ideas because they are good ideas so they put me in the communism quadrant
delete this
Not going to fool me, crypto-communist
>he thinks taxation is theft
reminder to join the new normie cc
cancer containment cc, nice
>assorted literal whos
Honestly, we should thank this man for collecting all the rejects and keeping them away from the rest of us.
what does this mean
It means you're the master race, brother.
Buying oaks
The only people worth a damn in this thread.
sorry meant to have
not the other ones haha
Hubcap you NEED to delete this post
hey guys, come hang out in my new cc
Btw paying latent a dfs if he destroys the cuckboys.
t. Darango
bumb you fuks
one of the mods missed the call.
Vscape is doomed
hunting when?
anime is a scourge, i'm glad our mods have the balls to ban the faggots who discuss it on sight.
seeds are papaya and magic, ign: oven dodger
Get in the game for the most retarded history lesson ever.