So I'm working two jobs and going back to college this summer semester. Im working as a dishwasher and a waiter saving up some cash to start college again with FAFSA. I'm 22 right now and going for a CS major. Anyways, what are some good jobs for college students that pay decent and has a flexible schedule with college classes? Thanks guys.
What are good jobs for college students?
Ideally you find an internship. Mine pays $16/hr, I get experience, and they are 100% flexible with my hours. Otherwise being a good waiter at a good restaurant should do it.
idk op I'm gonna work p/t for 18/hr in manufacturing
security guard is pretty flexible
Internship or part-time job in the company with huge tech aspects.
My internship pays me roughly $20 an hour. I once interviewed with Turner Broadcasting for a part-timer and they told me it was very flexible. They ended up hiring someone else but whatever.
Become a mercenary
Yeah. I'm planning trying to find a high end restaurant so I can work there full time and make good cash in tips. Then I'll drop both jobs and work there full time.
Yeah. Not enough experience to get an internship right now. Plus you have to be in school to get an internship, which I'm not in school right now
Well, a lot of internships want juniors or seniors since they can hire you instantly after training you for a year or two.
What I did is work the Tech desk at my university library first. Colleges have staff and some of those are student jobs. So when you transfer take a look at what jobs they have for CS related shit.
i did armed and unarmed security. Watch a bank of monitors walk around a fence line, ect. For a while I had desk duty and could do homework while keeping the terrorists from coming through the front door.
It pays shitty but its not very hard and hours are at night.
The pimp game.
>Not enough experience to get an internship
something part-time in your desired field I guess
Start bartending. You're already in the industry so shouldn't be too hard for you. Also why the fuck are you washing dishes? Maybe making $10/hr at most. You would be better off sticking to waiting and bartending where you can clear $20/30 easily.
Also, pull double shifts. I used to work doubles on the weekends, good way to cram 4 shifts into 2 days.
Thinking about bartending but I don't have any knowledge in liquor. Is it hard to be a bartender? I might leave my dishwashing job but I wanted to move up to cook becuase I like to cook and I wanna gain some cool experience
You don't want to be a cook, its twice the work for less pay. Even top tier chefs have to bust their ass.
Bartender isn't hard. Learn the drinks and be sociable.
>be sociable
How easy is it to get a bartending job, assuming you've never had one before? What types of questions do they ask?
Internships require at least 2 yrs of entry-level experience.
Some classes in college offer internships as part of the credit hours. and I've even asked for an internship on the spot at a radio station before, and they said sure. It lasted a week and they said I should try again in a few months when money might be better but I didn't bother
I've been interning with a fat, butch-cunt that I wish no part in working with in any near or far future. Total let-down knowing that it's the major, and likely the only serious, job opportunity in town that relates to my associates, And everyone else that works there is totally cool and chill, and totally cool and chill with me. But not this one cunt, and that's all it fucking takes.
Honestly, the suggestions in this thread are EERILY similar to my very own prospects. But if you go to university, that all changes in an instant.
Night club bartender checking in- also college student
If you want to work at higher tier bars/clubs/discos, usually, they want experience. I started out at a degenerate club where they didn´t really care about your skills, then moved up the internal ranks and then quit to work for a cocktail club where I still work.
Its an actually something you can turn into a passion; doing flair, ways of poruing, creativity etc. As a result, people will notice your skills. I´ve been offered everything from pussy, jobs in foreign countries and built a name for myself. There is a lot of networking in it too, I also do private jobs trough various external companies who only hire skilled bartenders from the inside.
Also met my gf by being bartender and made a ton of friends. Best decision ive made in a long time desu, can higly recommend if you´re sociable.
Also, if you+re +7/10 and fit you will make so much pussy
That's sounds like a cool job. I would say I'm decently attractive. I lift weights, take care of my looks, and I'm 6 foot 3 but I'm not that sociable though and I think I that might have a negative impact. How much do you make a night bartending?
not trying to be rude but mcdonalds offers flexible schedules and telemarketing
Those jobs require a liberal arts degree
Larger privat parties pay around 3-400 bucks depending on how many hours and what services they expect you to perform.
Usually might do 3 of those a month and some less well paid sampling and event jobs.
House bartending jobs in my country pay $18 and those are good for building a reputation and networking, while making a stable income. I recommend switching it up because private events can be somewhat draining.
How the fuck do you guys find internships that pay $16+?
I've been working at a bank for almost 2 years and barely make $15. 22 btw and hopefully getting a promotion so I should be over $16 but still
How exactly do you get pussy from bartending? Like, specifically, can you please lay out how the interaction goes in order for you to get laid?
Being a cook sucks dick, and pays even worse.
You're literally pouring alcohol into the mouths of people who are there for the sole reason of getting drunk and having fun. Chat for a few hours, flirt, give them some drinks on the house. Not too complicated.
I worked a lot of parties throughout college, and definitely prefer that to working a la carte service. Usually, it's an open bar and only one person is picking up the tab. So you don't have to worry about anything but pouring drinks and chatting up the guests. Also as previously mentioned, can run into a couple hundred bucks a night. I used to work only sat/sun doubles in college, and make enough to pay all my expenses.
The bartender is the "cool" guy in the "coolest" social place there is.
And he controls the alcohol and thereby the power. Plus your just gonna talk to a ton of chicks, which is just a law of numbers.
Freelance/contract work