On now on BBC Two.

This is terrible

So is it worse, better, or just as bad as Top Gear USA?

It's just boring and sort of shit.

who the fuck is that black dude

where is chandler

i liked top gear usa more

>yurop names their only tv station after big black cock

will they be testing the corvette soon?



lel, they couldn't defend this one.

For one I'm glad BBC finally stopped being racist and introduced a diverse cast!

your post seems to have triggered someone into a samefag rampage.
good job 10/10

I like this one better than last season, hosts need some better chemistry and it should work IMO

Literally can't remember anything that happened in that episode and it only had two films.

Top Gear USA wasn't bad, people just didn't like it because it wasn't Top Gear UK.

New Top Gear is legitimately bad.

lel, prezo ragequit

>"matt Leblanc I'm going to drive a car."
>"what, already."
>[laughter track]
>*loses 500,000 viewers*

Is it still bad?

>LeBlanc is trying to be Jeremy too hard, can't deliver as if it's not scripted.
>Harris is trying too hard to be Richard, but is still watchable, definitely the best member of the crew.
>Rory Reid, quiet, easy to ignore, easy to forget.

It's definitely better than when Evans helmed it, but it's still a long way off TGT and old TG.

Better than when Evans was in charge, but I don't think I'll be downloading the second episode.


Second Gear is best gear.

That's your autistic mind relating the show to those three. The show is ok, unless for the nostalgic fags drowning Top Gears videos on YT

I don't like when they're nice to each other.
I miss the bantz.

We only need to get LeBlanc sacked and this show might go places.

Kek didnt know that one yet


I quite liked the new presenter dynamics
I didn't see any attempt to be Jeremy and that is a good thing. LeBlanc was being himself as were Harris and Rory so it felt genuinely like 3 guys fucking around with cars and that is what Top Gear really is.

So it's still shit then. Well done BBC.

I thought it was pretty good. Better than the first couple Grand Tour episodes.

LeBlanc, Harris and Reid are all generally likeable chaps with a real enthusiasm for cars. They don't have the chemistry of a long standing trio of presenters yet but I can see that happening. The first bits were a tad awkward but later on in the Kazakhstan trip they looked like they were genuinely having fun just hanging out driving their shitty cars.

I have reasonably high hopes for this iteration.

not true, our supreme state television is named after glorious commie rifle from 40's

>LeBlanc was being himself

Just watched it all

The production value is fine, but there is absolutely no chemistry between these 3.

>the only reason for watching top gear was the banter

what's the point without any of it

Top Gear USA is slowly growing on me tbqh. Though it's no where close to the UK version.

Where in the hell did the Russians found a black dude.
What is this?
>Whello, Privjet welcome to pozlednij peredatja
>Today your nicely hosts, Mischa, Vadim and Alexandr Mutombowitsch will show you how to trick out Lada so you race G Waggon at Rubljowka
muffled Balalaika theme in the distance starts playing

>when you like gm and ford but prezo still ruins your thread

The later seasons of TG USA genuinely good, once some chemistry had developed between the presenters. Time will tell if that happens on the new TG UK. Even the old UK Top Gear took a few seasons to really get going.

Also, how did the black cab rack up those miles? Wouldn't the odometer be hooked up to the front wheels?
>tfw i never realized london taxis were RWD