What is Veeky Forums's opinion on carding?

What is Veeky Forums's opinion on carding?

Is it worth it at all or is risk too high to be worth it in the 1st world?

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sounds like a question that r9k might be better suited to answer

Is there any question r9k isn't suited to answer?

I dont know what fancy new tech carders use nowadays but it was getting harder and harder to do. The money really is in skimming info and selling those dumps.

But is it worth it for us Veeky Forums guys?

If you can buy electonics from small ecommerce stores and resell them, it is worth it. Or if you can buy giftcards somewhere like raise.com, or at a mom/pop gas station yes.

But that takes great planning.

How about the risk though?

How bad are the punishments really?

pls reply

tfw not sure if it's worthwhile

>Go to junior colleges
>Offer to pay $100 for debit cards and pins that have a few dollars on them
>Tell them to report their card missing in a week
>Deposit fake checks from small banks
>Take funds out before they clear

>>Offer to pay $100 for debit cards and pins that have a few dollars on them

I really really doubt anyone would do that.

And what happens when they come looking?


every thug at my high school use to do this with no 100$ involved.
It worked out for many of them but it's a one-time thing per person.
Which is why none of them do it anymore.
The next trend was they were buying fake CC and gift cards on that liberty website that got raided by the FBI.
It's really meme after meme

Yeah, how to lose one's virginity

Are you talking about this?

niggers are so fucking retarded.

What's even funnier are the comments to this video:
Saying how smart and "woke" he is LMAO.

Can we just kill them all?

They are literally subhuman in every way.

At least White criminals are smart.

I hypothetically wonder what would happen if some wizard just killed/sterilized all but the most intellectually capable 10% of the human population (regardless of race or anything but their intelligence).
I wonder how many of them would be left.

Also, the world would go to shit for a while, but in the long term?
How would that be?
I think it will eventually be WAY better than it would be at that point in time if the wizard didn't do his "cleaning" operation.

Niggers would be wiped out.

Seriously, blacks are only a detriment to the united states. If they disappeared next morning the country would only greatly benefit.

I mean we can go on and on about how different races contributed more to society, different nationalities did more/less, etc but Blacks objectively are the most worthless race.

hell they're not even neutral, they just harm society.

And sadly Europe is getting to that point too.
1 or 2 kilometers from my home there's an area which was nice and quiet, with kids freely playing in the local park, people normally walking down the streets, etc.
Until the FOB immigrants started coming to the block of government-owned buildings, and it went from being a relatively nice area, to "Little Mogadishu" in no time.
Now the police can barely enter, there is constant dealing, illegal prostitution, and once in a while a stupid local girl decides to go there and obviously she gets gangraped.

Not only is Veeky Forums not /pol/, but you're one of the retards that need to be culled.

>Blacks are objectively the most worthless race
Abbos say hi. Did you know abbos are more related to asians than africans? Abbos aren't black.
Your ignorance sets back white nationalist movements, stop being so stupid.

Soon brother...
It will be over soon.

>Your ignorance sets back white nationalist movements, stop being so stupid.

White Nationalists are just as much trash as niggers.

>Abbos say hi. Did you know abbos are more related to asians than africans?

Abbos are more of an Australian phenomenon, that's why I neglected touching on them.

I really hope so.
A couple years ago there was a huge protest near my house where the whole neighborhood protested to get Gypsies out of our area, since they completely fucked it up, and an even larger crowd of liberals came from all over the city (where they don't have to live with gypsies) to preach tolerance and stop the bigoted hate of these ignorant racists against the poor innocent gypsies.

Until there is something truly world-changing, these people will never wake up, and things will never change.

The only cards I need, plexdeck.com

Personally I'm curious how many more people need to die before lemmings realize that maybe Islam isn't a religion of peace.

All of them kek.
Even when they'll have killed almost the entire human population, there'll still be someone saying that it's only a small part of crazy people using Islm as an excuse for their bloodlust, and that the rest of muslims are innocent.

the real money is in selling the cc's info.

would you rather copy paste some numbers to a person for cash OR go outside and try to get money out of an atm with cameras around?

you literally need to be a nigger from africa to not care about getting busted op.'

good luckkkk. start selling the cc info instead 10/10

I don't know where to get it in the first place

Besides is selling it even worth it? Shit sells for like $5 each, whereas you can make hundreds off a single one

Get a sales job where you take orders over the phone.

>Visa Inc opens investigation to a number of reported stolen CC's
>Find a link between ALL of them that they had been used to purchase product at ABC Inc
>ABC Inc investigated
>user fired



every point of sales machine is going to use chip and pin in like 2 years

exactly this

>every point of sales machine is going to use chip and pin in like 2 years


You can order shit online or exploit chip and pin.

You see to think EMV significantly reduced fraud in any of the countries it's used in. Besides, two years is a long time.

ever think geographic location has any impact on genetics? fucking retard

Lol. Truedat

Aaaaay. Depends on the kind of gypsies. Irish gypsies are fuckig hard

Oh and. Black Africans are most evolved humans. I'm Caucasian btw. Which means I'm a mix of European Tribes. Europe is a shit storm of genes. The cold slowed our breeding. No? Africans are fucking strong, and mostly taller than most races. And equal in terms of intelligence for sure. Sorry had to post. Wouldn't want you guys to look like idiots.

>Equal in terms of intelligence

Look up iqs lol. Everything you said is wrong.

>Africans are fucking strong

Why is every single person who won "worlds strongest man" white then? Literally top 3 for every year are white. Only twice was a black in the top 3, like 30 years ago.

You think by saying everything I've said is wrong makes it true? Your opinion isn't fact jackass. Well the fastest people are black. Is that a fact? There is no trace of Neanderthal in Africa. They're all white. And as for IQ. Autists like you often have a surprising IQ. But they're still weirdo white supremacists

Pointing out what you said being wrong doesn't make someone a "white supremacist".

Why do you immediately jump to personal attacks?

>Well the fastest people are black
>Is that a fact?
Yes it is. Not really sure what you're trying to say here, I simply mentioned that out of the "Strongman" competitors, there's two that have been black. And they've only done well once or twice.

yeah you're just chosing the easiest shit to moan about. I'm just sticking up for black guys and providing information. Information that is not wrong. If you believe in out of Africa theory. Though you don't seem to be a white supremacist, don't "wew" the idea of blacks and whites having the same intelligence, intelligence is what I said not IQ. IQ is not strictly intelligence. It's the ability to learn, and the reason European s have higher IQs I would put down to having to survive in the European climate and adapt too it, building shelters for protection from cold, ect. though today if educated the same a Zulu and and European are pretty much on point in terms of development in social skills and intelligence