League of Legends general - /lolg/

Best girl edition!

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1st for DRAVEN


Graves needs some buffs to make him a viable toplaner again.

2nd for karma

5th for garen

xth for Syndra

I really want Rek'sai to tear Lulu to pieces.

What are the most fun champs in each lane?
Top: Kled, Illaoi
Jungle: Ivern
Middle: ???
Support: Velkoz, Blitzcrank
ADC: Kalista

>tfw no league bf to bully you

>mundo, if you don't gank me in 1 minute im afk
>i afk
reminder that AFKing if the only way to get shitty players in line

I wanna be Lulu's cat!

Lethality is melee only

Ryze mid if you can get to lategame

Who is the cutest /lolg/boy?



Lulu is the cuddliest!

I'd actually like her if she looked like that and not another glowy eyed tryhard WoWbabby with pointy shoulderpads and an oversized helmet.

I don't think that would solve the problem at all.

consider the following
lethality is RANGED only


That just makes it even worse you moron.

consider the following
Lethality was a terrible fucking idea and it needs to be deleted

>tfw shitty supports dont know how to play in silver
>tfw i am easily a high-plat level ADC but ADC is in a shit position and my teams are garbage every single game

>Abyssal Sceptre and Zhonyas exist

>but you cant combine AD and armor or the entire game becomes 4 ADs building that item and GA
>this is somehow worse than current item stagnation even if true

>AD defensive options are Maw, Phage (kek),and Cleaver

>Mages have enough defense options to go full tank and still have ~400AP

A reminder that Anivia's gotten brazilian breeding hips now.

But she has pointy shoulderpads and her helmet in that pic too. And her glowing eyes are too cute.

>asssassin stat
>ranged only

reminder that you're reposting this for (you)'s

I don't know why I bothered buying Camille. I never get to play her. Even if she does somehow magically make it through bans and I can pick her someone just dodges.

tfw the retard adc on your team with an amazing score of 4-16 his last 20 games picks ezreal in fucking lethality meta

WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????? why do I have to lose 10 lp and wait 30 minutes because matchmaking decided to put afucking clown on my team who wants to play fucking ezreal

>wanting to go back to old armor pen

This skin and the recall animation makes me wanna learn Anivia. What do you do on her?

If you weren't new you wouldn't be getting buttblasted when your idea is shot down and just not made the idea in the first place friendo.

>lethality is slightly better early game
>suddenly its pure cancer

>even though its objectively weaker than Armor Pen was

I still miss the old Zedblade, RIP new Duskblade is bullshit retarded. Why does an assassin need True damage to delete squishies? Isnt that just going to give millions of True damage to jungle twitch between Red buff + Red smite + Duskblade resets with Q?

thanks for the (You). i seriously do AFK when my teammates are shitty. you should to if you actually want to climb faster. more games per hour if you end the shit ones ASAP.

>tfw no loli vampire who's tsundere for the softie trying to be edgy protag.
And they wonder why they're losing their playerbase.

How would it make it worse? Assassins can be dealt with in a number of ways, but a fed AD carry that abuses Lethality can only be dealt with by a fed Assassin.

Buy a champion that isnt broken next time

The cuter they are the harder they _______


that's not cute, that's gross.
Your taste is bad and you should feel bad.

>Land Q
>Press E
>Kill their health
>Learn the R+W+E combo because Riot thinks thats inherently better
>Be sad when you realize anivia's damage is still too low after previous nerfs
>Play anivia anyway because you like playing her


spam Q in lane
build mana

Wouldn't call one top lane autist "shot down" anyway. Toplaners opinions are irrelevant.

and the whole point was to glorify Scarizard who suggested he and Solcrushed could get a hammer called Scarred Solcrusher as tribute to them similar to the other designers like Ezreal, Morello, or fans like Malmortius and Lord Dominik

>more games per hour if you end the shit ones ASAP.
Thanks man, with your advice i'll hit bronze V in no time!

>Buffing Graves

Piss off

how do i improve my kda?

Anyone know a good LoL history website? I used to use Lolking but it sucks now, thanks

>tfw you liked old Graves

Fuck CertainlyT

>but a fed AD carry that abuses Lethality can only be dealt with by a fed Assassin.
That's wrong and you know it. Literally every single meta mid laner, jungler and top laner can solo an adc at any level unless they are like 10/0/5 at 16 minutes.

For some reason I love watching Boxbox lose

nothing wrong with ezreal shitter

I don't even play top still autistic tho but your item was just shit.

Not dying

>caring about kda
Its all about winning

Support player here asking for advice.

How can I win the game when our toplaner feeds 0/7 on 10 minutes?

How can I win the game, when our midlaner Lissandra is playing ranked for the first time on that champion?

How can I win the game when my ADC is teemo with teleport?

How can I win when our jungler is again, mentally retarded and cant smite a fucking dragon or help top and mid?

How the fuck do I avoid losing 10 games in a row while the rest of you shitters are completely useless?

>Tanky ryze top
Autistic or viable?
sorc boots -> RoA -> Archangels -> Abyssal -> Hourgless -> standard tanky item (visage/deadmans)

being gold 5 must suck

Which female champs would do kegel exercises?

be a pussy bitch like me. take clean fights where you have numbers/terrain advantage and avoid fights where you don't.

If you want to play old Graves just play Lucian.

I'll admit Riot was right to rework one of them when they occupied the same space design wise as much as I hate the egregiously oppressive hyper-draintank free stat abomination he is now

banner of command and zzrot.
only half-memeing here.

you copy paste the name of your team into op.gg, if you see any obvious inters or just bad players for your elo you dodge

if you see a shitpick like teemo adc you dodge

unless the enemy team also has a shitpick to balance it out

Roa first
I'd buy Ionians but whatever
apart from the last item it's astandard Ryze build actually

don't listen to this retard . if you main a champion and have a sub 3.0 KD you are a fucking noob.
prioritize not dying more than kills. deaths fuck your KDA hard.

Nice tank item

Nice 30 extra damage
Morello literally outclasses this shit, stop building it. You barely even have skillshots to charge it outside of laning

RoA -> Sceptre/ZHG is a good start, into Visage or other standard tank items works fine, especially if you can get that sweet CDR too

Might as well be asking how to win when you lose, you don't and just go next.

Focus on winnable games besides you get more auto wins than auto losses assuming you aren't actually feeding shitter yourself

ehh playstyle was a little different i see where you're coming from though

my biggest problem is that there's a couple of ad's like graves/quinn who aren't actual 'ad's' that you can really do well with bot lane, which already has what feels like so little diversity in your picks

feels bad shit role

can someone please explain this broken ass lp system?

>placed in b5
>consistently win (65-70% winrate) and climb my way into silver
>earning 20-25 lp for a win, -16 to -18 for a loss
>get to a promo series, lose
>lose 4 or 5 more games after promos, fall to about 10 lp
>have not been demoted once this season, still have a winrate around 55-57%
>now all the sudden i am getting 16 lp for a win and -23 for a loss

what the fuck is this? if i had been on a massive losing streak, i get it. but i still have a ridiculously high winrate and now it feels like im being artificially capped. how am i supposed to climb when the lp gains are this fucked?

>top ranked player has less than 3
How's silver treating you?

Sona is conclusive proof the cowtits enhance cuteness !

kda doesn't matter though lol i dont have higher than a 3:1 kda on any hero i play and i bet all of my accounts are higher elo than u.....

Roam top the jungler clearly has no intentions of saving the poor kid. Isnt that what you faggots always post about? Tfw no strong top laner for my gay butthole :(

Pretend to be a girl and give him liss tips saying diamonds told you it.

Win lane take tower and dragon is free and you can roam.

Pick brand.

Gonna bitch anymore silver surfer? The TLDR is git gud

>mfw half of the people in this thread didn't know the pain of release Illaoi support.
You are all blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

in the last few games you did very poorly
so it's trying to match you against worse players, as such, you get less per win & more per loss

it's so that if you got boosted or some shit, you fall down rapidly again

you lost a bunch of games so your MMR is now bit below where you currently are.

Obviously your winrate is still high because you have climbed a shit ton

>>get to a promo series, lose
>>lose 4 or 5 more games after promos, fall to about 10 lp
>now all the sudden i am getting 16 lp for a win and -23 for a loss
i don't see a problem here? if you win back all those losses you accumulated your mmr gains will be back to normal?



i can stroke myself to my own rank and my kda unlike you faggots who can only choose one apparently.

toppest dragon trainer

Yeah, the shield you get sure is garbage with archangels. an on command 500 HP shield is absolute shit to have on a tanky build.

>plat 1
>people still build Youmuu's on ADCs not named Varus or Graves
>people still rush Youmuu's on champs like Jhin
>people activate Youmuu's when autoing turrets or using Jhin ult
Holy shit. You'd think plat would be good.

I tried Tristana top once

it was bad don't do it.

is it worth running 1 crit chance red on my ad pages or is it a meme?

biiiitch please, that was baby shit

you're acting like that kda is even good a.

b. ur fucking retarded the argument was 'yeah if you have a shit kda you're trash when that's inherently a fucking incorrect statement, please go back to grade school with your shit level reading comprehension ty

Stop blogposting about "muh team" like a soppy cunt, pick Brand/Vel/Zyra and 2v1 bot. Some games you'll still lose because top/mid/jg feeds too hard, but if you're as good as you think you are (you aren't), you'll win the 1/3 of the games where the enemy feeds their asses off, as well as the 1/3 where either side could win, and you'll climb.

>adc main
Like pottery

>still rush youmuus on jhin
>stomp the living shit out of people like you
stay plat retard

>level 3 Illaoi "support" could flash towerdive the support and adc and almost always get a double.
u wot mate?

I run CDR runes so I only need 20% from items to hit the cap.

>people still build Youmuu's on ADCs not named Varus or Graves

>not building it on Quinn
>not building it on MF

It's not just them. It's you.

>You barely even have skillshots to charge it outside of laning
just Q when going to lane duuuh
also it's good when you're losing teamfight and need some extra sustain ()

more-elo-nomicon is great at mid but angels is more tanky item you noob

Who are THE most fucking annoying top laners to lane against?

Youmuu's on Jhin is not bad.

How do you deal with an enemy team being tanky as Jhin? I just don't seem to be able to be relevant when their frontline is really tanky and I can't get in any position to safely hit their backline.

Camille, because some fucktard forgot to ban her.

buddy you lost to my fucking d5 shitter friend who mains GP as jayce. sorr ur garbage lmao.

anything ranged, darius, poppy, illaoi

Not gonna deny it's in a shitty spot if you're not a Lethality abuser ATM.

I honestly think this is the year where crit gets removed from the game in exchange for something else

Just pick illaoi into any aggresive melee toplaner.