Prove me wrong
Prove me wrong
All nignogs, who cares?
This sort of attitude annoys the shit out of me.
You've got people who insist race is a big factor in almost everything, but then say this sort of childish shit as if an entire giant continent that's among the most racially diverse in the world and suddenly "lmao who cares it doesn't matter there's no difference."
Are the Fulani not all just durka durkas who prey on defenseless cattle herders and miners?
They are just Americans. "Race" is just a useful buzzword to vent about class issues.
What's this ranking based on?
Arbitrary as fuck.
>class issues
Nah it's a race issue. Rich blacks still have it out for whitey
>rich blacks still have it out for whitey
Well, then start discussing the fascinating atributes, events and institutions of those peoples that characterized and distinguished them from each other.
Educate me, pictures like the OP make no sense when none of the peoples listed is famous in any way. At least not anything that would make them worthy of even being in a rank. Except the habesha to some degree, but you got lucky I'm informed enough to know it means abyssinians, most people don't.
Holy shit this.
I'm saying its a black vs white thing. Not a class thing. When a snotty college black man tells you that a homeless white person has more privege than him, it's very clear these niggers just want whitey dead.
Where do the Ashanti go? Talking drums sound neat.
Ashanti are heavenly golden stool tier
Hmm I dunno if putting the habesha in Blacks does them justice, they are very mixed with semitics (heck, they seem semitics with mixed black blood in some parts). I would put Nilotics in the Mid Tier too. The Hausa are too heavily mixed, a lot more the Habesha, but they are cool for Africans. The Fulani are cute but tend for the Durka Durka. Very interesting people tough.
There's the problem.
Is there are more cursed existence? At least Roma live in Europe and Australian Aboriginals are pandered to.
That's unfair to all the colleges that aren't on the news for coddling the regressive left.
Makes me wonder how black colleges are reacting to this phenomena. Haven't been hearing about them at all.
I googled Habesha people and their women are gorgeous.
Fulanis are qt to.
They're all niggers though
T. Tyrone de Shawn
Black colleges are a cesspool of black Marxist nationalism.
He was exaggerating
So was I to be honest
All are literally shit tier
They literally look like shit too if I'm being obvious
You have to go back
>thread about Africa
>immediately derailed by generic race baiting
Well to be honest the OP is already racebaiting.
I'd rank the hamites at the top since they're basically a cross between niggers and arabs, which means they have the highest caucasian percentage on average (this can be seen clearly in every hamitic face, especially the cheekbones et al). Also, they are the most light-skinned of all the niggers on average and have the highest IQ of all niggers.
At the bottom i'd place the abbos. They're clearly a nigger sub group or nigger-related subspecies.
That's a shame.
What is it with this board and taking one guy as representative of a whole set or subset of people. It's like dealing with kids here.
>Under rated post
You're a fucking joke, dude.
You must not live in America. Nuggets in America are pretty much all on board with the same civil rights narrative
Your reasoning makes no sense.
Most westerner usually insist on distinguishing themselves from the rest of their peers, but when it comes to Africans or "niggers" none of the various cultural; demographical; social and geographical differences seem to matter.
One can witness this common hypocritical fallacy in every day life and even in movies. Take "Black Hawk Down" for example, the supposedly historically accurate movie that was produced right after 9/11, the cast (supposed Somalians) is made of entirely western Africans, the language they speak, when they do in fact speak, (because during most of the film they're just aimlessly moving about and firing at the American soldiers for no particular reason stated in the film) is a western african language, and as for the location, it was filmed in Morocco, but as we've guessed it all, "All nignogs, who cares?"
Well, suppose that I make a movie based on Germany in WW2 and cast Portuguese soldiers as the Germans, have them speak Polish to one another and shoot the film in Sicily, that would be the equivalent of this common idiotic way of thinking that assumes that Africa is homogenous in every way.