Fighting Games General /fgg/
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First for pokken
Filter dank he is pisss
redpill me on pokken
play brown
its shit
virgin killer dlc costume when?
that squirrel looks plump and inviting
SFV will never have a keepaway character.
The game was designed for scrubs, stop getting your hopes up for Season 2.
Ram Ram
Yipes is streaming right now, Pokken is done.
eisbahn boys!
Brick donating everything he has to Pokken when
How long does shipping from Japan usually take o europe?
i want to mod elphelt's hat on to Laura in Evil Within and have sebastian wear sol badguy's outfit and mod in heavy day for all the sequences laura is in
play kof
Why does she look so much better in the comics?
wow the leak was actually real
Haters are going to be left behind OFFICIALLY tomorrow!
>not keepaway
>not for scrubs
shit that /r/kappa says
japanese customs take their sweet fuckin time when they try to export things so take your expectation and add one week to it unless you paid for expedited shipping
No thank you.
is there any fighting archetype more dull than "rekka character"
would ram
>russian character freezing american character
what does this mean?
Putting in the final bid for Pokken
Depends on your shipping method. Can take months if you went for the cheapest option or can be at your door in 2 days if you paid a little extra..
if you think """"leaks"""" are anything else than the developers testing the waters and seeing reactions you are a retard
why does everything look better outside of SFV?
>tfw can't play waifu
I just want to be able to get hard while playing a fighting game.
Reminder: All white girls are Cammy.
then play skullgirls or vanguard princess
am i cammy
yeah, "SFV character"
Rekka isnt an archetype, it's a move.
yang is cool but most of the other ones are boring
In case you didn't realize yet, sfv looks like shit.
I paid fucking 70 EUR almost 2 weeks ago for "2-3 days" whatever that means
no you're not a girl
the likeness is uncammy
tfw you accidentally step on your tail and get it dirty
Street fighters have a weird obsession with laughable bad excuses.
Can you track the shipping? Does it say it was delivered? Come on user. If not just be patient.
sounds about right
Rekka "archetype" doesn't really mean anything. Yang, Poison, Leo and Litchi all fall under it, and they play nothing like each other.
The valentines have less of a sameface.
70 bucks? For that price you surely have a registered package you can track.
what a fucking genius I would have never thought of that
Donate Pokken
wtf im furry now
I want to see the last spiky samurai-esque character.
So I have pretty much to wait for the end of the season to see who's that guy.
wonder if max is still gonna donate 10k to KI now lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
japan is pledging loyalty to putin
I don't have my ps2 anymore.
I read something about them revealing all of them soon
Maybe thats what they meant with ''left behind''
it doesn't look like we're gonna pull ahead pokkenbros...
oh, ok.
29 minutes, i hope pokkenfags have finally spent all their fucking money
Can you good sir please provide salsa on this intriguing picture of yours?
delphox a shit
donate to marvel
if pokken wins add this as another failure to the fgc
fuck you all
Who let Buckley write porn dialogue?
Who cares? It's just a game.
no problem. you can try sfv.
>you can't donate with paypal
keeping my money is alright too i guess
inb4 skullgirls 60k snipe
stop it you dumb furry niggers
insert your joystick in this game
Give me the lore. How does this Pokemon talk in that erotic fiction?
have you ever seen toy story
are frame traps hotter than real traps
hope he is okay, everyone looks so concern.
Even in KoF, Iori, Kyo, Kensou and Mature play nothing alike.
You guys ready for this $10k snipe?
No keep doing it
Pokken's time is now
Gill confirmed
why is ogawa such a god?
kys marvelnig
>zato players
no because I am not a sodomite
i like pokken desu
Vote Pokken
Fuck off brick
yes you are
I just don't know what to do, the only point of reference I have is "knock down, set houses" and whatever I can learn from other Jack-O players and Minastir. I have to get my ass handed to me until I know what's safe and what isn't because I'm bad, and this is my second fighting game. Doesn't help that my execution is shit and I do the wrong inputs because of the positiong of my pad (doing 2D instead of 6D because pad was slanted downards), and I get nervous whenever I have a lead or start getting pressured.
I don't know if this counts