Why do retards fight for Socialist revolution, despite they always failed hard?
Why do retards fight for Socialist revolution, despite they always failed hard?
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Ever heard of Cuba? 1955 it's a playground for the American mob. 2014, it's the country in Latin America with the second highest HDI rating
Have you read anything on socalism and socialist history that doesn't just confirm your already held beliefs? List them please, otherwise why don't you take the time to engage with Marxists and Marxist theory before making a thread thats been done a million times before. You're not special or nuanced in your analysis.
>a government controlled country is excelling in a government reported statistic
Socialist logic right there. North Korea even reported that they have a 100% literacy rate
'cause they think that every other "socialist" regime was not really socialist and they alone know how to really execute marx' ideas
Another liberal tool of the radical communist left
He doesn't have to; marxism has already been BTFO by reality
>Country in Latin America with the second highest HDI rating
That's not saying much, user.
Anybody who reads Marx usually becomes for capitalist anyway. The man was an absolute economic retard who hadn't the faintest understanding of even supply or demand and how value is even created
In other words, you haven't read anything, or bothered to learn anything that might challenge your beliefs. Lol
Did I ever say only read Marx?
Oh, believe me; I've read Marx; and I found out that the old quote
>those that dislike Marx are the only ones that understand him
is absolutely true.
Let me instead ask you a question.
Do you think LToV is correct?
No thanks, I'm not interested in engaging with someone who lacks sufficent knowledge of Marxist theory / socialist history. Just reading Marx isn't nearly enough.
And i'm done with this thread. Strawman me all you want if thats what makes y'all feel better. Bye.
Reading leftist writers is a lot of torture. Although Marx is probably the most sane of any of them. Noam Chomsky is literally /leftypol/ memes articulated nicely and Murray Bookchin is an completely autistic lunatic
Kek, chickening out that easily my fat 14 year old friend?
If I'm as ignorant as you claim; it should be easy to blow me the fuck out
>have you read Marx
>j-just reading Marx isn't enough!!
You've made a parody of yourself.
>Noam Chomsky is literally /leftypol/ memes articulated nicely and Murray Bookchin is an completely autistic lunatic
Depends on what revolution, some fell because of outside force, others where pressured to give up the socialist cause, or just there leaders where just assholes that made them fell.
for the people with nothing to lose but their chains I guess it makes sense
college educated middle class suburbanites are pretty silly though
Amount of substance in this thread so far
close to zero
Who knew that posting a /pol/ meme and post wouldn't generate interesting discussion
>self interest is the only thing that exists
That's because nobody can defend socialism, it's against human nature.
>it's against human
>Muh human Nature
How is it against human nature?
What is human nature?
Weak-strong dichotomy.
The point is not to create better future, but fuck up the ruling elite. Same shit why Brexit passed and Trump would be elected.
It's completely in human nature.
What if fucking up the ruling elite makes another worse elite rise up and fuck up your future generations' future?
They suffer from a disease called "revolutionary mentality".
It's the state of spirit in which an individual or a group believes itself capable of remodeling the whole society, if not human nature in general, through political action. This belief leds them to see themselves as agents or bearers of a better future, therefore above all judgement by present or past humanity, being accountable only to the "court of History". But since the "court of History" is, by definition, the very future society that they claim to represent in the future, that is, since the perfect future society can only bear witness and judge the present according to this self-appointed representative, the revolutionary, he considers his acts above all past and present humanity.
The revolutionary refuses to make himself accountable to anything except a hypothetical future of his own invention. If the policies that he always defended have failed, that makes no difference to him, and he will continue to plot to destroy by cunning and force every obstacle to his remodeling of the world, because in the end, "the issue is not the issue, the revolution is always the issue".
That's why the only way to deal with such people is throwing them off helicopters.
> let´s throw those fucking christians to the circus lions, what could go wrong?
If you like it so much why not move there?
>Muh HDI
Yeah they also say they can cure diseases without any equipment and that drinking juice will cure your hepatitis.
Fuck off.
And if anything, know that for most latin nations it's the shit parts that drag them down. Parts that for some reason people keep trying to apply socialist policies to, I wonder why.
Pretty much, college socialists want things like not getting expelled off public universities, free school tickets, censorship for people they dislike and most important of all to pretend they have the moral high ground (it's a status symbol you see).
College liberalism really took off with Vietnam when the draft excluded students. No wonder they wanted to end the war.
Because they think that everyone getting the exact same amount of shit is the ultimate equality, however they fail to realise that it is quite the opposite. it's against the human nature and it's against the basic logic as well. It's inevitable for a socialist country to collapse on itself, there is no way of working around it. It could never work, and it never did work.
That's called posturing.
They'd spit on the face of any vet, but pretend they are pretty little queens of morals for defending the vietnamese.
Then they forget that just because their shitty little movement attached itself to colonial liberation it doesn't mean it gives them the right to build their exploitative regimes.
>But muh
Admit that basically everything is either "I wanna seem like a nice person" or "I want benefits", or my favourite "I am a good for nothing dipshit that wants everyone to be on equal standing so I won't get fucked".
Get out and go to your local college and learn about the lives and beliefs of the average "movement" kid.
t. Not an idiotic american.
It wasn't too long ago that you would have dressed up this thread with "historically speaking" or "historically speaking, of course" as a postscript to give this thread a veneer of being relevant to the board. Is moderation really so lax that self-confirming political circlejerks are Veeky Forums topics now?
>proceedes to post something with zero value
Because it's a better alternative than what they're dealt.
Should've thrown more
Cuba in the 1950s was actually very prosperous.
Socialism isn't better alternative for anything, unless of course you like working 8 hours a day in a steel factory breathing in toxic fumes because worker safety isn't really a thing, trying to spread a peace of butter, the size of the one's you get in a hotel, across 2 slices of bread because that's all you get for breakfast so you gotta make it count, going to jail for years because someone in your building said something against the government and got reported, watching the same 2 tv channels because that is all you are allowed to watch, and also getting an insignificant pension after years of hard work, while the party members and your glorious leader stash away bars of gold and gem stones, not to mention money, in their private safes. And this ain't bullshit eather, i come from a formerly socialist country, and big surprise, it managed to collapse on itself
>set price controls on toilet paper
>dont seize the means of production of toilet paper
>modern """""""socialism"""""""
Is this personal experience
if so where
>But Cuba under Batista was great tho!
Yup, you don't know anything about pre-castro Cuba
The marvelous Socialist Federative Republic of fucking Yugoslavia, but basically every socialist country ever. Part of it is what i remember, part what i heard from my father
>because we don't intend it
Kek, that's like saying that putting a lighted match down in front of a forest is "not intending" to burn down said forest
Bolshevists are mentally ill
I do.
Cuba under Batista was of course not perfect, and very corrupt, but real progress was being made thanks to a lot of american investments. Under Batista the average Cuban, compared to the average latin american, was actually pretty well off.
Stop believing the leftypol memes.
They're not even fighting for human nature really
Bolshevism downright denies that humans possess any kind of soul, it's an inhumane and machinist word view derived directly from the judaism of Karl Marx' parents and all the other kikes that bankrolled the (((russian revolution))) and ran the USSR
>Under Batista the average Cuban, compared to the average latin american, was actually pretty well off.
HAHAHA no. The average per-capita income in all of Cuba during Batista —including upper-class Havana and Santiago de Cuba—was six dollars a week. In addition to all the corruption & despotism associated with the Batista regime, here are some other lovely little facts about capitalism in Cuba:
* Only 4% of Cubans had meat in their diets.
*Under 3% had eggs.
* Only 1% had fish - ON A FUCKING ISLAND!!!!
* Only 11% had milk.
* Only 4% had bread.
* 64% had no toilets.
* Only 2% had indoor toilets.
* Only 3% had running water.
>[citation needed]
Also do you know about this thing called "inflation"?
Here is the gdp/capita of various countries in the 1950s: ourworldindata.org
Also as an interesting side note, look at the gdp/capita of Venezuela.
Communism is the final stage of humanity, and it will be inevitable sooner or later. Get on board with it already you dumb reactionaries.
>Tens of thousands of Cuban doctors work abroad
>N-n-no government lies!
Why would he get a belief that humans don't possess a soul from Judaism, which explicitly believes humans to possess a soul?
Also just a reminder: Imperial Germany funded the Bolsheviks.
Good goyim drink the globalist/the commisariats propaganda.
Communism can only work in a hive mind, or a society were everybody puts the greater good higher than his good. And that is not possible in a free society where every individual has free thoughts.
No human wants equality jack we all want to one up every other ape around us thats why communism is shit.
Also as interesting, look how "great" Cuba was under Batista
Prove it.
The main argument for communism is WAAH PEOPLE HAVE MORE THAN ME! Communism can only work in tribal societies or insects.
But that's not really the argument at all. Communists don't typically focus on their own selves, and several came from rich and influential backgrounds (Bakunin comes readily to mind) and would have no reason to make such arguments.
As far as I've seen, the primary focus of Communism is the inherent dialectic conflict between employer and employee, in which the employer wants from the employee the most labour at the lowest wages, and the employee wants the opposite. This will trend towards workers banding together to see to their own interests, and ultimately attempting to resolve this dialectic conflict.
Communists don't focus on their own selves, however, people do. The only way Communism is ever going to work is if literally entire population of the country has exactly the same mentality, which is impossible, therefore making Communism impossible
>however, people do.
Prove it.
well, im a human, therefore considered as people, and if i work harder than my colleague i would wish to be payed more. There you go, it's proven
And why aren't they working in their own country?
Because it's a shithole that's why.
Communism works without money it worked for millenia in hunter gatherer tribes that divided the food they caught among their members but if you add money the human gibs muh dat instinct comes in place and makes them insatiable.
The next issue is the concept of paying for labor is every wage is the same then whats the point in doing the job besides loving it? Most humans get degree for monetary reasons not passionate reasons so communist countries would only have doctors or scientist that really give a damn about their professions.
The next is the whole equality idea most scientist wont give a shit, but engineers and doctors will be mad they get paid the same as burger flippers, this eventually leads to communist countries having to brainwash its citizens into mindlessly obeying the state so the apes dont go crazy at the realization that their eternal greed cant be satiated.
Since everyone has equal income then it also means selling stuff would be illegal in a communism regime as that creates new social class which should not be possible under communism.
How will people buy clothes if they have the exact same pay? Simple remove all the individualism of the human population and turn them into collectivist unfortunately humans are too pleasure seeking for this to truely work.
Literally has not changed since the 1950s
as you said yourself, it can never work
So your """proof""" is a newspaper article from the 60s?
Dumb faggot. No wonder you're a commie.
You don't think the tribal chiefs and soothsayers took extra?
not him but Bautista was terrible,
the gap between rich and poor was huge
he allied himself with the wealthy and oppressed Cubans
>So your """proof""" is a newspaper article from the 60s?
I don't see the problem on how it's from the 60's
Socialism is easy to get into because it requires minimum knowledge and makes you feel like a good person without knowing a single thing about economy. So it's especially popular with celebrities. Just free shit for everyone. And if people don't like it just force them. It's so easy.
M8, it's very hard for a Cuban to leave Cuba that doesn't work for the government. Those doctors are leaving because they live like shit.