League of Legends general - /lolg/

Lulu is my STAR!


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>tfw you will never slowly feed lulufag foot first into a wood chipper
truly the worst

Just fucking kill yourself already.

what are some good braindead powerfarm junglers?

floffer tails

>People don't report early Lulu threads and allow them to exist.


Nidalee is useless


Fuck that. What's the most alpha role?

Let's start this shitstorm.

Delete the furry succubus.

comfy bfs~

also can someone post the lulu md5 filter list?

as much as I hate most supports, playing a game of ADC with a random support and having amazing synergy is one of the best feels

whenyou both execute dives perfectly and have the exact same thoughts when to go and when not.

Would you rather have your top laner be Tryndamere, Tahm Kench, or Mordekaiser?

it includes your stuff too

d-do you have a crush on me?


Morde and Tahm mains at least are usually chills

Lulu's thighs are Z-tier no?

Because the mods don't do anything about it.

No. All Ahrifags need to be gassed.

Veeky Forums is a lawless wasteland

Top duuuh

h-haha me too

no it doesnt, I only filter spammy cancer and purple shit is the only champ that has reached that level


She's literally a child. So under Z-tier

There's a new sheriff in town

Then it's shit


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on na
pass vidya

Slutty Fox is rape bait!

why are people so sleep on tahm

nigga is still freelo

wait why does blitzcrank have so much success in high elo (like master/challenger)? wouldn't you think that's his worst win rate?

Why you gotta be so rude man.

How many innocent black men you killed?

spiders are for STEPPING ON

everything is freelo when you can win with i
Maybe because every adc is literally "spam q 20m away", idk i'm not high elo

>Scarizard is quitting Riot.
Thank fucking god. Now maybe we can avoid anymore SJW bullshit.

will someone fucking help me

everyone hates you. you are not wanted. go away.

That's not enough shitstorm damn it. I'm bored, fight for my entertainment.

What's the most alpha top laner?
I won't ask about support because it's clearly Alistar.

kench 1000000%

Non existent tier added

Sona promoted

Explanation, please.

Udyr? Yi

filter hero is justice, youre just a faggot

So... I guess the Blood Moon update isn't releasing today on NA?

It should've been out by now.

I cringe every time I read this name.

dragon lady. mister yi. warwick. kayle

good one.


lulu, pls!

Nah, we still have Dan Z. Klein working at Riot.

Let's hope it's soon so I can rank without zed mains everywhere
haha same

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums join you cunts


>Anivia literally given breeding hips thanks to Riot and Brazil

Can we send Diana there?

Why isn't susan on this list? He has a pretty juicy thigh.

>Maybe because every adc is literally "spam q 20m away", idk i'm not high elo
wait, what do you mean by this?

amumu is pretty brainless, but instead of going full tank, i like going redemption then solari after my jungle item. carried me to mid-high dia this way

you gotta tell me something important first

leblanc got nerfed and ily

Are you actually jealous of a bird?

that's not kled

did you count the fingers?

xth for leagues biggest and bestest bust!

Would you?




wood eye

Just coming back to the game and what the fuck is this hextech crates shit? Did league finally go full Jew and start selling csgo crates when they already had the mystery skins and champs?

P- As J4 fights on he builds up Demacian fervor. At max stacks Jarvan and all nearby allies gain a significant boost to movement speed and attack speed that quickly tapers off over 5 seconds. attacking and killing enemy champions builds stacks significantly faster

Q-Jarvan tosses with his spear to target location rooting all enemy champions at the location for 1 second. during this time Jarvan may reactivate to dash to his spear then swing his spear in a circle slowing the movespeed of nearby enemies and dealing damage. Enemies hit by the blade take extra 10% of thier current health as bonus physical damage.

W- Jarvan dashes a short distance to target area planting his standard in the ground that grants 10/15/20/25% bonus attack damage and Bonus armor penetration to himself for 4 seconds and half to nearby allies, this bonus doubled for the first 2 seconds If Jarvan is at or under 50% max hp

E- Jarvan slams the ground creating a circle impassable terrain around himself (Cataclysm )

R- Jarvan leaps to finish off target enemy with his spear , dealing 240/360/480 (+80% AD ) physical damage and restoring between 90/150/210 (+1.5%/3.0%/4.5%) and 240/400/560 (+4%/8%/12%) of his own health depending on how much Health the target was missing (maximum healing when the target is missing 80% of its Health.)

expect to see these changes on PBE in 3 patches

also the most alpha support


Nasus added

I would cuddle her and tell her she's completely purrfect

I'm ok with this list

>why is posting so slow
>there can't be a new thread yet because we're neither at post limit or image limit yet
>scroll up after a while
>stupid luluposter made ANOTHER 30 post early thread

Man playing against kat sure is really fun. Love her retarded mobility.


my gold


dont blame lululfags

blame the "LOL THREADWARS XDD" faggots that wont let us do anything about them

literally WORSE than the purple loving faggots they protect

Daily reminder that all Ionian women love being tentacle raped. If your waifu is Ahri, Akali, Irelia, Karma, Soraka, or Syndra then know that shes been ruthlessly violated by long slimy tentacles. And know that all these women not only love it, but absolutely crave it.

It's easily abusable though, just get good, learn how it works if you don't know for some reason.

Shit b8 bruv. Building up that much extra teamwide raw stat just by staying in combat is retarded.

>Cucked by Vel'Koz

ahrifag here. can confirm, ionia has a tentacle problem

>ban either riven/yas/zed/cait/jayce
>someone instantly dodges

best feeling?

Mt. Targon seems to have the highest concentration of THICC
Then Ionia

yeah, being a euw diamond yasuo main and knowing you'll never get remotely close to my elo

what am i in for

>targon and ionia even mentioned
>when demacia has Sona and bilgewater has MF

how can other regions even compete?

hey guys I'm streaming some soloq
you should come watch
for entertainment purposes of course
also in a really good mood so AMA or just tell me how bad I am at league

twitch dot tv/lenkodes

No, getting a good game is a better feeling than spending another 5 minutes in queue and lobby because you banned shitter champs.


swap elise with irelia what the hell...

getting memed on by AP shaco...?
what else would you expect...

I've played with pinkward before, and he is pretty good. Tell your jungler not to gank top.

I said highest concentration of THICC.

Other factions have outliers like Shyvana for Demacia, Camille for Piltover, and Azir for Shurima

I wanna pound his boipuss while he's in his purple striped socks and skirt, lauding my superior physique over him so he knows there's nothing he could do even if he wanted to


Why do I feel I'm missing some place to look for League porn?