Other urls found in this thread:
What would you consider a perfect roll?
two perks that reduce the mag size to 4 and Luck in the Chamber, there.
Lame. That's no fun.
>shitposting with /dg/
it's what you have to deal with, shit archetype that won't ever be relevant, like low impact snipers
Sidearm meta here we come!!!!!
Boner raid when
Nice one joff, real original
lets write a letter to bungie about the balance patch one word at a time. i will send it after 50 words
>didn't even update all of the information
Forgot the raid, mybad
Sidearms are my favorite secondary type so I'm okay with this. Trespasser never gets boring.
Wanna run a Nightfall just to knock it out, 384?
Sure. Same LL.
My PvE/Strike experience led me to the conclusion that nearly all people who play this game are braindead retards.
Are they incapable of reading modifiers?
No I was calling you 384
>running heroic
>everyone is using a void / arc fusion rifle
what are headpats and why do you like them so much
don't encourage the faggot you homo
I like raids
Rolling into Crucible. Good Nightfall.
If we get enough, Dragon and I are with States.
We have 3 right now.
>SIVA Crisis heroic
>Dark Blade strike
>One guy runs off to the cabal ship thinking it was the Shield Bros strike
>Is way behind, seemingly realizes his mistake
Beh, you know what? Enough Destiny for today.
I'm gonna jack off and head to bed.
So do we have a 6/6 then?
Neb, Saint, you and Me, unless you have more people with you.
We could invite that new guy from the last thread if he's still online
please rape me while i play destiny master!!!!!
Are the weapon changes live? I did not download a patch upon login
next week
What do you think?
If you didn't download an update, do you think its updated?
Sometimes they have server side updates
Welp, at least there is time to start practicing the old ways of y1 cancer
so what's the verdict is this just plebbit cancer or good editing?
I may be able to come back from the dead if you need a 6th
Not really, they're not getting buffed so it's not like they'll suddenly become amazing. In my experience they're really good to stop shotgun rushers, and now people will be doing that a lot less
Gib 5 min
How the fuck are you guys still playing this game?
There's nothing else like it.
im down to play something
we have our 6th
the gunplay, the aesthetics, the atmosphere
You could literally ask that on most of Veeky Forums, it's either fun or too late to get out
alright, np
ill be shitting it up in crucible
D-does anybody here have a ps4??
Almost everyone here, they barely post but are always in chats together.
What do you want to do?
No changes
Significantly decreased magnetism.
Removed all aim assistance when hip firing.
Decreased mid air accuracy.
Removed all precision damage from shotguns.
20% buff to shotgun damage in PVE to make up for lack of critical damage.
Chaperone still does precision damage.
Increased aim down sight time for the Rangefinder perk on shotguns by 25%.
Removed agility decrease when wielding a shotgun.
Pulse Rifles
Reduced rate of fire for low impact pulse rifles (Clevor Dragon, Grasp of Malok) by 7.7% or 1 frame.
High Caliber Rounds nerfed to do less flinch.
Pulse Rifles across the board have had their flinch reduced.
Grasp of Malok and Clever Dragon has had their magazine size reduced by ~6.
Increased rate of fire for high impact pulse rifles. (The Messenger, Spare Change)
Pulse Rifles, Auto Rifles, Scout Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.
Auto Rifles
Increased base damage of low rate of fire auto rifles (Suros Regime, Shadow Price)
Increased critical multiplier from 1.25 to 1.3
Hand Cannons
Significantly increased initial first shot accuracy (Year 1 values)
Reduced base range by 5 meters (Affects aim assistance, damage drop off)
Reduced max range damage reduction from 50% to 33%
No changes were made for bloom on spamming shots. (You still have to pace your shots)
Special Ammo Changes
Players start matches with special ammo, but you now lose ALL ammo upon death.
Special crates spawn every 60 seconds.
Reduced radius for special ammo drops for teammates when you pick up ammo.
Players only start with special on the 1st round in Elimination.
Invective and Icebreaker not afffected
Sidearms still spawn with ammo upon death
Class Changes
Hunter Changes
Hungering Blade for Bladedancer now immediately grants health instead of regenerating health. Shields no longer regenerate on kill.
Throwing knife now does solar damage.
Blink will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
Filthy Warlocks
Reduced storm caller melee range.
Landfall now reduces total time in Stormtrance.
Blink will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
Juggernaut disables quicker in mid air.
Juggernaut can not be activated in mid air.
Exotic changes
Universal Remote: Precision damage only active when aiming down sights. No other changes mentioned
Truth: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
Shinobus Vow: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
Young Wolves Howl: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
Miscellaneous Fixes
Fixed free kneepads on certain weapons.
No changes to Skorri
Seems like business as usual.
Why do all these big-name streamers get their panties in a pinch over this?
rip in peace Colt
Sorry, I was getting constant Contacting messages and I'm tired anyways. Maybe Saturday night/sunday
Server maintenance soon, Stalker.
Crashing this game... WITH NO SERVERS
So what's the new meta
Suros and a good sidearm.
Maybe a high impact auto with or without focus fire, and trespasser. MAYBE dreg's.
Reddit is saying the spare change style pulses. (dont crucify me for going there just wanted to find all the info I could get)
They wrong?
Also hows thid sidearm
It's okay. The problem with queen's side arms is they have travel time since they're not hitscan. Buy the wormwood it's basically a god roll.
You could also try getting good with trespasser, or giving dregs a spin. It may have travel time as well but the shots lock on so you can use it like a hitscan and not miss. It also has a TTK of like .4 seconds. The lowest of any sidearm except Trespasser hitting 6 crits.
>tfw my trap gf turns 18 today
i can now legally fug her
>those patch notes
I think I have a decent high impact auto
Sidearm with SureShot and Zen Moment
Reminder after next week you have 3 weeks to get to the lighthouse or you'll be blacklisted for being a special-only shitter
>special in a dying clever dragon meta
But user specials if anything are now better than ever
Ammo is actually now more plentiful due to increased spawn rates and if you weren't dying before with your specials then you won't die still
>camping special and shutting down special pick-ups will be a thing
lol its like Im playing with pocket again
For anyone that watched the stream can you confirm this shit?
Top kek
I think the guy had chaperone on and went to switch to Last Word and forgot to take off the chaperone. It was probably an innocent little mistake but I guess people want to blow it up into more than it likely is.
can confirm. traps do not get pregnant. when you cum inside one, they just hunger for more of your cum. they're insatiable beasts of cuteness and slutiness.
Don't know abour trapa but apparently this is a thing now.
Being fat?
Thats not fat, user. Thats pregnant.
Oh. Ohhh.
Oh God. That's just gross.
I sympathize with poor kitty bro.
You never know these days, user. Especially considering the owner's state.
Destiny 2 confirmed as many exics as you want
I am still holding out hope for more range drop offs for other weapons in the patch notes.Make scouts great again. Mida can fuck itself.
Oh God those devs play worse than joff and the pvp testers they had played at your average shiter level
Is this the power of 10 sens?
So whats the legit actual meta
Nobody seems to know
Hand cannons, snipers might come back because of the whole die lose all special on respawn which means sidearms will be used more
NLB/Sidearm basically. Its all people will be using in Trials so get good while you still have time left
Bungie should probably never have anyone but their best pvp players actually holding a controller on live stream ever again.
People like that are in charge of balancing PVP. No wonder this game has been fucked.
>People actually think Activision will give Destiny 2 info today
I wouldn't get my hopes up
Didn't bungie have another exodus for d2 like they did for d1. If so looks like we are in for another game with zero story.
No they just said they wanna start fresh. MEaning that we likely won't carry over any gear or abilities.
Story wise it seems to connect logically to Destiny 1. Since the cabal have sent signal and we know the cabal head is coming for us those megablock leaks seem very plausible. So Destiny 2 vanilla will be all about the entire cabal empire standing at the last city's front door.
I hope it's a fresh start. But I am still pissed about how many areas are still blocked and not being utilised I know of 2 areas on Mars that have the loading zone inaccessible a couple in the plague lands and other scattered ones. That's the one thing that pisses me off the most.
I don't mind losing all my gear. Wouldn't even mind if I had to make a new guardian.
A clean slate means they'll have the opportunity to do a good start. And new systems that make the game's PvP easier to balance, and maybe even separate PvP and PvE balance for once.
Story seems to be there already, hope they integrate it will this time around.
Better world and patrol zones, bigger and more of them, should be a given too.
Basically, after those 3 years of Destiny 1 they will have to fucking nail it with Destiny 2, from the start. If they fuck up there's no excuse.
Just the two of us trying to keep this bitch alive.
Well shit a rumor just hit that d2 is probably to be on pc. Well we had a good run boys. The community can't handle being split 3 ways it's ogre.
>rumor just hit
Thats old and disproven.
Its being built like D1 where they make it for the ps4 then dumb shit down/translate code for xbone. Its also a security issue bungies not willing to take on.
Thank God bog