Why do you drive a old piece of shit instead of buying a brand new Ford Fiesta for only 13k?
Why do you drive a old piece of shit instead of buying a brand new Ford Fiesta for only 13k?
I do. Next question.
I weight almost 300 pounds, I wouldn't be able to fit in it
>Wanting to daily a 4 cylinder poor mans econobox
Because for the same amount of money (~18 to 19k Kangaroo scrotums), I can afford a used Falcon in a higher trim level than what the Fiesta would be.
Not to mention Barra.
Would this be worth getting over a used 2014 toyota corolla($13.988, 36.197 miles)? Please help I'm desperate for a car.
>being this fat
If you're that desparate buy a shitbox
I'm saying that as in I need to buy a car soon. I'd appreciate a real answer between the two cars
I'm broke?
I don't know about the mechanical side, but I much prefer the look of the fiesta over the new corollas
bullshit nigga
im 320lbs and 6 foot 4 and i fit in the fiesta, and the chevy sonic, and a honda civic
imagine the fucking car you could get for 13k without falling for the buying new meme
Because it's slow ugly gay and doesn't even have space for my muscles
m8 it ain't £13k new
it just isnt.
>has a boot
why is america so backwards
i can get a nice used luxury car for the same price
Because maybe I like fixing up my own cars?
I did have a Fiesta once tho
It was the SFE with the Ecoboost
dat tiny turbo
dat I3
dat 48 mpg average
Too bad i totaled it it was a nice daily
because i drive a 3k civic that is better in every way.
The corolla would be bigger if that matters to you
>Front wheel drive
What did OP mean by this?
No thanks I like to drive.
I do own one
i want a japanese car
I'm a poorfag that can barely afford my 3k civic
I don't fit in a Fiesta, and I didn't have new car money on hand.
I bought a slightly used Focus instead.
The smallest engine option of an ecoboost Fiesta is actually three culinders, IIRC.
>has a boot
It's called a trunk you worthless yurocuck
>Front wheel drive
Because the Ford Fiesta is inferior to my 11 year old Toyota.