League of Legends General - /lolg/

cute edition :3!


>too brown
I mean I guess the first like five maps, but it changes color schemes every couple of maps and goes through the entire color pie by the end, especially after map 15 where you get entire maps in bright red or emerald green palettes

and yeah, the music gets very obnoxious, I managed to keep it on for a while but once the tracks started repeating in the middle of gd, I just turned it off

also pirate doom was amazing, I need to play through it again two eyed cacodemon a best

How are you enjoying patch 7.3 lolg?

trips you and throws nidalee in trash

>Nami OTP (92% win rate on otp account)
>Duo with jungler who's smurfing
>Playing on non OTP account but still have majority Nami games
>Haven't played something other than Nami in over 40 games
>Duoing with jungler
>They start getting salty
>Tells me I need to play a tank with CC
>Says to play Naut, thresh or Leona next game
>End up playing Naut
>Don't care about winning even though we manage to do so
>Don't wanna play anymore

Nami is good for all situations, she has CC, heals, does damage, and has great disengage. What the fuck does naut/tanks have? Some faggot hook, a bullshit shield and an ult that does basically nothing.

Don't spout about ulting a squishy either becasue in low plat nobody fucking follows up and it's just a waste

cumfy bfs~

By a margin of 4 seconds!

Post them.

nidaposter a CUTE!



He's the best!
Never ever ever getting rid of me!

I like it better when youre here anyway~

next time :3!



supports are more like older sisters that watch over their adc as they get stronger and keep them protected since they're a really close knit team and once they're all grown up we're supposed to help the team with vision control and out abilities. it makes me sad to see the role reduced to cheap prostitutes whoring themselves out. . . . :[

w-wow thanks for the info i never knew ANY of this ill share this in champ select if someone needs it!

Karthus top does well now because of how many tanks are being played. They don't have the mobility and damage to have kill pressure on you, so you get to just free farm and have global pressure with ults. It's a Karthus wet dream. Just don't pick him into shit like Renekton, Pantheon, or Jayce. Jayce WILL ask you why you're in his lane, and it WILL be painful every single time.

For Mid as long as it's not into Ahri, Leblanc, or Pantheon (fucking christ that game hurt) You're fine. Problem is Ahri is so popular, but Leblanc should be permabanned.

The biggest problem with ADC Karthus is the jungle attention the lane gets plus your support constantly bitching in all chat about having to play with a "troll" instead of playing the fucking game before they jerk off to midlane to be useless and steal your Orianna's exp.

I have a line for this part but I forgot it
Any who, if you could break a champion in one way how would you do it?
>rework Zap so it works identically to Jhin's Deadly Flourish
Shit would be awful but it would be hilarous

>tfw I'm a little babby
I want my first blue god fucking dammit, fucking S-'s

Only time I ever get S or S+ is when I'm levelling the champ, then I don't get shit reeee.


you keep digging your hole deeper nidaleeshitter i knew you were a little puss but a gay too?

xth for my husbando Zed

you sure do you slut!
*unzips dick*

>be depressed and lonely
>post my face on /lolg/ to get attention like the attention craving slut I am
>barely get any (you)s

I guess i'll stick to rping and being a shit support, or I'll just kms and that's it.


Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums live on NA
check it out at ttv/bdox

What's part of it for me?

are you that "girl" with the thick brows?
you were creepy looking

you're the one being cummed on you fag

Any smut writers out there, looking for some skins?


I never stated I was a girl, but yeah, I'm creepy looking, I know.

Hope it was helpful. Another possibility (but I'm not sure) is Morg mid. Her shield MIGHT block the ult/debuff. I'm not sure. His ult gives you loads of time to react so anyone who needs a split second to set something up and then savage someone will benefit. Ori might be ok? Protect shield, ult as soon as he pops out.

Also you can pick exhaust into him.

I duo with my support most of the time. She understands why Karth ADC works.

The jungle attention shouldn't be a huge problem as long as your warding is decent. Put up wall, back off. Better than being Jhin or something.

sorry user I dont like niggers or men

That doesn't sound like a good deal

>can't go out
>can't excersise
>can't sleep
>can't breathe
I sure do love being sick as fuck. Atleast I can play League

post face and ill give you attention

omg last game of the series!~!!!!! 2-2!!!!!

with sinister00 at twitch/bukkage


bets :DD!!


I never stated I was a girl, but yeah, I'm creepy looking, I know.

I'm also retarded and can't quote properly

It's on the previous thread.

I'll get back to you with the ShyvxCass piece, just been dealing with school and all.

I've been having lagging issues lately and I occasionally get teams that want to report me for Intentionally Feeding when I'm not.

Am I really going to get banned for a few bad games?

My name is Lulu and I want to cuddle user daily~!

all on you >.

Who's dick would you suck from Veeky Forums?


Warwick should go to the fucking dentist.

red team

>AP is ineffecient on Ivern
t. Q maxer

>Zhonyas and Rocket belt

>Redemption and Ardent censer

Thats... almost 300 AP before runes so a 240 additional HP?
(190+240)1.2 = 516 HP. I think 609 roughly, after Masteries (Windspeaker's/Runic Armor)

And yes, AP Runes scale very nicely on him due to Daisy's AD being drawn from his AP and his Q damage being pretty impressive as well
and yet AD has exactly 2 defensive items and theyre weak as fuck

but you said girly face, it wasn't girly at all
and you did get a lot of yous what are you talking about

slutty fox

Why are supports such white knights?

>be Jihn, my support is Nami
>up against Jinx and Sona
>Nami refuses to engage or poke, she just sits backs and heals
>tell her to be more aggressive
>she doesn't say anything
>meanwhile our top laner Mundo is feeding the enemy Nasus
>Nasus gets 8 kills, all Mundo and Rek'sai who was trying to help
>Corki , Rek'Sai, and I start raging at Mundo for feeding Nasus
>Nami finally breaks silence and says things like
"Mundo did nothing wrong! There's not much a Mundo can do against a Nasus! We have two fed ADC so Nasus is an easy kill as long as can group and stun him. You guys are gaining nothing by berating your own teammate"

at the end game Nami gives some speech about how she was going to honor us all for teaming up to take down Nasus and stealing Baron, but doesn't want to honor us because we were harassing Mundo. Mundo fed. Nasus was deleting anyone who tried fighting him alone. We were only able to kill Nasus as a group of 4. I'm not encouraging people to harass a player that isn't doing well, but don't defend a player when they're playing like shit and getting called out on it.

Why try to defend someone who is potentially going to throw the game?

xth for breast metal waifu

no one

link that shit. the fuck i look like tryna scroll through all of that

You IDIOT! I told you not to overextend and you did!

You GODDAMN FUCK UP? Do you even know how to play this game? Did you join thinking you could just SHIT all over your own team? You are the STUPIDEST SON OF A BITCH I have even met!

I g-guess you're right.

h-how have your matches been lately lolg?


you shouldn't really witch hunt feeding players. You won't help anything

but would you let me suck yours?

>support veigar with grasp and never lands his W
>xin who dives for no fucking reason and feeds like a madman
>adc falls behind and as a result is completely useless



All of them. Every single last one. To the last drop.

me ooga team booga
git gud kid

s-sorry user, I-I'll get better I p-promise... :(


No bully pls, the other user was right, I'm creepy looking.

>renekton e is replaced with camille hookshot

If someone complains about the way you were playing during a fight and you know you did okay, don't fret too much on it. People will expect you to fight to death as a support or tank instead of backing off once you're low health. Never try to justify yourself or explain yourself in chat. Don't encourage people to keep talking in chat just to berate others.

I've just about had enough. One more FUCK UP and I'm dropping your WORTHLESS ass.

bretty good lad

>its another "support only uses their cc for escapes" episode again

fuck this game


who cares nigger

4/10 too articulate, not enough comically elaborate death threats.

Have a jaggy feels you earned it.


Stop fishing. All you have to do is shave your lip hair. Thats literally all you have to do

are you a girl or a girl(male)?

threads reminder to be nice to your support and show them appreciation sometimes!

I actually think you're kind of a cute girl, but that other guy was right your hair is FUCKED.
Get a hair dresser.

Just remember when being flamed:
But did you die though???
Of course, the key here is to well, have NOT DIED.

Unless you manage to trade 1 for 4 and go on to push dragon, 2 turrets, Inhibitor, and push bot lane and lose the game, all in exchange for your *ONE* sacrifice And then get an A- because you died twice in the entire game but didnt get enough assists or something

I have 2070 RP left. Should I purchase IP boosts, or hextech chests?

I'll pick you up! (:

of course

thanks mate :3

Kek and lel

Pretty freaking stellar

>diamond IV solo/duo
>teammates/enemy's mechanical skill, game knowledge and map awareness reflect it, good macro, pressing advantages, etc.

>diamond IV flex queue
>it still feels like gold, ally/enemy both far more likely to tilt/shitpost in chat/run it down mid out of spite, premades whiteknighting for each other, people get crippled by autofill because they suck dick outside of their preferred role, stand around farming after kill instead of going for dragon/towers, needlessly forcing Baron, etc.

Solo/duo is the patrician queue.

One-- ONE more fucking chance. That's all I'm giving PATHETIC piece of shit like you.


>ll you have to do is shave your lip hair.

I do, but since my skin is quite white and the hair is jet black is imposible to get rid of the shadow, and I can't depilate it because I'm getting it removed with laser oh god shit hurts so much

I'm a regular male.

What should I do with it? Right now I'm just letting it grow and I tie it up so it doesn't get in the way.

You said you would add me yesterday after your Shyvana game but you never did. :/

Why do people get angry when I play full AP Cho?
It's the only way to build him to not be useless.

just fix your hair and take some estrogen, and you'd make a nice trap. desu i'd smash

Eh, you're more of a regular girl. I'd friend you for a shot at a relationship.
You'll have your not-so-graceful days and then you'll have the days when you're slayin' 'em all.
It's all possible in your realm, just gotta listen to the folks that believe in ya, and believe in yourself most of all.


Use nair or something. Your joking right? Your a girl right?

because people get buttblasted when they see things outside of the ordinary

IP boosts so you can finally get all runes and 20 runepages. Buying chests are a meme. I bought $20 worth of chests one time and 90% of it was stuff I didn't want or already had. Only got one good skin out of 20 chests.

I currently hate myself

HA! Gaaaayyyyy
EUNE: PentakillGurman
P.S. I'm actually a shitter :( But I try to do my best

runes and masteries?

>What should I do with it?
I said get a hair dresser you paste eater.
Im not a cosmetologist nor do i know fuckall about female styles.