
Dude! 10.000 dkk! That's $1.5k! Why is my country so fucking retarded

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because in europe

a) the roads are often older/shittier and harder to drive on thus increased driving skill is required
b) greater urban population centers means unskilled drivers pose more of a risk to pedestrians/cyclists and to generally cause an accident, thus more training.
c) europeans need to pay for tons of social programs and thus make certain things very expensive to pay for it.

you have to be eighteen (18) to post here

you have to be eighteen (18) to post here


my license cost me 4700$

class A and B

you have to be eighteen (18) to post here

In Norway its often between $2200-$3000, depending on the area and how non-shit you are

Mine was €1650 5 years ago

>a) the roads are often older/shittier and harder to drive on thus increased driving skill is required
The roads aren't shitty or that old here, only in small villages and old city centers

>c) europeans need to pay for tons of social programs and thus make certain things very expensive to pay for it.
It's just the instructor that needs an income too. I paid €45/h.

10.000?! That's fucking cheap, man! It's either a swindle or one of those driving schools that don't tell you the real price up front. A proper driving school would be at leasr 15k.

Well. Mine cost like... 25k NOK or something.
But it's a necessity, so what can you do?
I was planning on doing my motorcycle license this year, but that costs even more, so I probably won't be able to afford it.

>in europe [...] the roads are often [...] shittier
Someone hasn't driven in the US before. The road layouts in Europe are older and less mouthbreathing retard proof, but the actual quality is fine because we're not allergic to taxes and actually spend money maintaining our roads.

>no bridge has ever collapsed in europe
the I-35W bridge you depict was poorly designed
>gusset plates were undersized for the planned load to begin with, and then the load increased
>pictures from as early as 2003 show the gusset-plate bowing
>they added concrete increasing the static load of the bridge by 20%
>262 kilograms of construction equipment were on top of the weakest point of the bridge

the bridge was mis-designed. we do have infrastructure problems (e.g. the Tappan Zee bridge in NY is fucking scary, which is why they're spending tons to build a new bridge that will open later this year) but cherry picking a super rare event is disingenuous.

You haven't seen anything yet in Finland getting drivers licence costs over 4000$.

Have you seen how badly Americans drive with their buck fifty licenses?

No it doesn't. It's under 2000 euros. I think mine was in the 1000-1500 euro range.

In Britain the theory + practical tests cost £85 combined, so if you have access to a car and can get a relative/friend to teach you for free, that's all you need to pay. If you don't, you need a driving instructor which works out to around £25 an hour or around £750-£1000 in total - it takes the average person around 30-40 hours of lessons to get to a standard where they can pass the practical test.

What's it like in continental Europoorea? Can you get your relatives to teach you how to drive or does it need to be a certified instructor?

What about America? I heard that in most states the driving test basically amounts to a jaunty drive around the block.


Road fatalities per 100000 inhabitants per year

United States: 10.6
Germany: 4.3
Denmark: 3.5
Sweden: 2.8

In addition to that, consider that Germany has no speed limits on large parts of the Autobahn.

I always find it amusing that Euros equate giving the government money means better stuff when the evidence here shows otherwise.

Lol nigga come to Los Angeles, the roads are fucking covered in potholes and warped pavement is fucking everywhere.

There's this ones intersection I used to drive through on the way to work, westbound was fine, but east bound would literally launch cars into the air. The worst part was that it really doesn't look like it's a violent bump in the road, but no matter where you drive in the lane it fucking slams your car.

I've never heard of how bad it is in Los Angeles but Cali is essentially Diet Europe. On the other end of the spectrum you have Texas with no income tax but petroleum money and yet Houston's roads are a fucking disaster.

Houston and Montreal are probably the worst cities I've had the pleasure of driving in. NY blows due to traffic but on overall road condition I'd rate those other two far worse.

>What's it like in continental Europoorea? Can you get your relatives to teach you how to drive or does it need to be a certified instructor?
In Germany a certified instructor is mandatory. My license cost me about 1200 EUR total.
I feel like I received my money's worth. Had zero accidents during my last 16 years of driving.

>Can you get your relatives to teach you how to drive or does it need to be a certified instructor?
You can have relatives teach you in Finland, but you need to install a second set of pedals on your driver's ed car and the relative in question has to apply for a permit which includes the theory exam with some additional questions.

I did my license in Germany and have it for 2 weeks now and payed around 1900€

>c) europeans need to pay for tons of social programs and thus make certain things very expensive to pay for it.

need money fo dem programz

I fucking hate orange County. There's always construction causing traffic. And it's like rain was never considered when making them so there's fuck huge puddles

Got mine for about $950 here in the NL, including written and practical tests. I got 17 hours of driving lessons and passed both exams first try.


Because Europe has 3 lane roundabouts instead of 4 way stops
80 mph speed limits instead of 65
Hot hatches instead of SUVs
Manual transmission instead of backup cameras

Why are there two superchargers on that car. Isn't one large supercharger capable of creating plenty of boost?

Europe has health care and good social programs
Government housing etc
Actually good public education system

Or do you think it's just muh guns that matter? Idiot

>Or do you think it's just muh guns that matter?
Doctor not treating you? Point a gun at him.
Guy won't give his house to you? Point a gun at him.
Your kids are dumb? Point a gun at the teacher.

Freedom motherfucker.

>Hot hatches instead of SUVs
SUVs are a lot more common now and it's very annoying to encounter them on old, narrow European roads.

It's about 1000€ where I live, and salaries here are waaaaay lower than in DK.

>go to prison for 25 years and Butt jacked by Tyrone
>if you aren't chased down by a dozen riot police and littered with bullets first

>be in Canada
>pay $16 for learners exam
>pass and pay $70 for ID
>wait a year
>only pay $40 for roadtest in own car or $150~$200 for roadtest in rental
>pass and pay up 80 buckaroos for ID

I wish shit was simple for everyone
>be in America
>doctor fucking shoots you dead

Its sad that these things have to be as extensive and expensive, but I really dont see many other ways to reduce death/injury/accident-rates than proper driver education

If you factor in the cost of even minor accidents, the seemingly high price becomes relative quickly.


I also like the thought that the drivers I meet (atleast the younger ones) have had some form of extensive education, and that maybe this would prevent an accident

I mean, its a one-time cost, and its a privilege - not a right.

>in murica
california here. First try is free, after that tries are $15 each. And yeah, it really is just a drive around the block. No freeway driving, no parallel parking, just drive around for 10 minutes, go back, and park in DMV lot where they tell you to. Literally unfailable unless youre a complete autist who pisses off your driving """instructor""" somehow.

I dont understand why europeans go along with being charged thousands to get a drivers license. If they started charging more than $100 or so here, im pretty sure there would be riots. Then again, US public transport is literal dogshit so unless youre within biking distance you have to take a car or resign yourself to taking an hour bus ride for whats actually 20 minutes in your car

My understanding is that in said euro countries the public transport infrastructure doesn't suck shit like it does here in the US.

Here in the USA if you don't have access to a car and you live in a rural area, it's basically a death sentence. Hence why even the shittiest drivers who should NOT have a license by any means get one anyways: because to do otherwise would basically doom them to poverty and hardship.

The amount of money has nothing to do with it, it's the accountability. We give our government plenty already and they piss it away.

>and its a privilege - not a right.
In America, it's a FREEDOM.

>Here in the USA if you don't have access to a car and you live in a rural area, it's basically a death sentence
Interesting insight. I had not thought of that.

Even further, rampant real estate speculation in the US ensures that a large number must live in rural areas because city properties are bought up by hedge funds etc for the express purpose of driving up the price.

Yeah and you have idiots pulling shit off because freedumb

>Here in the USA if you don't have access to a car and you live in a rural area, it's basically a death sentence

The exact same thing goes for rural Europe, trust me.

Example; my municipiality has a total area of 3000km2, or 1158 sq mi), and a population of about 6300, which means a density of 2.1 per km2 or 5.4 per square mile.

Public transport is a serious option ONLY for people who go to school and therefore all have to go in at the same time. A lot of these kids do however need either a car ride to get to the bus station, or to bicycle/walk quite the distance to the stop

For a working person who doesn't live within walking distance of their job the automobile is the only real option. Quite a few people are able to use a bicycle during the warmer months, but you cant really do this when you've got a lot of equipment to carry, kids to take to school/kindergarten and so on

The bus schedules for my municipiality are seriously one bus each morning monday to friday, and one bus on the afternoon, same days. During weekends they run a bus at mid-day through the areas closer to the town, and only once.

Dont assume that Europe is one big metropol

Superbad is a shit movie and so is Animal House.

Like 1,5k fees or 1,5k dollans completly together with all lecture and driving classes?