>incandescent/halogen headlights
>LED daytime running lights
This shit triggers me so goddamn much. Why do automakers do this?
If the headlights and foglights don't match the LEDs, then don't fucking put the LEDs on.
>incandescent/halogen headlights
>LED daytime running lights
This shit triggers me so goddamn much. Why do automakers do this?
If the headlights and foglights don't match the LEDs, then don't fucking put the LEDs on.
Pic related is how it's done correctly
>having LEDs at all on your car
What are you, twelve?
go away peasant busrider
t. actual bus pass owner
>live in middle of wealthy white suburbs
>bus pass
nigga there isn't even a bus that goes around here. better stop shitposting before you miss your bus, tho.
You better get those LED strips while they're still on sale at Wallmart, you need that footwell lighting to impress your teenage friends remember?
>halogen lights
Geez, what is GM doing?
The problem is: DRL are mandatory, xenon lamps are not, so blame it on the cheap asses who couldn't afford xenon lights or at least to swap the yellow halogens for some white ones.
>impress your teenage friends
>not impressing teenage puss
Spotted the ugly faggot
Whats better? Xenon or LED?
Xenon if you don't want to be a nigger, but incandescent if you don't want to be a complete memelord. You don't need 2 portable suns unless you're going off-roading during the night.
Incandescent bulbs burn out too quick when they're used as DRL's.
What I don't get is why the brake and tail lights are LED but they still use incandescents for turn signals. So they don't have to use a fancy electronic flasher?
Bulbs are obviously cheaper
>thinking LEDs impress girls
t. actual virgin.
>DRLs are mandatory
Only in cucknada however it doesn't make sense for a company to make 2 different versions when they don't need to so errybody gets DRLs
Except companies do it all the time because it's just a programming change in any modern car.
Personally I'm glad DRLs are a thing: in the country people used their lights because otherwise there was no light. In the city I've found that with street lights and other cars, some idiots don't realize their own lights are off. DRLs mean you don't get T-boned by some bimbo that hasn't had her automatic lights turn on yet.
DRL's plus permanently back-lit dash displays are a bad combination. It's really bad on cars without auto headlights or retarded Asians and immigrants who somehow figure out how to turn off their automatic headlights. Now you got people driving around at night and storms with no lights on except for their DRL's.
Why don't we have tail lights that stay on whenever the car is running?
I kinda dont want OEM LED headlights due to the problem of them icing... if they could make them with series of thin heat wires that you could toggle on then it would be great
On most cars I have I'll switch all the old t10 bulbs for led ones, switch the interior lighting to red LED's and install red led foot well lighting, even if the car didn't previously have foot well lighting. I also switch the cluster lights to brighter, coloured LED's and install DRL's. You guys triggered yet?
drl != auto lights
Pretty much all Europe has mandatory DRLs too
Reading comprehension != your thing.
>red interior light
Only part that confused me. Figured you simply had a mustache.