Warframe General

Vay Kek edition

previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions

GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g

Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22
>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries
>Notable links

Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html

Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus

Buying and Selling items: warframe.market

News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/

Raid Setups and individual Builds:

Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH



Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg

Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData

DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)

Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/DZc7JO4.jpg

Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS

CURRENT UPDATE: The Glast Gambit

> forums.warframe.com/topic/738152-the-glast-gambit-update-195/


> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/

Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU

liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams

For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Would you eat Banshee's ass, /wfg/?

nice formatting, dude

>OP's copy n pasted from a readme


I'd probably tease it while licking her back vag

Stupid frog poster.

>haven't cleaned my duplicate mods since starting sortie and not have to worry about day to day endo/credits anymore

I...I'm afraid to look.

What do I even do with them now? Do I play the Transmtue game or do I juts dump them for credits still?

Only if she never puts that hideous skirt abomination back on.

I built burston prime
How retarded am i?

Sell them to needy newbies for pocket change, use plat to buy mods instead of playing the transloser game.

Dump them for endo


1 OR 2


It's fine, needs a macro to take full advantage of the huge Truth fire rate.



>try out tiberon
>love how it handles
>it has no fucking crit or status for late game

How do I make this gud?

2 of course.

How about this 7

Not even rivens can save it. I've tried. It's shiiiiit.

If anyone wants a carry/tutorial on the Lua Spy missions, I'll be logging on now to do the sorties today. Whisper me in game if ya want.

IGN: ActuallyAnOreoIRL

>Sold Godly Tiberon Riven for 360

Buyer probably hates himself right now

What are some low damage weapons that you just love the feel of, that Rivens actually saved and turned into good weapons?

Whole when you dunk it or do you eat the middle first?

None. You won't get my fun guns nerfed


You are all Jews and I buy rivens from none of you.

at least they will be once I roll -damage, only 15 rolls in though so still a ways to go

Whole. Why the fuck would you dissect such a perfect thing when dipped in milk?

Anything with 10k paper dps and a dispo higher than 0.9 can get Sortie viable with a max damage/multishot Riven

Drakgoon got more fun with multishot Riven

i enjoy hydroid, a undertow and tentacle monster buff would be nice

Apparently people do that.

>Karak Wraith got a colourable Conclave skin

Fuuuck. Almost makes me want to grind for Typhoon rank. Can I choose skin as a freebie during rank up?

I'm bad at credits wherehow to acquire


don't encourage DE pushing pvp

Her name is Saryn. Say something nice about her.

I'd titfuck her with graxx nyx.

No you cant and yes its worth it.

she farts a lot

You used to be able to, now sometimes it'll give you a choice of one single weapon, when I ranked up it's only offer was ack & brunt. I said fuck that and took a sigil instead.

TL;DR no you can't pick one on rank up.

She smells better than Oberon. Because he really stinks.

It's almost not worth it.
If you're dead set on doing it do your weeklies as you get 50k standing from them.
Weeklies also make the fire burn on the conclave syandana but it requires upkeep which is bullshit

Only if Mesa Graxx joins

Finished sorties for today. If anyone wants a quick how-to-Limbo guide:

>A vault: tons of ziplines. Parkour through that shit while using Limbo's 2. Won't stop you from being spotted by the robits, so bring the Tiggles Prime if you don't want to set off the one minute timer. Once you see the electrified wall, hop on it while in the Rift again. There's a little enclave that lets you go over and into the vault, which you go through a portal to get to the hackable version.

>Vault B: Lots of empty gaps! Enter the room in the Rift to avoid instant spinning lasers, head left to go through a portal (and then another) to get to said area. Jump across (killing robits is optional, you have more than enough time) and jump through the portal at the bottom of the big empty room. Brings you to the other version where at the top of a large staircase has a button you stand on to open the vault door (which has a cold floor in front of it). Get down there fast, as it will close on you, and hack.

C vault: Two options. Record the music thing on your phone and stand on the buttons while in the rift. If you fuck it up, the lasers can't touch you in the Rift. Alternative version is to go to the left and stand in front of a pillar with a console; hack that, shoot button, go speedy to get to another timed door. Get in there and take a look at the right of the room with a moving portal+button; shooting it as it passes the exploding barrel will teleport the barrel to the other side. Jump through and shoot the barrel to reveal a hidden path that takes you straight to another portal and the console room!

maybe once she's released

mesa gets dp'd by nyx and saryn because she lacks squiggles

by dp i hope you mean those Primed dildos Maroo has been selling

What chest armor helps bring out a femframe's bust?
Similarly, what animation set is the best for butts?

Who are the lesser used waifu frames?

>primed dildo
you mean "Orokin Reactor"

Seems that Mesa and Banshee don't get much love. Also Trin because >trin in pubs.

I use all my Waifu's except Mirage because she's ugly

I'd say Titania, Zephyr, Banshee, Mirage

You want me to bust your lip, boy?

>Hips are wonky

Fix those 2 things

Got some fashionframe here! Making a pastebin because apparently trying to link directly to four different images in one post to avoid spam counts as spam.


Does Acid Rounds Sobek work with Titania?

Or should I use Hek with the Justice mod? I know the proc won't work but the extra multishot is good

>tfw TQ has ruined animeposting on non-/a/ boards for me

both wont work. those are weapon specific mods and weapon specific mods dont carry to exalted weapons.

>pastebin for images
This is TQ isn't it

Sadly, neither works. Weapon-specific mods don't work on weapons generated by frame abilities.

However, a good build for Titania would be building for status/viral/slash. With a shotgun, you'd want Primed PB/Hell's Chamber/120% Viral/Sweeping Serration/fire rate Shotgun mod that I can't remember the name of/Seeking Fury/Blunderbuss

Reason being is that regardless of the shotgun you use, the Dex Pixia are almost entirely Slash-based (80% of their damage) with a 25% status chance. They also have a decent innate crit chance of 15% (37.5% on crits), so you're proccing a -ton- of slash procs with the occasional Viral proc.

Also no. I use whatever the fuck I want wherever I want, as long as it looks good.

(sauce: used Frost Prime in the first MD, but brought Cernos Prime/Ack and Brunt w/ the Oberon deluxe skin and Akstiletto Prime in case I needed to actually stop and kill shit).

Some weapons use to affect Titania, but she got cucked out of those perks by DE as fast as she got sucked from Oberon.

>Pastebinning images
>Instead of just combining them all into one image

Whoa I had no idea I could have 3 different elements on a weapon.

I assume because this is base magnetic it works? Trying to figure out a way I could get rid of the magnetic, but that in addition to viral and fire could be good I guess

>Adding (leg) armor on an already heavy armored Warframe
>Using Jet Black colors on PBR'd Warframes which causes weird graphical outlines

Looks like shit man

looks like a turd with worms

I love how Faven gave us the ability to remove The Grineer's signature.

If you could get Corrosive instead of Magnetic you would end with the best anti Grinder weapon

I did and made mine corpus themed instead

it's like 2am, was about to go to sleep, fuckin'-


Here's one of them, at least. Third one in the pastebin.

Four days of sorties. Three pistol rivens. Three Aklato rivens. Topped it off today with a Greater Unairu Lens. I think I'm done with Sorties for awhile.

Why are you worried about max quality? It's not like people are going to save your images...

To generous gift user from last thread:

You are a god among men.

How much could I get for a scrap mutalist quanta riven

When putting all that shit together, if I wanted to get the filesize down each one would be like 400x400ish which would compress a ton of little details. Personal thing.

And now I go to sleep, for it is far-too-fucking-late-o'clock. Might do more later and experiment with downsizing without losing too much quality.

Wait for Tiberon Prime.

>tfw always too late to get any free stuff

I use muta quanta pretty often, can you post the riven? I might be interested even if it isn't very good

I was going to get it in a trade but the guy has gone dark

uh alright

nobody cares retard

Mirage is in the works, what weapons should I make for her?
Non spamulor/tonkor because everyone knows about that.

mirage tummy is on point loser

Any of you guys figured out anything more about what Bard's abilities do?

From the sequencers devs have shown off, 3 of the abilities are [placeholder] Music Box, Pied Piper, and Bard Jam. Music Box is tied to the 3 white notes on Sequencer, and the other two are tied to the 5 blue/pink notes respectively.

Then in the little devstream preview there was also "Amplifier" which added a 165%/182%/147% buff that fluctuates... by sound, maybe? It dropped to 147 when most of the other abilities ran out. Doesn't add any sound of it own it seems like. Maybe it increases the effectiveness of the other abilities? Hopefully it isn't a shitty strength buff like everything else, even if that'd be a good value.

Bard Jam (pink notes) added a 30 second buff when cast, not sure what it did.

Seems like Music Box is the first power, the one that created a ring? As well as a little thing in the center that has more visuals with more songs playing. Clueless about Pied Piper's existence, or what Music Box actually does.

I'm really dying to know whether she'll be actually any good or not, whether there's anything I've missed as well. Waiting 7 more days for next devstream sounds painful.

Anyone make better analysis/datamines/something that I haven't seen?

What animations should I use for Mirage? I hate the kiss blowing thing.. Makes it look like I'm looking for erp if I'm idling on a relay

Anything else fitting? I was kinda thinking maybe titania noble or zephyr noble

none is the only animation set worth using

>Makes it look like I'm looking for erp if I'm idling on a relay
How is this a problem?

Use Limbo instead, don't look for ERP, take it.

because i don't want erp

Stop being a faggot, when I do ERP I use Mirage Noble animation

That's enough relay for today.

i just sold a mostly ranked up, one roll vectis riven for 40p
who's the idiot?

Ogris with max heavy caliber.

Larunda was a mistake.

I'm not sure this is such a good idea user.

What relay is this? I want in.

You, honestly. Any dumpster riven can go for 40, Vectis is a moderately sought weapon compared to things like Hind.


Well, I wasn't using it anyway