American drivers would you panic here ?

American drivers would you panic here ?

Why? We have roundabouts here. At least in louisiana.


rightfully so I reckon,

that place is a free for all, especially when you throw a few ameritards in the mix

>12 lane road without markings going in a giant circle

Pick one.

>Yuropoors are so retarded they don't lnow how to make left turns and instead make this giant fucking circle

>implying roundabouts don't offer far superior traffic management to box junctions

I'd panic because you French, Italians or whatever shithole this is a picture of don't know how to fucking drive. I don't want you to ding my car with your beat up Peugeot 106.

Yeah, too many muslims around


The Arc was there WELL before the internal combustion engine

It's technically not a roundabout.

t. little Parisian who has never been in Rome

lolno, just drive straight through the underpass in the middle

Burgerfat here. The arc de triomphe would probably give me a panic attack, that looks like a goddamn nightmare.

as a yuropeen who has driven in paris and rome, paris is the biggest POS.
It really is, fuck. I never expierenced this stress in a car before as in rush houre paris

i'd panic and i'm european

on the other hand, pic related is a piece of cake

French senior drivers scare me.
Saw some old lady driving a Clio bump into nearly every parked car on a street once.

Try the Piazza Venezia when the traffic cop isn't standing there. Don't get me wrong, it actually flows pretty smoothly but it's utter madness when you don't drive there often.


Yes. There's no fucking lanes and it's a free for all.

I'd have a fuckin ball, given if I still had my jetta gj 97 5spd.

I'm from Michigan and this thing scares me.

>Oh look kids! Arc de Triomphe! Champs-Elysees!

What the fuck is this madness?
Do you treat them as normal roundabouts or what do you do?

American drivers are capable of roundabouts, but there would probably be so many more roadrage and shooting incidents because of them.

I'd be scared to drive there and I'm European.

No lane markings and most of the drivers are French? That's a making for disaster.

how do you want your roundabout senpai?
just put a huge bus/tram stop in the middle and connect 5 roads

>Not knowing the Arc
I did all my schooling in South Carolina and even I know where the picture was taken.

>not knowing this is paris
jeez where do you liv- ah

i wish they didnt remove most of the roundabouts in cleveland

i fucking hate waiting at lights it is scary because you can always right away spot the soccer mom or general retard who isnt at all familiar with using their turn signals to show others what lane they are trying to move towards

I've seen children's hot wheel tracks that look safer than this. Euro fags think having a free for all traffic system makes them good drivers.

French driver here , i panic there , only Parisians can somehow manage to do it without it.

Having just escaped Cleveland, what roundabouts are you talking about? The only ones I ever saw were over by the Steelyard