Is there any reason to put stickers on your car?

Is it EVER not embarrassing?

>trump stickers
is there a better way to announce you're an idiot?


HOLD the fuck up is that dude black?

People who put stickers on their cars, especially with any sort of opinions on them, are usually not only full of themselves, but also resultingly more self important drivers and therefore more aggressive drivers and more dangerous drivers. I always try not to get anywhere near cars full of bumper stickers, and if I do I try to get past them as quickly as possible.

Gee, what a surprise!
Funfact: America is quite diverse.

Yeah, If you're getting paid to have them on. If you're not then you just look like a fucking idiot, Especially when they're brand stickers.

>hurr my civic is plastered in car audio stickers why do niggs keep breaking into my shit??

Only little girls put stickers on things.

>is there a better way to announce you're an idiot?
voting for someone that soundly losing to trump in a presidential race.

I only ever see political stickers in America and never in Canada, really makes you think

hint: rainbow stickers are political too

So your Top Gear Top Tip for a lively democracy is to only vote for the winner?

Ohhh come to Alberta.


>So your Top Gear Top Tip
the cringe is real


At least he's got mudflaps, though in a slightly ineffective location. That's more decency than most truckfags manage.

>highway toll stickers
>Umwelt zone stickers

>driving in Umweltzonen
>not living in the countryside
Spotted the faggot.

I don't even live in a country with umweltzonen. Or do I have a sticker, because my bike, without cat, is allowed without one.

>implying there's any place left in this country without umweltzonen

>inb4 a couple villages

Feel the Burn™

I wonder what it's like to live "ironically" at all times.

Do you call this shit umweltzone even in english speaking countries?

>"My comedy channel? Fox News. My news source? Comedy Central"

These people are allowed to vote

Fuck do I know, I just know the German one.

What's this supposed to mean?

Tons of them in fact. Only the west and southwest who cukc themselves anyway continue to fuck themselves over with even more useless bullshit.

It's sad what happened to BaWü.

Come home, white man.

Good idea.

What about ironically putting a "Nixon 1972" bumper sticker on a period correct car?

I enjoy my period correct sticker

I'd always pick the losing candicate for vintage presidential stickers so that I wouldn't have to justify the errors of the actual president. Like Goldwater on an early '60s car - bonus points because he was a real rightwinger and caused a stirrup like Trump back in the day, also because LBJ is a worthless fucking rat.

>I'm greener than this sticker
>Proceeds to burn rich and drip oil

idk, Eisenhower is almost universally liked and if I had a 50's car I wouldn't worry about an "I like Ike" sticker

im iranian and even i like ike

in highschool my friend had this huge bumper sticker that read 'watch out for idiot behind me'

lel i have that sticker on my cherokee chief

this person is a confirmed 10/10 minge biscuit.

Post jeep

lel, he has a point though.

Only thing that triggered me where the pony stickers, bronies are such closet faggots

Fun fact: psychiatrists have found a strong correlation between bumper stickers and territorial tendencies. The more bumper stickers a person has, the stronger they feel about having "their" space invaded.

Useful real-world application: Cut bumper sticker fags off and watch them flip the fuck out.

>stupid people shouldn't breed

Like the faggot who operates this POS. that is of course if he could ever score putang.

"I'm with Her" stickers.

Got turbo ricenigger?

>stupid people shouldn't breed

it doesnt look like he moves the sign around the door handle. how does he get in and out on a daily basis

I put stickers on my car if I need them for a specific parking lot but thats about it.

I just have a roadkill sticker on my car.

Yeah. They let them drive now.

>gf family cars all have an apple logo in the back
>they dont even own apple products
Someone help me to understand

Absolute shit taste in ponies too, all 3 are autist magnets within a community that itself is an autist magnet.
t.irredeemable waste of human flesh who knows these things

The only good bumper sticker I've ever seen said "I love crack whores"

Cant apply stickers straight or evenly spaced, can't spell Alamo, cant spell REMEMBER, cant spell pearl harbor and lastly, cant park.

Holy shit man, this has gotta be a joke... right?

Even as a Canadian who never took American history classes, I have a rough idea what the Alamo was, aside from the beer hank hill drinks.


What's there to understand? It's a pathetic attempt to fit in, fueled by peer pressure and seated with affirmation bias.

Don't look back.

>*tips horse dick
yeah because some completely irrelevant background character is any better

There are so many cucks at my college with these equal stickers.

Not surprising that every single one of their cars are ratted out shitboxes. Not a single car worth more than 2k with those stickers.

it looks like someone pulled a prank on him

Bowhunting stickers.

people who value quotes in general correlate with having a lower IQ - but don't quote me on that.

- t. user

this is actually pretty great.

i would use a "fat girls can't jump" one, but i don't want to have stickers on my truck. or a fat bitch to passive aggressively scratch it.

Seeing as it's Oregon it could very likely be ironic hipsters

wait if you were a nigger you would totally know what a turbo hayabusa is...

Used to see people with large stickers with the name of their cellphone provider(company,whtev) pretty often about 12-14 years ago.
Sometimes two different company names, one across the windshield,one on the back window

>but don't quote me on that.

Bumper stickers seem to have a negative correlation with intelligence. People with a lot are being polite and informing the rest of society to beware of any potential stupidity they might perform on the road.

Fun story:
>Met a couple of real life Aussie shitposters doing a months-long US road trip last year
>They bought a cheap shitbox upon arrival in Florida
>Proceeded to buy at least one political bumper sticker every place they stopped
By the time I met them the whole back end was plastered with local sheriff races and endorsements of every single presidential candidate.

>lol can't write in english
>no surprise there
>have fun with cheetoman

The joke is that comedy central is a better news source than fox news.

I saw a Holden ute with an infowars and hillaryforprison sticker
I live in Australia

have used stickers to hide some pretty big rust holes in the doors.

>perl horber





Nawww, just don't vote for a woman.

i want these but google gives me nothing

Should I put a black WAT on my stock black civic

I have 2 stickers I want to put on my car but I can't decide where.
First one is the Wat nhra championship bench racing, I want to annoy boomers
Second just says 40+mpg. My car has a carbureted small block
Halp me

Probably custom. Git gud.

>saw a holden ute
>live in australia
These are redundant

But the people in /osg/ said stickers are for cool kids

