Small car accident, no police report

Tapped this guys car extremely slow, left a little paint mark no bumps, didnt have any officers show up, gave him a picture of my insurance -which dates are good but insurance is not- and birth certificate sense i didnt have my ID on me. Its been almost 48 hours nd he texted me saying contact him nd we'll discuss getting my car repaired. He doesnt have the right address as its wrong on my insurance card.
So question is do i discuss giving him 100$, or tell him get fucked , or just dont contact him, i dont wanna put myself at fault IF POSSIBLE so i get even more fucked. I live in IL if that helps at all
Pic for attention, my accident was more minimal

>hitting shit
Kill yourself

>driving without ID and false insurance
You should probably kill yourself.

>I live in IL
Illinois is a shithole state. You are a scumbag for hitting someone's car and not paying to fix it. I bet you live near East St. Louis and are a nigger

Will consider but first need to figure out if anything can be done on HIS end sense he didnt report it to police.

White as hell living in the burbs, nd its a little scratch. Dont want the guy coming at me for a new bumper, nd abunch of stupid shit. Broke af only got 100$ i can give if i do end up trying to discuss it. But wondering if discussing it will put me at fault

>wondering if discussing it will put me at fault
If you hit him you ARE at fault. you hit his car

But no report was made at the time. Its word against word i believe, so wondering if discussing it will give leverage because i dont have 1000 to drop on a new bumper. Max 100

>being poor
Kill yourself

>White as hell living in the burbs
You have convinced me you are indeed a nigger. maybe not in skin color, but you think like a nigger.
>No insurance
>fucked up a car
>gave false info
>wont pay to fix it

yea you are for sure a nigger

Wow, first off your post is a mess. Turn down the ebonics and turn up the punctuation.

Sounds like you hit him, have a bad insurance card, and no drivers license/not on you?

Now you are wondering if you can stiff him and not be held at responsible?

I guess you could avoid him, but if he has contacted his insurance provider already about the wreck, they will contact your old insurance, they will lolno. Next they will come after you..
what am i saying

you know what, you should be fine brah,dmv doesn't know where you live, just ghost out on this guy and chill, spend the $100 on some dank and keep on trucking brah. Dumb fuck shouldn't have been in your way

You should be lucky that he didnt call police because that would cost you more.
Just be thankful to him and give him the required money ti end the problem you giga faulty nigger

>Its word against word i believe

Okay nigger news flash
>you can't afford to drive
Get the fuck off the roads if you uninsured or unsure if you can avoid stationary objects.
>common sense
>not the rapper

Didnt ID on me, was underneath my seat i found out later

Dont want to stiff him but im worried contacting him will dig a deeper hole.

He was rolling when i was trying to change to the left lane, he slammed brakes nd i tapped into his left rear a little, leaving 2 approximate 3inch little scratchs, not deep. If the car was truly "fucked" as some people are stating id be hoping to fix it, but its been 48 hours nd "discussing it" is probably a new bumper which i dont have funds for

get a lawyer you fucking moron

you are the reason insurance prices are so high


Your a scumbag OP, the guy did you a solid favor not getting police involved now you wanna be a nigger about it. Take responsibility and take care of this shit

OP is a jew

Pay to repair it, you miserable cunt.

Everyones acting like the fucked the car up or something LITTLE scratch.
Pic is of my car nd the scratch

You damaged his car you fucking idiot, pay up

big scratch or little scratch it doesn't matter.
>you have no insurance
>you gave false info
>you are why insurance is expensive

you are a scumbag nigger that's all there is to this.


B-bruh I-it just a scratch. Why yo bitching dude. Own your mistake guy.