Driving around 7:30 PM on University campus near I live

>driving around 7:30 PM on University campus near I live
>heading to Wawa to grab a snak
>waiting at light to turn left on a 2 lane street tht is decently busy
>light turns green
>notice retard pedestrian beginning to cross the street as I begin to turn towards that direction
>have to stop not to hit his retarded ass
>open ma window
>ask him if he saw the fucking red hand
>looks up then back at me
>speed away in my moms automatic crv

Tell me ur autistic pedestrian stories

If he was already in the cross walk he had the right away. lol, sperg more autist

maybe in a shitty country where the red hand doesn't show up on a computerized timing system.

the pedestrian always has the right away, dumbass

red hand was flashing retard which means u aren't supposed to start walking which he did so kys faggot

>pedestrian walks out blindly in front of a fast moving semi
>gets hit

Delete your trip and kill yourself immediately you fucking faggot.

he was already in the cross walk, lol.

No they don't lol. Stop repeating grandma's memes.

>i failed my drivers license test: the post
pedestrian's always have the right away. sperg more.

except they literally do? do you take the bus or something? tripfag is right this time.

yeah you were there sorry forgot

They literally don't. And your drivers license test only tells you when they do, and not when they don't because that would be a like a 200 page addendum.

two sides to every story.

So it's safer to assume they do, dumbass. That's why they made the test like that

my light was green and he began to cross the street after the light changed therefore giving me right of way

Holy shit stop samefagging you dumbass

It's safer for YOU.

>gets btfo
>s-samefagging!!! ;_;

Cars are 2 ton vehicles. Physics doesn't care about your right of way. You will be squashed.

Was getting run over part of your plan?

sure he did.
Enjoy prison.


Not if the pedestrian didn't have the right of way. You won't even get a ticket.

You can't be this autistic. Pedestrian does have the right of way. But that does not negate the momentum conservation principle

well the pedestrian did in this case.
who fucking cares, autist?

I hear people calling shopping centres this, where does it come from?

Well you definitely won't, cause you will be dead. Prolly screaming "MUH RIGHT OF WAY" crossing a busy highway on the basis of how retarded you are.

>putting words in people's mouths
is there a surer way to determine if someone's been btfo?

No he didn't. He was walking across a green light. The crosswalk was controlled and he violated it.

best way is to know if they're gm fangirls

two sides to every story

>Attempts to defend his autism
>Tries to dodge
Keep trying to defend your stupidity man. Physics will catch up to you.

nice projection. Nobody cares about muh physics. the pedestrian had the right away. period. end of story.

Except he didn't in this instance. Stop shitposting.

except he literally did

>right away

Wow, you're dumb af. Ofc, pedestrian has the right of way 100% of the time. But if that car was going 50 mph and unable to stop in time. He would have been killed. Right of way won't save your ass then. Right of way is not a replacement for stupidity.

> the right away
yeah they the right to get away

>putting words in my mouth

>the pedestrian had the right away.

You're words, not mine mate.

>pedestrian has the right of way 100% of the time

i never said that a pedestrian should cross the street when the lights red

The rule was created in order to protect pedestrians. It's dumb, but yes, it is a rule.


Not on planet earth he didn't. If you hit him, you wouldn't even receive a traffic ticket. If he lived or was not terribly injured, he would though. He would also be liable for any damages to your vehicle. Your insurance company would pursue him.

You said the pedestrian had the right of way. But the signal was red. In essence, you're saying it's okay to cross even if it's red.

Not wrong mate, it's actually in my state and many other states driving handbook. If you bothered to read it that is.

>reading comprehension


You've got to go back

Here that's only in marked, uncontrolled crosswalks and intersections. Anywhere else you walk on the green.

T. Hit a nigger and walked. His defense was "but it was muh neighborhood he wets goon tu fast an it wuz dark"

There was a lit intersection half a block away.

>right away

Autistic Pedestrian Story:
>Driving in Washington, DC

Thank you for your service.


>right away
great thread

How the fuck is he wrong

In my state you obviously can't just run out in front of a car and expect to win a case but all cars must stop for pedestrians

Can confirm.

My nigga

Pedestrians have right of way no matter what, even if they're j-walking

Fresh fruit juices
