Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward General - /xivg/

>Valentione's Day (Feb. 2nd - Feb. 15th)


>Gear Design Contest (Ranged Magic DPS/Healer Edition)

>Patch 3.5 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Red Mage Teaser:

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>3.5 Gung Ho for GARO Collaboration

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells (embed)

Other urls found in this thread:


Post kitty cats!!

I'm going to /pet an elezen~!

>Originally called Temporal Depsair
It begins, the cucking of Flat


Cucked again....

need someone to jerk me off or blow me. either one works


Any more where this came from? wanna fap.


Am I the only one to find the trees in this game really fucking ugly?
Have japanese game developers ever seen a real tree in their life?

how do i marry this catboy

nope that one is always locked out for me

Am I alone in thinking female Au Ra only really look attractive in art?
Their appearance in-game just doesn't do it for me.

Face 4s just have chinky faces that attract the degenerates of this website, shit looks awful as hell.


Aw did ahl server xfer?


hit em with that dab

*cat noises*

PS3 limitations, please understand.

I've never liked FFXIV's forests, they're all too green and florally for my taste, everything just seems to mesh together poorly. It'd be nice if they were more like redwood forests, some mixes of brown here and there and denser.

They all look a bit derpy, like they all have a minor case of fetal alcohol syndrome or something. There's like 1 good look for every face, and then to look different you just change the hair and skin color.

>Am I alone in thinking female Au Ra only really look attractive in art?

I hope you are because Au Ra are maximum cute if done right.

The only part that triggers me is that so many artists will draw fan art of them and make them look like face 1 with the horns of the other faces.

Look, we all know face 1 is the master face, but could people start drawing it with the right horns or if they want to draw other horns draw the face to match the horns they drew?


Yes, you are!

have a nice personality and treat me right

It's just an alt.

Scary looking meower...

Post elezens

I'm sorry, that's just my face...

odds go brown cat
evens stay lizard


I'm looking for c@boys that have primarily shirtless glamours and like straight ERP with c@girls

>It's a BRD does 1/3 the DPS of the healer in roulette episode and is wearing pvp

>1k sidewinder

Send help, I'm actually starting to like this hair.

Those highlights are awful.

Show fat cat tats

i just like face 4 because it looks moody

moody looking chick are cute to me i dont know why

This comes to mind.

>Tfw horny


Please go for an actual dark brown instead of the typical "spent an hour in the sun" barely tan cats that litter here.

>want to talk to people from /xivg. because most generals have pretty ok people
>afraid that anything i do or say will be picked apart by someone


Just talk to people outside of Balmung or Gilgamesh and you'll be golden.
If you absolutely must talk to people from those servers, pick your words very carefully.

I don't know who the blackhaired c@ is

please change the highlights

>go to bed
>start waking up randomly due to pain
>half awake, start thinking I'm doing something in A11S
>lie in bed confused trying to figure out wtf is going on for 2 hours
>eventually wake up from the dream
Thank God that's over...

>You will never be a creepy fuck like Rania
Feels good man.

I want to impregnate them both!

Go nuts

well i play on balmung already so there isn't much i can do about that,and i've always felt like that if i have to pick my words when im talking to someone then im honestly just better off not talking to them at all. it sucks that you really can't tell who is actually a pretty cool person or who is just lying in wait for a chance to stab you in the back


is this brown enough

Don't fight it baby let my seed do the deed

Can this game go free to play already?

I mean, they already shove a bunch of overpriced garbage onto a cash shop, they're adding "jump potions" to skip the MSQ and to level, and they charge a ridiculous amount for names changes, server transfer, fantasia, etc. You even already have whales who spend $100 a month on fantasia, some of them in this very thread.

What exactly is the point of the subscription at this point? Where is all this extra money going towards because all I see is the same trickle of content?

2 shades darker
im a nig so i know about this stuff

Thank you goddess

Obey your instincts

> Can this game go free to play already?
When FFXI goes free to play, sure.

All the things you are talking about have to do with wow and you don't see wow going f2p. The game isn't dead or dying. So shut it, your opinion isn't thought out, nor is mine.

I want to breed you and Aika together

Are you a cute black girl irl?

I want to be brown not black

What the other user said. You're still at "light tan" and not yet brown.

>When FFXI goes free to play, sure.
It should.

>All the things you are talking about have to do with wow and you don't see wow going f2p
I would say, and have said, the same thing about WoW.
>The game isn't dead or dying
That isn't justification for money gouging.
>nor is mine
No kidding.

of course not

you're still at that shitty hour long tan look my dude,

> SE's most profitable and longest running game that has allowed FF XIV to exist should go F2P while is still turns a profit.
No, user.

Are you actually a shill?
You're literally arguing that it's okay for SE to nickel and dime consumers because it makes them more money.

Everything SE has been implementing is standard in f2p MMOs. They doing this on top of a subscription fee.

no nig, I'm saying the shades go from this to fucking burnt toast and I'm having trouble finding a good in between that doesn't look fucking stupid

Are you okay

Don't respond to them, seriously.

Maybe it isn't clear to you, but for as long as the game has a sufficently large paying playerbase the game will NOT go FtP.
A game doesn't go FtP "because it's old" or any other reason than "is the playerbase large enough to make a gain on monthly fee compared to a larger playerbase with microtransactions only".
A non FtP game going FtP means it's scraping the barrel and will probably see the plug pulled any time soon

>giving a (you) to a shitposter that pays a mmorpg sub to sit on a virtual bench all day

if it looks something like this then it should be fine

How does one make apple juice by frying apples?


>Maybe it isn't clear to you, but for as long as the game has a sufficently large paying playerbase the game will NOT go FtP
Maybe it isn't clear to you, but I'm not saying the game is likely to go "FtP." I'm arguing that if they continue their current model, the just thing to do would be to remove the subscription model.

Do you understand? Either don't shove exclusive items onto a cash shop or drop the subscription fee.

You don't have to buy anything from the cash shop and the "jump potions" aren't that big of a deal. Who cares if they boost you to 60 so that you can enjoy the new content first. Although a better option might have been to go back and adjust the story quests for a better experience so you don't feel like killing
yourself whenever you want to level an alt. Names don't mean anything, server transfers are now not that important since we have the cross server pf now. Not everyone is spending 100$ on fantasia. Like i said my opinion is thought out very well and yours isn't either and it all comes down to how you view it all. I would love for more patches to have raids and primals.

Yep, that's why I'm afraid I'll stockholm syndrome them.

Please no

I'll probably go back to my regular hairstyle later, it's supposed to be off.

>How does one make apple juice by frying apples?
You fry them until the juice escapes and then bottle the juices.

did you clear a11s

No, I'm just pointing out the game will not see F2P because you don't like how it operates.

I am against cash shop very much when it comes to subscription games as well as things like DLC/Season passes for games simply because it's a shitty business practice. But the fact of the matter is a large portion of the player base has no issue with spending additional money on top of their sub for vanity things, while those who don't won't. This is why SE sees no reason in going the F2P route, because their current business model works. They are a company first, their bottom line matters more than the consumers.

My primary gripe with cash shops is when they start to implement things like EXP bonuses and character boosts/extra "premium" features.

TL;DR: Yeah, it sucks. But there's nothing you can really do about it because people support and enable it.
I don't pay my sub.

I don't even sit on the bench that often.

Any time, i got more

Why is SE so allergic of full face helmets?
I feel like the majority of the recent tank sets use those dumb circlets instead of cool helms

you seem to keep crawling back to this game despite the fact you hate it so much

Post it please

>implying that works

People who aren't from the meme servers can get torn apart too. You just have to become a target. It's as easy as that.

I don't pay my sub. I let people smell my used Air Jordans and they pay for it. Wew.

It's not a matter of fairness, it's a matter of money.
We can both agree that Squenix is greedy and it's jewing us, but for as long as people buy said sub or cash shop item, they're in the right, since they're making money off of it and they won't stop.
It's up to US, the CONSUMER to show a company what is right and what isn't by NOT buying said sub or cash item if we feel it's wrong.
Clearly the playerbase of FFxiv is alright with these things, since most of them do.
I too think that cash shop items are stupid and therefore I haven't bought a single fantasia yet, you should do the same (as you probably did)

>Like i said my opinion is thought out very well and yours isn't either
First, you're a fucking idiot. I can't stand people like you who do the whole "I'm stupid, so you can't say I'm wrong! I'll just tell you I didn't think about it too much lol!"

Second, it has nothing to do with the actual offerings themselves, you fucking retard. It has to do with the amount, exclusivity, and the price.
Do you honestly think it's fine to charge the amount of a month subscription for ONE single exclusive outfit? That's literally a f2p model.

>TL;DR: Yeah, it sucks. But there's nothing you can really do about it because people support and enable it.
I know. I'm obviously just venting and trying to rouse discussion on the topic. I'm fully aware it's not going f2p, and that my posts on an image will have no effect.

>We can both agree that Squenix is greedy and it's jewing us
See above.

I'm stupid, so you can't say I'm wrong

I see..
No, my group and I still progressing through towers and trying to clean up earlier stuff.
Maybe Sunday if our replacement tank can make it...

I'm only preparing for Stormblood(just like I come back every patch to set up for the next), honestly.

I've been enjoying other games a lot more.

i am a fujo catboy pet me

Do you like malera...

my catboy is not lewd but pets from malera is acceptable

Morning /xivg/. Been a while.

*are still progressing
>tfw feel stiff and painful and old as fuck
>tfw even my voice sounds old now

>tfw always get kicked out of the arena at the very last gale

>getting mad at RNG

Looking for friends to my collection pst