I need Veeky Forums's help and prepare to cringe...

i need Veeky Forums's help and prepare to cringe. My aunt has a 77 280z that she parked 10 years ago because my uncle didn't want to go get the resolve to pass smog. It just never happened and now it's been sitting in her garage for that long. Nothing was wrong with it and now that I'm old enough to fix it, I want to help her fix a car she loved. What would need done to it now after sitting for 10 years?

Pass smog

Everything serviceable, rubber and liquid.
Don't be tempted to run it before everything is done

Drain gas tank and it inspect it. It might need to be "etched" and flushed. I'd probably opt for new tires too. Also clean that carb of varnish. New battery. Flush coolant and brake fluid. All should be good if nothing is fucked up like a seized caliper piston. Oh, change the oil too.

is there any reason why the pistons would be fucked up?

Water in fluid and then rusted. Happens a lot to cars that have been setting.

Is there any reason I'd need new gaskets? I was talking to my dad and he was saying I might need those.
Also what would I need to do if that was the case? Replace the whole block or?

okaaaay, Datsun guru here.

You're going to need to do an entire fluids flush (oil/coolant/brake fluid/clutch fluid/fuel) and a new battery. You're also going to want to free up the engine; remove all the spark plugs and then pour some Marvel Mystery Oil in each one.

When you change the oil, make sure to take the valve cover off and pour oil over all the rockers and the cam. The L-series may be a damn tank, but just like any other engine it doesn't like to have metal/metal contact without oil.

Change the fuel filter, as many vacuum hoses/lines as you can, and as many fuel lines as you can. All the fuel lines in the engine bay should be replaced. The Jetronic Bosch fuel injection likes two things: good vacuum (new hoses) and good fuel flow (no leaks/obstructions in the lines)

You mentioned smog, and this is over 25 years old so I assume you're in Cali. I'm in Sacramento, if you need help or such let me know. There's a really good Datsun group here in Sac as well.

Engine gaskets? Naw. You probably won't need any. You won't know until you get it moving again and working, but I highly doubt it.

I'm in San antonio. My aunt's in El Paso. But either way I do plan on owning it when she passes. She's not doing well so I want to do her this favor before she goes. She's not on her deathbed but her health's declining.

I'm in the 530 and may need some help. I recently acquired 3 s30s from a rancher. Where can I go to contact?

email me at [email protected] and if you need some help I'll see what I can do.

That's a laudible reason to get er done, and it shouldn't cost too much to do that either.

They have smog for shit like this in Texas?

Annual safety inspections are required by state law, anything else is county-exclusive

New gas lines carbs and fresh gas to start probably new plugs and wires then tires and figure out why it didn't pass smog

Make sure you put a bit of oil into the spark plug holes before you turn it over

pic related is the proper care technique for these babies.

Those fucking silly Yankee bumpers.

Step One: pic related.

And step two.

And here's the important one.

Step three: throw it away and buy a Miata.

Dammit, combo breaker.