Can you fags stop acting like kids and just admit that a rotary engine does not belong in a road car?
Can you fags stop acting like kids and just admit that a rotary engine does not belong in a road car?
Why not
>taking the bait
I DD'd an rx7 for 7 years
Umm, was there ever any disagreement?
>burns oil
>shit fuel economy
>sounds bad
>no power
>no torque
>hard to work on
>apex seals
>generally unreliable
Really nothing to like about them other than the fact you can say "lol I got a 1.3L bro!!1!!!!".
>I DD'd an rx7 for 7 years
7 years seems like a pretty long mid-life crisis.
>hard to work on
Nigger there are like 7 parts
Your heart had like 7 parts, are you going to take that apart too?
Hardcore b8 here
>burns oil
Less than nissans or bmws.
>shit fuel economy
You poor?
>sounds bad
>no power
Um what?
>no torque
Sweet meme. They have great torque
>hard to work on
Incredibly easy to work on
>apex seals
Yup they have those
>generally unreliable
Not true at all
Its very apparent you have never worked on cars or researched anything.
Please educate yourself before speaking
Was my first car at 16 years old
If they're so easy to work on why does an engine failure effectively write off the car or send it to a life of sitting in your back yard?
Because people are scared of what they dont understand.
Which is funny because they use all the same external parts as any engine.
And they diagnose mostly the same way.
Not sure whats so hard to understand
Fuel economy matters in the long run. I drive 15,000 miles a year for work, the difference between 20 and 30 mpg can be several thousand dollars. Tell me, what job do you have that you can afford to spend twice as much on gas going the same distance at the same speed?
Also, rotary's have low torque at low engine speeds. Show me a torque curve that proves they do now. They need a rebuild roughly every 150,000 miles, as a high estimate. Less if turbocharged. That's simply not the case with other ICE's.
I worked at mcdonalds when i bought it.
Different areas have different fuel prices and different costs of living.
If you actually research. Most NA rotaries last 200,000 or more miles. Even RX8s (pic related)
Mine had well over 200k when i sold it.
You can also research the torque meme. NAs had less obviously.
But im not going to spoon feed you since you are trying to instigate shitposting here.
Very childish and ignorant.
>the difference between 20 and 30 mpg can be several thousand dollars
Nigga, even with the worst of prices the difference is less than $800
He is obviously exaggerating numbers to incite an argument.
Ok, so you make claims and refuse to prove them. Thanks, that's all i needed. Here's the dyno sheet of a peripheral ported N/A 13b. It's almost impossible to find a stock dyno sheet. Wow, such torque.
A PP will have less torquethan stock
Spoon feeding you is only going to create an argument.
I encourage you to do some research and expand your automotive knowledge.
The more educated you are, the less you will fear the unknown
Looks like a modern high strung engine dyno.
Pretty decent torque actually
>surprised by the lack of torque on an na 212hp 13b.
>doesn't know that only the us market got na rx7's and every where else was strictly turbocharged
Fd dyno sheet with a light tune, fyi they make 255hp stock.
No, you simply refuse to back up your claims. You could blow me the fuck out by proving that rotaries are better engines altogether than modern ICE's, but instead you refuse to because you know they have several drawbacks that contributed to their failure as viable powerplants.
>mantaining a car is hard
just get a buspass faggot
Youre being childish.
You have access to the information. Seek it out if you want to know.
Or stay ignorant.
It has no effect on my life.
Believing something and knowing something are two different things.
Mazda gave up on it for good reason, kids. I still want an FD though
>Your gay hahaha lol XD
sorry didn't mean to kinkshame you senpai
Why? Because it's too hard for you to wait 10 seconds of a morning before driving off
Rotaries make peak torque at like 3k rpm
If yo8 are trying to say "why doesn't it have the same number as a turbo diesel that revs to 4k" well just kys stupid cunt
>15k miles a year
then buy a fucking civic or something
Why cry about mileage of a God damn sports car if you are a commuting pleb cunt? This board is so God damn retarded some times
>Was my first car at 16 years old
Just curious, what do you actually get out of lying on the internet?
Not lying at all.
You are honestly a total clown if you think that graph of a straight line is a rotary's torque curve.
Ok bro I believe you.
Pic related my first car, just so you know I'm not lying.
Believe what you want.
Doesnt change facts.
Not sure why its so unbelievable anyway.
I blame the epa.
Lmao what is so hard to believe about him owning an RX-7
What did he mean by this
You're right
it belongs in every car
kek were they really that optimistic?