What the fuck does /ss/ mean?

What the fuck does /ss/ mean?

super sports

>someone didn't get a satisfying reply in the meme thread


I can't get over the shitty way how faces are drawn in that mango.

god I love that image

(google it, nerd)

I did. Nothing useful.

What does "wet noodle" mean in Veeky Forums circles, anyway? I seen that thrown around a lot, but can't seem to come to a conclusion. At least with pigfat, I assume that simply means a car that's bigger than it needs to be.

SS skews well in Japan. They use for everything from pizza, tennis shows, and porn manga.

lurk more

at leas I use it to describe shitty, inexact handling and/or use it to describe a flexing or not stiff enough chassis

How can you fail that hard at Google? It even has its own cancerous knowyourmeme.

Chassis flex, which is undesirable for cornering because it reduces the effectiveness of the suspension components and can change the alignment settings during a corner.

Straight shouta, meaning young boy Fucking older female


Super Sileighty

>he doesn't know
Google it, nigger. (safe search on, please c: )




This is literally the correct answer but user spelled it wrong. It's spelled shota

Shōta. Happy?