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Anyone wanna play?
>enter game
>round 1
>retard picks Mira
>after prep phase
>"so whats Mira's special?"
>starting to question the team's ability of using their own brains
>entire team just sits on it's ass
>end up roaming and killing the entire enemy team by myself
>round 2
>fuze lucks out and kills nearly all enemies
>round 3
>5 v 3
>"reinforce this please"
>retards just look at the wall and run around
>end up killing all 3 enemies all by myself again
>see everyone typing gg in the chat
I am so angry right now I am not even sure how to contain it. What the flying fuckerino happened to this playerbase?
>the ps4 servers are down again
Nevermind uplay isn't working for me
>jackal assisted homicide
You can't corner the dorner.
Xth for allah wakbur
>staying still when pinged
>hitting a headshot magdumping like that
>jackal assist x2
I want to sniff Valkyrie's scarf!
Someone buy me the season pass 2 :3
>getting huge pings and memerino rubberbanding all game
thanks ubsoft
>Using the ping is delayed; have to mash the ping button multiple times
>Scanning an enemy using a camera makes a yellow ping the enemy can see on their screen
Such a blunder of a DLC
>hitting a headshot magdumping like that
I have faith in my trusty G36.
>you being a cuck
>barbed wire destroyed
>barbed wire destroyed
>welcome mat destroyed
>shock trap destroyed
>shock trap destroyed
me too. i wanna smell all of her
>drone bait
When will the ranks settle ?
>getting angry at video games
wow dude u carried in a casual game wow ur so good le epic greentext friend ecks deee
>grapple on to wall
>get stuck and had to get injured to be released
>fortify wall
>fortification is invisible
>grab hostage
>is ungrabbable and my gun becomes invisible
>shoot enemy in the head 4 times, his head even flinches
>he shoots me back and i die first, no damage done to him
>barricade door
>barricade is invisible
>throw frag inside window
>it glitches, bounces back and kills my whole team
>reload gun
>ammo counter glitches and i can't shoot anymore
>blind c4 throw guided by sound
>Not using the Siege version that actually has Fuze
>think squatting is a shitty meme and slavs are retarded
>be waiting at crowded train station
>no seats
>long day at work and am tired, just want to sit and have a smoke
>fuck it
>start to squat
>it's actually legit comfy
>get weird looks
>don't care
>do it all the time now
>bought a lada and wear nothing but tracksuits
squatting is only acceptable if you're also leaning against a wall and smoking
or if you're playing curbside dice and drinking a 40
So /r6g/,
Now that jewbisoft has redeemed itself by designing a cute female operator, how likely do you think it is we will get a gasmask wearing-attacker medic with a cute polish accent?
No. Give one of the gooks a gas mask. I want a cute Slavic girl in the game, and chances are she won't have a qt model if she wears a mask.
You can't be an honorary slav until you replace your blood with vodka.
Caveira and Rook weigh the same.
Nothing to redeem since they were all fine to begin with
>guy on other team keeps taking forever to load in
>this goes on for most of the game
>eventually type in "maybe you should stop playing siege on your toaster and take a bath with it instead"
>he fucking disconnects
>almost feel remorse for my actions
>chances are she won't have a qt model if she wears a mask.
Fuck you, gas masks are gorgeous and take nothing from the silhouette.
Yeah but do you think Ubi will put effort into giving her a qt face if 90% of the players will keep the default gas mask?
You probably ruined the day of that dirt poor friendless shitter.
Rook ran track or something in school, and Caveiras taller
Most of the GIGN ops' weight comes from their armor
They don't NEED to give her a face at all if she wears a gas mask. I don't want to see any unmasked operators if I can help it. It's why IQ and frost are best girls instead of twisted monstrosities- or worse.
Rook wears like half his weight in gear, not counting reinforcements.
Holy shit dude.
>Twenty eight (28) ops in game
>Only four (4) show no skin
Fucking Ubi
rip white deag
Slav squats are for shitters, glorious kimchi squat master race.
Are the flamenco dancers on the Velvet Shell headgear camo supposed to be intentional?
>that feel when you own a gasmask but you don't want to ask your girlfriend to wear it during sex because you are afraid she will think you're weird
You have to trade for favors like that. Ask her if there's anything weird she'd like for you to do, just be prepared but also supportive.
Doesn't the polish female wear a half mask like glaz?
If it's really her, I'll still take it.
the operators behind the flags arent the final designs
if you look at the operators behind the spanish flag, neither look like jackal or mira, hell one of them is decked out in US army gear with a US flag patch on his arm
I mean they learned with Mira
yeah I don't think my sense of humor went over too well
I wouldn't be surprised if I got reported or something
The faces have always been fine
Clanfags and "LFT" fags are the shittiest players around, skill wise and as a person.
Well I thought it was funny, but you should probably write an apology to his family just in case.
why is the ranking system so shit? is it because of the fact you have to win to go or up or if you lose you go down regardless of personal peformance or does it go deeper than that
Can somebody explain to me one thing:
When Siege was announced,it looked like a counter strike - terrorists vs operatives
But in game actually,its operatives vs other operatives.Dafuq?
someone post the image
Just be a good little goy and buy it yourself
>doing anything
reports don't do shit.
any time I lose I report the entire enemy team.
Ubisoft doesn't show the game in their "gameplay" trailers. They show a first person short film with a cringey script and actors pretending to be "gamers".
Yeah.. I would've liked to see opposing CTU's instead of half and half split of CTU's.
But, I don't mind the end result, it's just different than how I thought it would be.
Tom Clancy didn't like the idea of letting people play as terrorists, and seeing as its his name on the box its only right to stick to that.
Go enter one of the thousands Seej Jewtoober giveaways.
Am i the only cunt who can't connect to the servers? It's been going on for a few hours now.
Ash elite Toy Story skin when?
I just got up and it's the same here, can't even login to uplay
Fuck you Western spy. Flat foot for life.
the dude had such a shit aim it's not even funny
What's your ID?
Didn't know he was a Vulcan.
I know you're not serious so I'm not giving it out
Can I still AFK Terrorist hunt on House to get cash?
can't connect
wow this is sad
>cute female operator
I hope you're not talking about Mira.
Her skinny face and punkass attitude makes her look like an 11 year old meme-loving boy, such as pic related
me too. fucking ubi cant get their shit fixed. ever
After the downtime all my skins and gadgets were deselected. 30 mins to put back everything on. thx ubi
why can't you just quick switch between operators while doing loadouts
having to back out, and select the next operator is tedious as fuck
Because Ubi doesn't know how to optimize
Goddamnit thanks for ruining her
>second day in a row that the servers are down for extended periods
is Jewson pass not covering their server bills?
>all servers are being used for For Honor open beta
This happens whenever ubisoft release a game/demo.
It happened with the Division, it's happening with For Honor.
It's fucking annoying
I still can't connect to uplay.
Final Fantasy 1 did a better job at changing up characters equipment than this shit
get that fake peruvian frost out of here
>the game is doing so well, it's growing all the time
>don't add new servers
>divert the existing servers for honorhonorhonorhonor beta
what did they mean by this.
>all servers are being used for For Honor open beta
I wish you guys were joking. Thanks for the heads up. I completely forgot that started today.
How can ubi even keep players when the servers are this shit?
It's literally 4:30AM where I live and I still can't get a game. I've been queueing and failing with the same ~10 people for ages. Did Ubisoft not leave enough bandwidth to run ONE (1) FUCKING GAME
Since the games still fucking amazing
even with all the fucking issues
Is annoying and sad really