Closest Brush With Death

>Be me
>Work 4 jobs at a time and save money for years
>Buy first car- fixer upper '97 E36 M3
>Fix it up
>Looks like shit, runs great
>Still work like crazy to pay insurance, gas, and part costs
>Fuckin worth it
>Parents do not like this. They are not car people
>I'm the only person in the family remotely interested in cars
>They wanted me to get a "sensible" car.
>Almost made me sign over my own hard earned cash for a 2010 Fuck Escape
>Hell no.jpg
>Super strict about me driving
>Driving is therapeutic for me
>absolutely infuriated
>Can't afford track time right now
>Started sneaking out of the house at ass hours of the night to go driving in the mountains where we live
>not a single car to be seen for miles
>bombing up and down mountain passes, I've never been happier in my life
>do this for many months now almost nightly. Feel so free
>one night I meet some other guys on the mountain pass with the same idea
>we start racing each night for the hell of it
>fast forward a few weeks to tonight and parents are out of town for a few days
>time of my life
This is where I saw my life flash before my eyes.
>blasting down the mountain with friends on the road that leads to my house at 12am, just a few hours ago
>see a car coming. There's never anybody else on this road
>slow down to safe speeds to let them pass
>get a good look at the car
>it's my parents in our van. My dad was clearly driving too. It wasn't a mistake.
>oh fuck.exe
>about 15 minutes from the house
>phone starts ringing
>it's my mom
>stop on the side of road and answer
>"Just checking to make sure everything is alright, user. We had to come back a day early because plans changed around."
>"Yeah, mom. Just finishing going to bed now."
>100% knew they thought they had saw me
>about to be dead meat
>leave my pals, blast down backroad at 150mph
>feel like patrick snijers
>backroad 3x as long as main road back to house
>hyper drive.gif
>slide into driveway. No sign of them yet...

>Scramble out of car, headlights shine down the road, turning into our driveway
>fucking engine still ticking
>hopefully they don't notice. They're pretty oblivious sometimes
>sprint behind the house
>can't go in the front door because we have one of those stupid, expensive ass doorbells with the motin sensing camera
>tear open back door, house alarm starts chirping
>punch in the code as quick as possible
>hear them climb porch steps
>two feet away from front door
>thank Kek that we don't have any windows by the door
>tiptoe run to my room as the key goes in the lock
>fly into bed
>run fakesleep.exe
>parents check on me
>think I'm fast asleep and leave
>I lay, honestly suprised I pulled that off
>my ass was still in one piece
>waited until they went to bed, then wrote this thread
Honestly, I impressed myself and nearly shat myself too.

yeah nah get fucked

>be 16
>be american
>be poor
>minimum wage is 60 cents an hour
>parents want me to work for family, so brothers and sisters can eat
>buy broken BMW M3 because muh status
>muh rwd
>parents are upset, little sister goes hungry every time i fill it up with the most expensive gas
>which is often, because muh BMW
>every night i go out by myself
>after taping up oil leaks
>I spend the night listening to eurobeat racing my only method of transport
>risking my only decent investment
>MUH rare M3 touge dorifto
>parents spot me powersliding every bend
>Dad has been wondering why i have to buy new tyres every month
>Instead of admitting what ive been doing
>like an adult
>DRIVE MY BMW M3 150 mph!!!!!
>thats 240kmh for you eurocucks!
>150mph in suburban streets thats right son

>get home just in time
>engine is ticking
>breaks are smoking
>bonnet is physically melting from redlining my car
>thats what its designed to do
>hope my parents dont notice

Nailed it 100% dude. Right on!

this is how i remember cliffnotes

OP I know your feel. I had an E30 and my parents are the complete opposite of car people. Never let me go out driving. I have to say I'm going to over my friends house or something. They always say "don't go anywhere".
Now I don't have e a car but that's a story for another day.
Are you projecting or something
I'm not even OP but I came into this thread expecting something good and you had to show up.

I thought this was an enthusiast board. Sorry that you don't like driving.

It's Veeky Forums. There are a lot of kids here who probably can't even drive.
I'd wager money he wanted an M3 and his parents wouldn't let him.

>implying this kid has an m3
>implying he dailys an m3
>implying this thread has any truth

Man you guys sure are retarded.

>buying your own car and pay for everything and being legal driving age(assumed)
>parents telling you when you can and can't drive and what you can and can't do

nigga what?

An M3 can go 150
Also the speedos read high so it was probably more like 140

If I can daily a fucking 37 year old 2 rotor i'm sure someone can daily a fucking 20 year old BMW that is one of the most popular tuning platforms.

>fixer upper BMW
>can go factory topspeed
Yeah ok man
OPs roof probably came off while he was pushing it

>implying he actually owns a car

>live in parent's house
>buy car with money earned from high-school jobs
>afford it because lol no bills becuz living with parents

OP here. 150 was a clear exaggeration, or at least I thought. No way in fuck is it doing 150 in a straight line, much less on a backroad like that.

I used to daily a 1971 240z and I delivered pizza in it. You can daily anything if you have the balls. I daily drove a 1947 Willys Jeep for a while as well.

>lying to look cool on the internet

OP it just gets worse for you

And i bet neither of them work anymore.

Should have got a corolla, youd still have it.

Why are BMW drivers always such extreme crybabies whenever someone makes a joke about BMWs? Is it the same inferiority complex that causes them to buy a BMW in the first place?

It's not like M3's are particularly rare cars to come by either. I picked mine up off craigslist for 4k. Something that isn't an insane amount of money for a high school kid working multiple jobs. Much less than most kid's first cars actually. Unlike most kids though, I paid for my car through and through.

Oh come on I hit 130 in my 325is with 350k miles.

I'm not even defensive. I just get annoyed with the shitposting but alright.

>muh german engineering
>muh reliable electrical systems
>muh rebuilt engine 3000 miles ago
>muh rebuild gearbox

Oh wait i just remembered that everything on a BMW breaks

We've all been in one too many crashes that were our fault because of improper signaling.

I still have both and both still run. I currently daily drive an RX8. Both cars are back home at my Dad's place as I'm in the military and I don't have a place to store all of my vehicles.

OPs whole thread is a shitpost my dude.

Mine, suprisingly hasn't been to bad. I knew they had issues, but putting mine through the works most nights still hasn't resulted in any problems and it has 10k on it.

Who knows, though. Maybe itll just spectacularly blow up one day.

I mean, coming from OP, this all happened and is pretty acurate (aside from the slight speed exaggeration that caused a bit of a shitstorm) but beleive what you want.

10k miles?

All shitposting aside, thats too low to have any problems. But seriously i was going to buy a BMW until the ones i wanted always had "rebuilt engine" or "rebuild tranny" and shit like that.
Im not buying a car that has to have vital fucking components rebuilt when its only driven under 100 miles.

>>hyper drive.gif
What did he mean by this?

well he said he was driving 150 miles an hour
But it was probably more like 75

Fuck, I meant 100k. I missed a 0.

It was definitely up in the hundreds. Not quite 150 though.

>Be me a year ago
>Own 02 accent
>Rip around backroads in it on the daily
>60+ on some of the sketchiest roads in town, literally paved horses paths
>Slamming the only good downhill course in town
>If anybody else is from Plymouth MA, it's the hill on 3A
>Hit 65
>175s working hard, screaming in pain as I hit apexes
>Sharp right, see headlights coming uphill
>Almost crossing the solid white on the right
>Front passenger tyre hits a pothole at @50 maby 55
>Car kicks out toward the center of the road as the other car is about to pass
>See life flash before my eyes
>Somehow the car catches itself before I splatter on this fucks car
>Literally inches from death
>Last week dad's talking about how a few of his friends died doing exactly what I did as were hooning a sl500 AMG
>Mfw I was nearly the next in a long line of casualties

I hope you have a savings account purely for rebuilding engines!

That's why I saved twice what I needed to buy the car.

Remember to report posts that
-are made by underage posters
-promote illegal activity

I didnt think this thread would be such a cluster fuck. It's entertaining at least.

That kinda thing can happen when you're under 18 and living at home with the parents.Cant necessarily fault a younger person for that.

>driving down empty road in '99 Econoline
>hit a patch of black ice doing 25-30mph
>softly bump into guard rail
>paint is lightly scuffed

Almost died guys, real close call.

>be on muh 300
>be riding in circles because nothing else to do
>same loop I've taken dozens of times
>3 lane one way street
>be coming up on red light, in left lane because other two lanes had someone in them
>light turns green as I'm coming up to it, go on through because it's open
>stupid drunk black chick in an SL550 turns left out of the middle lane without signaling
>too late to stop, going like 40, no time to react properly
>squeeze fucking everything, lock back wheel, still too late
>get launched, foot gets meat grindered between bike frame and car wheel
>roll 5 or 6 times, jam ribs into curb across the 6 lane road
>end up on my back on the sidewalk, no idea if I broke my leg, back, neck, ribs
>hot jogger happened to be an EMT
>try not to move
>hear the woman say "oh I didn't see you"
>real EMTs show up
>still on my back, they run up like I'm dead
>look up, say "sup"
>dude laughs a little
>bike is totaled
>SL550 is totaled
>she was fine
>was wearing all my gear, all I broke was my toe
>permanently 9 toenails
>write a letter of gratitude to Spidi and Shoei the next day
>looking at damage on helmet, solid death chance if I didn't have it

I want my fucking bike back.

hey son it's me your dad you should not be lying on the internet it's bad

All these salty mad poorfags.

enjoy your S50

americans got cucked on that one

You have to be 18 to post here.

>owning the sports cars they make

choose one and only one

where's that pic of euro Veeky Forums showing off their parents diesel shitboxes