Its not a fucking lulu thread edition
Its not a fucking lulu thread edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>shit client
>have to unlock champions and buy runes
>no courier
>every item upgrade requires a recipe, there's no combining two or more items without spending some extra gold
>some of the item's properties/passives/stats/etc are lost when "upgrading" it
>can't check other champion's spells in-game or see what my teammates are maxing first or their cooldowns
>can't ever attack friendly units
>your hero is always selected, no RTS-like multiple unit controlling
>way fewer gamemodes
>no custom games
>can't search for a game in any server at any time or multiple servers at once, can't search multiple gamemodes at once
>picking phase chat lets people speak before everyone has joined the room
>champion's color palette thrown out the window for skins
>in ranked you can only queue for two roles, no more no less
>can't edit item sets in-game
>can't check how a spell improves with levels until you have a point to spend, and even then you can only see how it's better at the next level
>once you are in-game, the main client closes
>no chat wheel
>no market for selling cosmetics
>no trading system
>no champion specific hotkeys
>can't control your teammates champion if they disconnect
>can't pause the game
>there's picking order in ranked and it's random (sometimes your support will pick first, sometimes your mid, etc)
>punishment for dodging is too low
>can't check my ping to the server before queuing
>no in-game voice chat
>have to be in-game to access some settings
>no action queuing (shift-queue in dota)
all objective
game is worse than dota
xth for instantly deleting squishies with full lethality garen
>>once you are in-game, the main client closes
But it doesn't.
xth for breast metal waifu
Post more elise
Olaf's thighs destroy lives.
>4 ADCs in pro play
>This retarded ADC in 2K17 LUL meme will continue to persist
>unironically being autistic enough to care about what other people do in their spare time to write a fucking novel about it
lmaoing@urlife rn neet
comfy bfs~
that art is terrible
>tfw have to manually close main client because it eats up processes
>tfw fixed up my old rig thinking that would fix the issue and it just turns out that league client is unoptimized and will try to up up as many processes as possible
can you still browse the store/friends list/etc?
it's not a novel
also i wrote it in like 3 months as i was discovered things, it's not like i went on an autistic fit and wrote it in 10 minutes
it is time
Brazil is canonically the place you go to get THICC
>Squishy fuck gets instagibbed because he was out of position
>ADC IN 2K17 LUL buffs when Riot woooow
>champion's color palette thrown out the window for skins
is that why every dota hero looks like a generic humanoid/formless blob? you go off colors instead of silhouettes?
rude, its comfy!
>conjoined twins kissing
You fucking sick fuck
why are you here?
I don't care user, you're still autistically coming to one game's general to preach about another because m-muh franchise wars. Please find a hobby.
Diana has the only good BM skin
>Your jungler (Lee) insists on ganking your lane even though you told him to get dragon
>He dies in the process because he goes under their turret so Renekton just stuns and ignites him
>Tell him to get dragon instead
>He tells me to go fuck myself
>He does it again and dies again
Well we won anyway and in the end I had a good laugh since he dealt 3700 damage to champions in a 25 minute game
stop bullying that art
its CUTE!
Why would you want to browse the store in game? And yes, you can look at your friends list.
>pros try out ziggs bot
>lose everytime
>community wanted to keep colors
>devs listened
Its not a fucking argument when the devs did something the community vocally wanted.
Riot is notorious for doing the opposite of what people ask for
dark and lonely
i need somebody to hold me
mad adcuck detected
You forgot that dotodos has only 13% of league playerbase.
>people will continue to compare pro play to solo q
>Riot is notorious for doing the opposite of what people ask for
is that why they put out new client, replays, and sandbox/practice tools?
no one's bullying the art, they're bullying the concept.
I always browse this general, I'm not going out of my way to do anything, I've been playing this game for 3 and a half months
No, Dota heroes have certain unique color palettes to make them easily distinguishable from one another, cosmetics for each hero follow the heroes color palettes.
League champs don't follow any color palettes, so it can be hard for a new player to distinguish between a Ryze and a blue Brand, etc
That doesn't make the game better or worse
>no champion specific hotkeys
the only thing heroes of the storm does well is having per hero per button settings for quickcast
only being able to have quickcast/qc on release is dumb
>punishment for dodging is too low
it literally isn't. dodging is almost a nonissue unless you're challenger. you sit in queue for 2 more minutes
literally never heard a single person playing this game complain about color switches on skins. in fact, people actually fucking buy chromas. i think you're just mentally deficient
The difference here is that ADCucks keep saying "ADCS ARE BAD WAAH WAAAH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"
and not: "Adcs are shit in solo queue"
Which is the difference between looking retarded, and saying the truth.
It's not even that good. Lunar goddess is still the best
He's referring to your constant "LUL xD" spamming that only manifests itself from the 13 year old Twitch-viewers.
>tell jungler not to go into my lane because im freezing it
>he instead goes and fucks up my lane and sits in fucking lane long enough to have me an entire level behind enemy top because he thinks pushing tower at level 3 is totally doable
>end up having to recall multiple times and eventually losing my lane because level and gold advantage top can outduel me so my only option was to hug tower and eventually give it up to avoid feeding him kills
replays took them ages to add also the new client is still crap and fixed nothing
>no courier
The fuck is a courier?
>can't attack friendly units
The only reason I would ever want this is if my adc picked Ezreal, just because I have a strong and irrational hatred of Ezreal
>way fewer game modes
They tried that, nobody actually liked most of them
>you can only queue for two roles
Actually I agree with this one, rito pls
>once you are in-game, the main client closes
Except it doesn't
>no market for selling cosmetics
I agree with this one too, but then I came to this game from TF2 so I might be biased or something
>no trading system
See previous
>can't control your teammates' champion is the dc
Because trying to control two champions at once is totally a good idea
>can't pause the game
No shit, its pvp
>can't check ping before queueing
All in all, quality shitpost. Here's your (you), now fuck off back to d2g
>dodging is almost a nonissue
I go through 2 or 3 picking phases before actually getting to play a game, and more now with autofill
>2011 ugly ass splash art
>2017 this shit still exists
its a comfy position!
>tfw no ez bf to cuddle
Can you imagine the shitfest if friendly fire was allowed?
I'm done responding to you Mr Aspergers. Please find a hobby with less things to trigger you, like hopscotch or highway traffic director.
I was talking about the minimap you dofus
doesnt know what denying cs
and dodging is the only way to avoid obvious mongoloids in champ select. you already get a loss in a series for dodging, plus a stacking queue delay, if they made it any worse a lot of people would be mad
Also, guessing this was today, but he was just in queue for his promos to Masters.
Probably got tired of waiting and dodging.
I'm pretty sure that player population means a lot on massive online multiplayer games.
>Adcs are shit in solo queue
>not the exact same thing as "adcs are shit"
I think she's getting a splash art update soon
practice mode WHEN
FUCK these oceanic subhumans
give it to real regions already
>12 year old gets mad
>Instead of going afk or running it down mid he starts killing your teammates
nice game babs
>>can't attack friendly units
>what is denying
>Because trying to control two champions at once is totally a good idea
So you prefer not being able to do it at all? I prefer being able to use two champions before playing a game 4vs5
>No shit, its pvp
So? Having a pause is still useful, specially in ranked
I'm only talking about the game, nothing 3rd party. I could also have said that every summoner stats site is absolute dogshit, but that's not riots fault
I'm not triggered
Dota's system is way more punishing
That only matters if the number gets too low, there's a point when there's diminishing returns
He ment friendly units as in minions aka denying your opponent last hits by last hitting your own minions. There is the ability in dota that lets you last hit friendly minions/towers if their health is below a certain percentage but its a tiny window and if you do kill it your opponent doesnt get exp or gold from it.
Learn to read a bit before running off on wild assumptions.
All me
So with Riot being all hush hush about the ADC rework, what IS the role of an ADC in LoL anymore?
It's not to deal physical damage, or range damage.
Reminder that the Blood Moon skins are out, and Hunt for the Blood Moon is out too.
Why you lying though?
>People who pick GP in ranked games but have no idea how to play him and wonder why they feed
>Check their record and they almost always have a sub 30% win rate with him
I just don't get it.
and sandbox is not
gj riot nice priorities
xth for best non-humanoid
haha wow this is an amazing argument I'm so upset league isn't dota yet why don't we just mirror all of dota's features and call league "dota 3.1 anime edition"
kys (you) farmer
>getting my hopes up
we're two different people fyi
Practice tool is out on LAN/LAS/BR/OCE. Should be coming soon to NA.
>not playing draft with a new champion until you have at least 30+ games on them and are comfortable enough to feel like you can carry or do well on them
>This post
Did you notice how I said friendly fire instead of friendly units?
I would penetrate MF's armor if you know what I'm saying
>See a popular player (lets use Tobias Fate for this example)
>Want to immitate what he does and get results
>Think watching is the same as actually playing
>Don't learn the champion's mechanics/strengths/weaknesses and feed out the ass.
Please penetrate my armor
you had a nice trip yesterday
why the fuck do LAN/LAS/BR/OCE need a practice mode when they already use ranked for that?
>that pic
Wow racist much?
I wish League of Legends had a meme frog or toad themed champion that is smug as fuck and talks shit, seriously.
yeah it's out on the irrelevant servers i know that user but i'm on euw and bored of ranked i need my autismbox so i can keep myself entertained
The only thing that bothers me is that Riot made another champion to match Little Lamb's thighs. Still, Camille thighs will NEVER be as soft and pillowy as Little Lamb's.
and yet what I said still stands. Guess your individuality is less important than you thought.
but thanks for telling me how responding to two different posts works user c:
>penal colony and hues get practice tool first
i guess having 30 concurrent players has its upsides sometimes
what I dont use a tripcode?
>that tf skin
that's way too good what the fuck
Tahm Kench
>what i said
im glad you didn't call that an argument
i see.. lucky strike // the destroyer
The recall is fucking amazing
Camille and Kindred are the sign that Riot cares about the booty rather than the boobs.
user I'd call it fucking taco bell if I wanted, games having all the same features is beyond retarded and you should feel retarded for thinking otherwise.
>it took riot until season 6ish to finally stop being pompous and ape mechanics from other mobas that lol desperately needs
>made this decision when the entire genre is just a modification of a custom RTS map
>that fucking client every season
hes right about all of this. it's really too bad that dota is unfun if you haven't been playing for years.
that was an accident, I was memeing on destroyer since hes a namefag and forgot to remove the name when I was makin one of my own posts
plz stop noticing my posts
>Long range does well with lethality build
>Long range does well with lethality build
>Utility never dead weight no matter how far behind
i forgot to remove it too, thought it was funny when i saw you messing up until i fucked up
So how can riot actually fix ADC?
Will they just nerf everything? Or just overbuff damage to make ADC feed or famine the game?
Which is why I can't be too harsh on them. I strongly believe Riot only meant good when they came up with Camille desu desu
fuck adcs, good riddance. They're where they belong right now.
>feed or famine
they either get fed or they starve and become useless