/hsg/ - Hearthstone Cucks General

Only dumb cucks play this game edition

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kripp is a god

First for cunnyverse

This is the best meta ever

Damn I gotta buy more of em packs

based Kripp the Hearthstone superstar


kripp always takes first


>it's blizzarding outside
>school is cancelled
>I really want to leave to get some food but I don't want to be cold and wet



freeze mage 4-0
nice game hearthverse lards

>Tomorrow are finals for native language
>snowing like hell too, 1 hour walk in freezing cold

I never understood why spell damage doesn't affect heals
like The game would be better right?

>Battle Tag Runs Average Wins Rank
>Kripp 37 7.78 1


Cunnyverse does not have this problem

for us kripp fans in here

He's not even close to the winrate of EU's top arena players

first for our resident slut zeriyah posting here

>video games
lmao-ing at your life nerd


daily reminder that i will be with your for the next 2 years

He plays vs actual competition not MTG yuro shifters

NA is the server that gets everything first so it's the only one that matters


>For some reason we cannot grasp, Druid has risen in play, and Jade Druid is quite present at higher levels of play too. The only thing this archetype does is make sure Shaman stays on top by drastically reducing the efficiency of its counters while giving it free wins. It is one of the most underestimated toxic elements of the current Meta even at its relatively low representation because of how polarizing its matchups are.

>Top EU players gets over 9 win average on EU
>Gets less than 7 on NA

NA where the big boys play.

>tfw I'm running this deck right now

stay bootyblasted

enjoy your 2 day legend climb

>play rate of Shaman slightly dropped as people take the game less seriously at the beginning of the season

Blizzard: we told you the meta would balance itself! No need for any changes.

I tried to tell you faggots.

anyway, Shaman masterrace.

is hafu really 3104?

Daily reminder that STB is getting nerfed end of February and all of you can enjoy crafting your 1600 dust boar.

well, i'd rather play a 5-10 minute game of midrange shaman than play a 20 minute game of control warrior and reno decks just to lose. fuck that.

>no amaz
>no p4wny
not watching those "streamers" anymore

Just opened about 20 packs of Grand Tournament and got these four. Anything I can do with them?

I want to be happy about it since I usually have abyssmal luck of the draw, but none of these seem particularly useful.

STB moving from 3 attack to 2 will only minimally affect the viablitity of Mid Jade

Aggro shitters are getting cucked however

Eyy first double legend pack ever even though I've been playing since beta

i'm the original STB. not that shitty pirate version


dust bolf but keep all class legos

post rage/salt compilations boys

Can anyone help me with pic related? I just need to add someone then spectate their game.

>Use Firelands Portal
>Summons pic related
>Lose because it's impossible to trade the 7-6 fucker

It was called "The Grand Dusting" for a reason user

They are all shit

post tag and server mate

Why do people spend so much money on this rotten game?

US Cafo#11167

*fireworks everywhere*

It was 20 packs with gold mate, wanted to get some GT cards before it rotates out in case I decide to play wild next set.

do I dust Prince Malchezar? I've been debating it for weeks. He fucking sucks but idk if I want to dust adventure legos desu

Face Warrior is fairly exciting. Sometimes you're left with no board and just barely missing lethal. Then you topdeck one of your many 'hit face' cards and win.

Dust Majordomo

Just keep him, especially if you don't have any a lot of cards/legendaries. He's a good addition to budget decks.

Jade Druids are killing the game.
Without them the win rate of Reno Mage would be close to Aggro Shaman's win rate meaning there wouldn't be that much reason to play one over the other and people could try other anti-Shaman decks without automatically losing to the retarded druids.

The announcement of the nerfs is coming at the end of February you retard.

>with gold
That's okay, I guess, although I can't imagine saving 2k gold or maybe you're really good at Arena.

But the questions still stand:
1. Why do Blizzard expect people to pay north of £20 for iOS/Android game expansion.
2. And more important, why do I see so many faggots with expansion cards?

I don't get it.

>Everyone always says "just play arena, getting a 7 win average so you can infinite just takes a couple months of playing!"
>Like 20 people can actually do that



>I can't imagine saving 2k gold or maybe you're really good at Arena.
I do my dailies diligently and there's not much else to spend gold on anyway since I mainly play arena on alts.

No need to go infinite, just go over 3 and youre in net positive territory
Hitting 5 or six is pretty easy

3 is not 'net positive' 3 is 'sometimes not making a loss'.

>hearthstone #6 on twitch

Is it finally dying?

its been dying since secret Paladin became popular after TGT came out

the game had a chance to survive, but team5 took almost 6 months between LOE and Whispers release, that is what doomed the game forever

Come next rotation you are going to see a spike, then a MASSIVE drop in players when every casual player realizes they are back to where they were when they started and the game is still full of broken ass decks and p2w

Does anyone actually run Beneath the Grounds to counter Reno? I've never seen it so why not?

Because Reno anything is already a favorable matchup for Rogue.

Not worth making your bad matchups worse to make your autowin matchup better

It's that time again!

Genzo the shark

its shit




I know it is, and I play it when I take my daily shit to get my 3 wins and a quest.

My question is why are other faggots voting with their walled IN FAVOUR of pay to win? It has made me quit a lot of games:
>Adventure Quest
>Dragon Fable
>Urban Rivals
>Payday 2

Valve has proved that yo can still make money with COSMETIC items, so Blizzard could have made Hearthstone free and equal for everyone to play and grind, while people could pay for hero skins, gold cards (with a chance for a super-rare platinum drop with a super sweet animation), card skins etc.

That's at least my view, I might be wrong.

Wrong dude with chains, dammit

Well Hearthstone's business model has been a fucking gold mine for them so apparently it's pretty fucking fine from a financial standpoint.


Kys poorfag

i feel your pain

How would you guys redesign the tribes?

it really isn't "pay to win" when everyone rank 20 onward has a full fledge netdeck

add more

dusted it the second I got it

I remember getting rank 15 easily with various budget C'thun decks when I was new to the game.
How the fuck are new players doing now that ranks 20-15 are full of greedy renolocks, renomages and dragon priests

>spell damage

I did well with inner fire priest, but pirate warriors get me no matter what, as soon as I see that little gnome and the cannon I auto-concede and they bm 'thank you'

One more time y'all. Guess that lego.

how do you know whether you hate Hearthstone specifically, or that you just hate card games in general?

bonus: name one redeeming quality about TCG/CCG.

whats your favourite card lads?

pic related is mine, dont ask why because i dont even know



And this is only his WoW """"achievements""""
there is no mention of his Diablo and PoE achievements

>tfw just calculated how much i spent on this game since beta

170 packs, all adventures
about 250,-

Not too bad but I have her already so free dust I guess.

what deck would John Cena play

some cancerous no skill deck like miracle rogue or jade shaman

>tfw this brawl is actually fun

Lmaoing at your life

>no skill deck
>names two of the most skill intensive decks in the current meta

what did he mean by this

pls no burgle bully

>paying for a free game
>there are people that actually do this

but why

The comeback king, Miracle Rogue
