What's the best car color?
What's the best car color?
>OP is incapable of developing a taste of his own
check your autism
>pic related, im normie as fuck
you being a tasteless pleb has nothing to do with autism you butthurt faggot
pretty sure that picture only proves you have autism, son
"Neurotypical or NT, an abbreviation of neurologically typical, is a neologism widely used in the autistic community as a label for people who are not on the autism spectrum."
>W-w-what color will make my pleb box look more plebian?
you have no taste, pleb
>Y-y-you have autism!
Just let it go autismo, you'll thank me later
kek, you are the autist and not the smart kind either.
tasteless pleb
The only right answer
Does this count?
not worthy of glorious BRITISH racing green.
turd tone
You made yourself look completely autistic by sperging out the minute OP opened the thread.
im such a frustrated asshole, im sorry OP
I know.. its bad.. im a dick.
Anything midnight
What's better
White car with black rims
White car with black rims + machined lip?
Teak brown.
>Poverty brown
white car with GOLD rims
White with black rims is nigger tier.
brown car with GOLD/chrome wheels
Midnight blue
olive drab
>Go through thread
>No mention of teal.
You disgust me Veeky Forums.
blue a best
Midnight purple, bayside blue.
Neon lime
Clear Coated Carbon
For DD: silver metallic grey
- never dirty, not too hot in summer
- goes well with other colors
- it's not black or white!
- looks like every other car, as it should be
Depends entirely on the car; there is no universal best color
Matte dark blue might work on Aventadors, but it wouldn't work on a Camry.
Depends on the car.
For example, I love championsip white with red interior Hondas in a type-R motif. Mercedes should be black or charcoal metallic. BMW in estoril blue or hellrot red. Jags in BRG. Vettes look great in various era-specific blues with white interiors. Caddy should be a pearlescent white. Lexus looks best in silver / champaigns or closely matched two tones in dark metallic colors. Porsche looks best either in wild colors, or subdued, typically non-sporty colors like a metallic brown, non-metallic grey, swamp green, etc. Ferarris in red, etc, etc
No normal person completes that long-ass test.
jet black spray paint
cops can't see me at night and speed cameras don't work on me now
Universally, red is the most popular choice, but it really does depend on the car.
Cadillacs need to be black, Ferraris ought to be red (with some exceptions), Corvettes look at their best in yellow, BMW looks best in a dark blue or gunmetal colour, Mustangs in Ocean blue, Toyota sport cars (if and when they exist) always look best in white, and the new "soul red" finish Mazda has on their current lineup is so nice you'd have to be genuinely mentally disabled to consider buying one in any other colour.
Light blue
its impossible for a car to look terrible in black.