Mechanic owned

>Mechanic owned

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Never buy a car from a mechanic, no matter how good it looks. Those fuckers will nigger rig all the problems so you won't notice.

>makeshift repairs eerywhere
>greasy steering wheel and controls

No thanks, Juan.

That's the point. Mechanics are notoriously shoddy at taking care of their own vehicles. After working for 10 hours the last thing they want to do is come home and work on cars more.

Same goes for "woman owned". If you see either one of these things then run far, far away.

>grandpa owned

>in mint condition

The best owner.

My uncle is a mechanic and puts just enough work into his early 90s Accord to keep it running. It's a pile otherwise.

This, for some reason if it's someone's grandparents car. Always in actual "Mint" shape, usually all the Dealership ship maintenance receipts in the glove compartment.

Grandma owned is legit though, my Acura had low miles and full documentation

What about woman mechanic owned

lmao we have a work car
a service we do on that will literally be oil, check brakes and battery so 20-30mins versus a few hours for a customers vehicle.
only exception is the project cars we have

Plus they typically do not know what they've got

i got my first car from a grandpa,

shit ran too well, i asked him about it and turns out the fucker was an old hot-rodder from the sixties who built cars with upwards of 700 horsepower.

driving a 2.3 lima on an old foxbody but the thing pull a 150hp 220 on the dyno.

i still don't know what he did to the damn thing.

>taking advantage of the elderly

>Dubs of integrity
I must commit honorable sudoku

>not taking advantage of the elderly

>Mechanic special

If you don't speak french, mint 91 civic with one grandma owner, fucking 55000 km on the odo. God bless grandmas.

i hope you end up in a home when you are old. and not a nice one either. one of those crooked ones i saw on 60 minutes where they beat you and take your pills.

>Not buying an obscure performance trim of an average econobox from an elderly woman for next to nothing, and then throwing in a few hundred extra to bring it back up to the low end of market price

Sounds kinda kinky t b h

fuck mechanics, the most shadiest thieving cocksuckers in existence. especially dealership """""""""techs"""""""""

>tfw I'm a panel welder

I-I do my best work and make a modest wage

>training to be one

Jokes on you friend. I'm going to die or kill myself by the time I'm 45.

>why does this who's-it what's-it thing cost so much to replace?
Because it's buried beneath 10 miles of engineer fuckery.
>what's it do anyway?
Senses yaw.
>is it important
Not really. Your VCS/traction control won't work without it, though.
>I guess just go ahead and do it.

>I don't need no brakelines, they were fine when I bought.
They rusted through, you literally have no brakes. Your parking brake was disconnected at some point too.
>Yeah well whatever.
[Hits another car pulling out of the lot]

Example average conversations I have with people like you.

I don't even work at a dealership.

no, fucking fix it. i'm not paying you to get menstrual so get to work

Sounds about right
>my car is making a rattling noise
>check oil..nothing on stick
>look at oil change sticker..10000 miles overdue
>well do you want to just do an oil change since its way overdue and you are low on oil
>no thanks..ok
>add 3 qts to a 4 qt system
>smooth and quiet
>hey my washer fluid light is still on?? Didnt you fill it??

This, my Canadian grandmother has a green EF hatch that my dad helped buy her back when it was new. It's always lived in an underground garage at her condo building and has 40,000 Ks on the clock. It's an autotragic but I'm tempted to buy it off her and bring it to the states.

>Boss wants to tell his 2005 Cummins 2500
>Tranny pops out of gear if you dont baby it
>Flush tranny and put in royal purple
>Fixes it somehow
>Sell it for an extra $5k

Saw a gypsie trying to sell body work at the gas station to a stranger.

Started laughing after seeing him pull off in a pickup truck with rust

Is...this the american initial D?
Nascar lima engine in pizza delivery foxbody?

doesn't help that i found carbon copy reciepts to multiple random names in the glovebox with 'poker pete's' typed on top.

now that you mention it.

Found the woman.

mechanics are scum. Garbage tier human along with computer store employee

hell yeah as soon as you take the keys out of their hands normally all it needs is an italian tuneup

(and a trip to the detailer for deodorizing)

>sjws on Veeky Forums

>absolutely mint condition, not a single molecule of rust
I don't want to end up like this lads

oh hell yes
all the carpet and paint is pristine
pop the glove box for full service history and even the original sales literature and manual from 30 years ago
1+ for all original toolbox in the boot
88 hp and 118 lb·ft version ?

i just realized the car in this is a fucking twingo

From a mechanic no, from the wife or child of a mechanic yes

It's a true meme-mobile.

I was a mechanic; now an engineer.

I take care of my vehicles vigorously.

>Early services
>Bi-weekly vehicle checks
>Always looking to improve efficiency.

It's like playing with grown-up legos, why wouldn't I take care of my vehicles? Whenever I sell a car, it's in top-form for the next owner with a list of recent maintenance's.

Why would a mechanic who has knowledge and access to tools neglect their own vehicle? Sounds like you shouldn't buy from access certain type of personality, not occupation.

ya right

Do any completely rust-free cars older than 10 years truly exist anyways? I'm in Ontario and I'm going to be buying a new car next time because even cars that look mint from the outside end up having surface rust everywhere underneath.

>it's a twingo

i thought it was a 105 130 2.3 lima 8v sohc but yeah that's about right.

>not posting the superior version

>lady driven

This actually is not a bad thing. Bought a Toyobaru that was lady driven and the transmission felt much better than another driven by a Quebecer. Never buy a car from Quebec, ever.

>Mechanic's special

You don't know what it's like to discover 5 seriouly fat problem in some retarded soccer mom's 10 year old rusted Sienna shitwagon, attempt to help for legitimate safety concerns, and hear her in the service lobby say some stupid shit like
>"yeah I don't plan on spending money on a perfectly good car, nice try though"
Us """"techs""""" are tired of normie garbage, and if you get offended by attitude please kys.