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World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
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>Blinking before grip
who the fuck is this faggot
someone who isn't a e-celeb dicksucker straight outta plebbit make a new thread please
So this is what happens after Blizz releases a raid that can't be pugged first week?
Is blackedsmithing useful for anything?
Seems like all the other professions have something.
>farming for the love rocket sixteen times a day
>each day I die a little inside
Just like every other year
add checkpoints for each boss, so you get one chest per boss as long as you complete each segment in time
make the timer very strict for the first boss but increasingly lenient as the dungeon goes on
so for example in HoV you're almost guaranteed two chests as long as you don't repeatedly wipe because there's no trash between skovald and odyn
>mfw cuck-dps run in front of me
I'M in charge here, if you run in front of me you better be sure i'm letting you pull and die, FUCK outta here white boi, this is MY group
Literally cant decide guys
Which do I pick (Main spec/Off Spec)
>RDPS Sucks while melee is great
>Monk would require two sets of trinkets
>not knowing /our guy/
>tfw casual guild has four (4) people doing over 300k on normal (N) elisande
>tfw get funneled gear even as an irregular raider because I'm one of the 4 non-shitters
u can make a mount that's bout it, also they added some new old world recipes 7.1.5 for transmog purposes if that's ur thing, other than that it's garbo
>only sixteen
buddy I actively have to make an effort to wake up at 8AM to do all my characters in time
>He can't pull off DPS pulling for him
>You doing normal
>Not a shitter
Nice try retard
I did 11 runs of HH a day last year. I felt physically sick towards the end. Fuck doing that again
would definitely make HoV less aids, not a bad idea
>join boost group for eoa+8
>outperform everyone in the group by a metric mile
>at the end of instance type "thanks for the boost" with me doing 1.2 m dps
Yeah, I should of had fifty for this holiday instead of sixteen - it might drive me nuts but it'd make the chances higher.
What the fuck is this /our guy/ shit? I don't remember voting to suck some retard's dick just because he makes videos.
This isn't a fucking hivemind like the place you came from, go back there and feel free to play in traffic on your way there.
I don't think it's a question of "can't." As someone who tanks from time to time, i's just kinda annoying. Though it's also annoying for the rest of the group when the tank goes too slow.
>unironically playing DH
>Everyone keeps memeforging set pieces and good trinkets
>I've been getting AP and chaos crystals for 4 weeks in a row
to make myself understood by the locals at /wowg/.
Legendary RNG is RNG inside RNG, the worst part is the RNG to get a legendary is in general fairly low, and the RNG to get the legendary you want when out of 10, you want one of the two best, or even one that will actually help you dps/heal/tank instead of trahs. Holy fucking shit, please send help I am having a minor seizure.
he's being ironic
Was it autism?
i like this
>one chest per boss
this shit should've been in to begin with
>36 a day on wow 1
>30 a day on wow 2
buy boosts and try again with new characters stupid goyim
jokes on you i got the file off of google
you bet your sweet white ass i can and will NOT pull aggro off of you if you deliberately run in front of me, your job is to look into my STRONG BACK carrying you dipshit turds and abide by MY rules, I am in charge
Why do people care so much about the meme rocket anyway?
>you need to remake your character if you want good items
no thanks
>he doesn't know about the 7.2 legendary changes
user I.........
because it's rare
What changes
It has a drop rate thought up by Satan.
what changes
Ye im excited to get a token to unlock my Sephuz instead of just getting one
i'm 5 mounts away from my 300 mount title+shitty serpent dragon mount, every single one counts
it's one of the lewdest mounts in game
legendary drops are BoA before you open them.
meaning you should boost x amount of [your main's class]s until you get your bis legos
in addition to the crafted legos that we know nothing about yet
please don't remind me of her.....
so what you are saying is, if i make 50 demonhunters and farm them to 110 get my first token, and then send 50 demonhunter legendary token to my main demonhunter, ill gett all the legendaries???
that's what it looks like at the moment
Does this mean that if my main rogue has 3 shitty leggos I should just keep leveling new rogues
better stock up on those battle.net tokens goyim
i instantly leave the group if anyone even thinks to run in front of me, let alone pull. they must all stay 2 yards behind me when walking.
i make that very clear to the party when we start, if they all don't reply with "yes sir, understood sir", well they can wait another 5 minutes
I don't know what server to make my character!
>tfw a manlet with small dick rolls a tank to feel important in an online game
speaking of f un
>temple of shartmogu
>horde has 3 healers
>Alliance have 0 healers
nice ojne blizzasrd
>tfw never fell for the pet class meme
Fuck hunters fuck demo locks and FUCK uh dks
>needing a tank when you got fuck huge dps.
that's not Bolvar's voice
so is he being taken over by Ner'zhul now?
can't wait for Northrend 2: Electric Bogaloo
World of Warcraft: Return of the Lich King
>job interview tomorrow
>Chad will always win
why bother
the helm of domination (aka lich king mask) comes with its own voice modulation
Tauren or dwarf shaman?
>visually not appealing
>slow as fuck in a game that requires to dodge shit
>boring rotation
>loot competiting against warriors and paladins
You called that upon yourself
>You're empty inside, just like me.
Not gonna lie, former lich king supporter here. It's hilarious watching him crash and burn like this. But in all seriousness we can't let this absolute madman get his hands on the red dragonflight.
I came here to play a game, not to feel
Why the fuck are we helping "Bolvar" amass an army and find powerful relics even ARTHAS didn't have?
Why the FUCK would you do anything to help someone who admitted he wants to do something horrible?
What is wrong with DKs?
you can do it
>warrior class mount
>le dragon
Seriously? Why do warriors get the worst shit?
legion is bc 2 : old gods boogaloo
next xpac is wotlk 2 : bolvar boogaloo
you know I wouldnt mind getting to explore nerubian kingdom and shit that we never got to explore in wotlk
I don't know much about Frozen Throne lore but
>Going back in time ANYWHERE in Northrend
>Giving Nerzul a way back
>Bolvar already sounds evil as fuck
>Fucking with the Red Dragonflight to amass power
Is Voidshit a Red Herring and we getting WotlK 2?
their brood doesn't want them, someone has to take care of the poor dragons with downs
rogue gets a fucking bird
An awesome raven.
rouge's crow is probably the best class mount fgt
>mfw shaman
what does priest get
and didnt blizzard say they didnt want to give every class their own mounts
at least it has a unique mount skeleton
probably, we already know that bolvar has been communicating with the other death knights behind our back.
plus there's the shades of arthas that say 'you think you're in control but it's really me'
so yeah, we'll probably get wrath 2 just like how legion is literally bc 2. blizz just ran out of lore ideas
at least it's not a magic dinner plate like mages
Th-Thanks qt.
purple owl for shadow
He knows
doesn't even have god damn ground animations
>they will eventually remake pandoria
Someone has to take care of the downy dragons of Azeroth.
This seems like it might just be the class mount quest dialogue. Its really fucking intense though, I didnt think we'd actually have to do a quest for it. Kinda thought its just get handed over.
Bolvar is starting to lose himself. I really am curious to see what theyll do with him.
this thing
purple for shadow priests
I think they tied up Pandaria's story too well for a possible return to it
Remember to serve your Queen
looks dumb as hell