League of Legends general - /lolg/
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xth for supporting anons and getting wonderful treats for doing well!
Xth for Exhaust nerfs when?
Shut up bitch
So I'm in a vs computer game and all the other "players" are clearly bots. What do I do?
Actual thread
xth for best champ
I want to eat sona janna and lulu posters!
Fuck off, healsluts!
ill give you a nice warm salty treat
I wanna tame you and make you my personal penis vacume
NA or EUW?
cum isn't really salty though
I wish I could find a support that would be content with headpats and kind words, instead of asking to be degraded and humiliated.
depends on their diet bro
i should know, ive sucked alot of dicks
I was 1v5ing them in their base and getting kills
Fuck me, what a way to hit mastery level six
I've only ever tasted mine, you're clearly the expert bro
post reasons to live
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Kled is cute!
This doge
make sure to hit your ''''skill'''shots that are the size of a lane
>implying there are reasons to live beyond your immediate kin.
ram your huge cock up their ass
*melts your heart*
It's been over 6 years
How come people still don't know how to play this game?
I love salty treats!
I'm perfectly okay with headpats~
you havent sucked my dick yet :)
Move that Ryze to atleast AB right now!
1st game: bluescreened, placed in low prio
2dn: autofilled supp. Someone leave the champ select 6 TIMES
When are we going to get an over the top super hero champion?
Are you at least diamond elo? And can I dress you up in cute clothes?
sion is cute! CUTE! i bet he'd be a nice husband if you don't trigger his blood thirsty war self
not gay, nice try guy
>Jinx not in A-S
>Camille not in F
>Leona that high
You';re retarded
That was Zac's old theme and Jayce was supposed to basically be League's Superman.
So the answer is probably never and you should kill yourself.
sion is not for husband, sion is for killing demacians
not just demacians user
joining the alt-right demon horde and ushering in a new age
>no kled
his voice is litterally perfect, especially when he start yelling in a super high pitched voice
Ivern should be in one of the S tiers, shouldnt he? He has some great lines and delivery
I probably should kill myself but that doesn't mean that Riot isn't missing out on such a great concept!
>More Urgot anons
Great taste, desu.
Jhins "lol so edgy and artzy" voice is SSS tier?
You'd better be kidding.
>no 02 champion
Explain this, lolbabs.
I want to dance with Orianna.
I'm really excited for the new reworks! I wonder who we will joke about after UrgoD rework... Aatrox? Poor guy . . . :S
I'd be more than happy to wear cute clothes for you user~. As long as you give me headpats and occasional "Great jobs~"!
Im in promos for silver1, pls no bully :(
>no champion obsessed with the letter four
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lolbaboons?
I want a personal cumdump who looks exactly like Sona
Oh hey you're unbanned
I removed you because I realized that trying to lewdpost off user makes me awkward and uncomfortable
I want All Might in league desu
most of the fanbase is teenage boys. these things are to be expected.
>Reposting from last thread
Returning player with a few questions.
I last played mid 2013, was a mid diamond player, hovered around two and three.
I used to play almost exclusively Elise with Lee Sin whenever she was banned or I had to go top/support. Is Elise still any good? Is JG a fine role to main still? With the general skill of the game raising, would I be around silver level now? I've been playing DOTA in the meantime, so my moba skills should have just gone up, it would just be game familiarity.
Any tips or info I should know coming back?
What's the new jungle path?
Skill order on Elise still R Q E W?
Fuck that weak faggot.
Somebody is jealous
Some 13-year olds know how to use photoshop apparently
>would I be around silver level now?
top kek
nah, you should have no problem hitting diamond again
>falls for the ultimate pretentious faggot character
They say we are what we are.
Add me on League, let's play normals together sometimes.
I'm back, In black.
I wanna be Lulu's cat!
But we don't have to be.
>I have retarded opinions that I share on Veeky Forums
good job.
>Is Elise still any good
She's okay
>Is JG a fine role to main still
>With the general skill of the game raising, would I be around silver level now?
you should be fine
>Any tips or info I should know coming back
ban camille
>play sober and win
>play drunk and lose
guess I won't be playing tonight then ...
Don't you mean pet her pussy?
>play never
>drink never
>win at life
haha jk. still a loser.
Should I?
I only own Alistar and I never play him.
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way.
I'll be the watcher of the eternal flame.
>won againt a shitter team with no MR
woooow gj xD
The Blood Moon concept looks silly on Jhin and the skin is bad. High Noon is 100x better.
>A rank
>not even A+
>despite taking the most towers, most dragons, having the most gold (more than Diana whose CS was higher), clearing the second most wards, and generally hard carrying
>A rank
>fucking A rank
inb4 normals etc, riot sort your shit out
user, this is an intervention. You have a problem.
That's a lotta skins
How much did you get tricked into spending
S-sure! Ign?
She's mine, you do know that don't you?
the varus skin is kinda cool but the others are trash so might as well
>141 cs
>47 minute game
There is your problem.
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams.
Who BM Jhin here?
cs is a big factor and that was a 50 minute game
it's stupid i agree but that's how the grading system works
t. reddit
>team with kha always wins unless he feeds like madman
Explain me this shit
>Is Elise still any good?
Well, there's a slightly "improved" jungle. RiGHTGAMES decided it was a good idea to make the camps give less exp and do more damage so now only the S-tier junglers are really relevant. I've seen Vi in 4/5 of the last few games, I rarely see Elise played anymore. I think she's okay. Take that as you will.
Hunnie, see
Don't know if you give a shit, but I felt kind of bad
>CS counts for that much
I know that's what let me down but holy fucking shit
I had 6 more kills, 7 less deaths, 8 more assists than Diana, who got S rank at the cost of 100cs more
slap their shit
pull their soul
slap its shit
when they try to 2v1 you, pull their soul and ult so you can spam your shit to slap their shit
then after you get fed when they try to 5v1 you, pull their soul and ult so you can spam your shit to slap their shit
I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!
You're 2-2 in your promo series, this guy is on your team, and he instalocks Vayne top with teleport, wyd?
yes hello! I am back~
Daily reminder Illaoi is best girl