Anyone here wish they started a business sooner in life? I'm 19 and I've got about 15 clients in on my small biz. I'm making good money and I'm thinking of dropping out of uni (computer science) to scale up... I'll probably end up doing it but I just want to know if older people will find me cringey because of my age (yes I'm 19 but I look more like 16).
Anyone here wish they started a business sooner in life? I'm 19 and I've got about 15 clients in on my small biz...
Your ass ain't gonna handle 15 clients forever. This bubble will pop eventually. Get your degree debt free and it's always a backup.
Yeah, education is always something to fall back on, but my family are rather first world poor, the money could help and if everything goes well, God knows what could happen... Millionaire maybe? I hope so.
Let's put it in perspective since you come from a background lacking of wealth. Do you know what tax on a million dollars is? About $350,000. Being a millionaire isn't a cake walk.
If you truly have clients and want to scale, you hire someone else to handle the extra work, you don't do it yourself forever. Don't drop out unless they're serious clients though.
Do not budge one micrometer when it comes to age, especially if you can deliver. Just tell it like it is.
>Okay if you want to find someone older who will charge you out the ass for what I offer, go right ahead.
you win either way because if they were indeed a piece of shit, they are going to give you shit about it forever and you'll just want them to cancel. If they were going to be a good client and can't get over the age thing, hire someone old just to do sales and never meet them in person.
Especially if your business has anything to do with technology. Fuck old people and their quantum bullshit, you're always either "too old to be tech inclined" or "too young to know how business works".
I already pay taxes, I think that if I ever get to the point of making ~1m+, I'll hire a damn good accountant to help me
That's why you invest and diversify before you become a millionaire. Also have part of your cashflow coming in from non taxable investments and try to minimize your income on paper to get the most lucrative and sensible tax brackey. Having 1 million in liquid cash is pants on head retarded.
Thanks for the advice my man, I work with other small businesses mainly, no b2c shit, so they are generally pretty solid clients, some have tried to fuck me over but I just drop them, not before I take atleast a grand out of their pockets though :)
Since you brought up investment, what would you say is decent for someone with ~60k to drop. I know jack shit about stocks and I grew up in a "stock market is rigged, stock market is gambling, mug Jews" family, I was thinking property in the UAE (Dubai) because I know some people over there and I speak Arabic (did it in HS and just learned the rest on my own)
>mug Jews
Fuck autocorrect, meant "muh"
You can't afford real estate in Dubai for $60k, however you can buy into a REIT that invests in properties in that region. Google Emirates REIT and read up.
That tax amount is before deduction for someone making $1m USD, not someone who has $1m in cash. I don't think you understand how taxes work.
Not even a condo? Studio? Few hotel rooms? Dayum
Dont listen to this guy.
Good job OP. The faster you can grow, sell, expand, the faster you will rocket towards being rich.
College is mostly bullshit.
> Make $1,000,000
> Pay $350,000 in taxes
> Left with $650,000
Wow, man yeah that sure is tough! How do these people cope and not kill themselves!
One of the properties listed in the portfolio of that Emirates REIT is an office which has 53 current tenants bring the total passing income to AED 57m. Divide 57m by 53 and you get over $1m per tenant. If you can afford that then go ahead and look into it, otherwise I'd suggest the REIT route.
Thank you man, college is legit harder than running this business lol, it's still cool though.
Thanks again senpai, Veeky Forums has proven itself.
Jeremy get off Veeky Forums
Where do you live that you can get ANY of that for 60K?
I live in the UK (it's fucking shit here), I want to move so bad
So fucking cold
Nice going, user. How much money we talking? If its huge, then drop out maybe.
If not, then treat college as a backup if you fuck up or want to get out of the game.
What is your business and what do you do? This info is needed before trying to drop out.
It was -5°C when I woke up today :(
I've saved £60k so far