/nsg/ - Normal Sticker General

I'm starting a normal sticker general. The goal will be stickers that we can display on our vehicles without the worry of looking like a man child, or getting our cars keyed. The goal is to make stickers people like and that people can show off without fear of retribution.

I'll work on a ways to congregate, in the next day. For now I'd just like to introduce the idea and gauge interest for it, plus any concerns would be appreciated.

This is not to compete with /osg/, this is to offer another avenue for the members of Veeky Forums to take, if they do not agree, like many, with the direction that /osg/ (lewd anime sticker general) has headed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi hoon!

gb2 facebook normie

I like the idea and I'd like to see some products, but you have my attention

>normie sticker general

Just post on the other sticker thread, no one forces you to buy weeb stickers you fucking normalfag

Would you buy this normie conform slap?

nice try hoon

im not sure who hoon is but I can assure you I am not them

Hey OP, I really like your idea and wanted to support it with something I spent some hours making in Illustrator. I hope you think the idea is worth picking up, I wouldn't even ask for royalties because exposure pays me enough!

what a hoon thing to say

you haven't even checked that I got dubs twice. How ride of you to treat hoon

Why are you guys trying to bully hoon? Hoon did nothing wrong, and all the hate he gets is totally unwarranted. He's probably one of the best sticker artists out there at the moment, and the fact that this is only his first print run makes it that much more incredible that he's almost completely sold out. You can tell his stickers are good by how fast they're selling out. I'd say that his "gaijin" slap is probably his crowning masterpiece.

Also, what's wrong with having a hyundai? His sonata is tastefully modded unlike the majority of weeb rice rockets on this forum, and once his parents buy him pirelli's this summer he'll be unstoppable on the touge.

Just give this guy a chance, okay Veeky Forums?

ITT: butthurt weaabo faggots

found the facebookie

Thanks. It is going to be a general, so anyone can contribute with designs and stores. It is also open to those on /osg/ if they want to submit normal designs, not anything disgusting, or that isn't safe for work/kids/public.

In a way yes, because there are people that populate Veeky Forums that are normies.

So a sticker thread actually related to Veeky Forums instead of autistic little girl cartoons? Cool

Just don't advertise your shitty fucking sites

The only thing I would suggest adopting from /osg/ is numbering the threads.

#1, #2, and so on. It makes it ridiculously convenient to keep track of threads in the archives so you can always refer back to old content or ideas.

I'm interested. /osg/'s quality has definitely dipped. Anything not anime or japanese related is met with "lmao normie plz leave"

Yeah except everyone in osg is a newfag who hangs around in those shitty anime Facebook groups
Normie weebs whose favourite anime is Naruto.... literally the worst

What a distance concept am I right? Well, it's finally coming.

Yes, that is something every general does I think so it's not an adoption but an implementation.

You have no idea how much I know this to be true.


So if anyone is interested in aiding, let me know so I can throw together a Discord.

Currently looking for more people to open up sticker shops. We have printers who are willing to print, and prices are low.

All we need is designers who like to make normal things. We need to give the /dailybikethread/ people some love too, they keep getting the short end of the stick on stickers.

Fuck no.


Fuck your seasonal waifu, I want real anime and manga stickers.

>Yes, that is something every general does
I literally only see osg do it.

this is so obviously hoon it's sad.

I wasn't going to say anything but come on hoon.
You can't suck your own dick that hard and expect us to believe it.
Your stickers aren't that bad, but they aren't great. Only reason it's selling out is that so when you go under, they'll have it in their collections and get to shitpost about you in a few months time.
Your content isn't your downfall. It's your shitty marketing and personality.

Great idea OP!

That wasn't me, why are you guys falling for this bait.

>Your stickers aren't that bad, but they aren't great.

Uh, no. They're great fucking slaps, and I have the sales to back this up. I've even had GTR owners buy them from me intending to put them on their cars. Can you say the same for your shitty, pathetic stickers? Oh wait, you can't, because you don't even have a sticker store that's made this many sales on its first print run. You guys are all pathetic and in a few weeks once the stickers come in you'll be sucking my dick




wtf take this down


I'm all for the idea of less anime themed stickers but trying to split communities usually never ends well




Who ever is exposing hoon, its give me a jolly old kek. Only slap going on my ride is pic related

you really think people will be lining up to suck your dick because of stickers? what are you in kindergarten?


Also, go eat a dick, hoon.

Great, a thread not full of gigantic faggots. I wish those cunts would get a life instead of putting pedophilic stickers on their hondas.

Who is this sexy meme guy?

I welcome this

Please purvey my sticker shop full of stickers which arent lewd anime grillz


its fucking hideous and ugly

>check store
>literally 2 stickers
Is this a big ruse?

The pass roadsigns ones are cool but would be better if they were just die cuts.
The whole background ruins them, no place on car to put them.
Look at nürbürgring stickers to see a track sticker that looks fucking good.

Rest are ugly bacground stickers that are worthless and meaningless.

Look at "bad descisions" or "bad luck club" or "no promises always late" or "wat" for good ones.
They actually sound car related, are ironic comments on car enthusiasts and also look cook and sound like there's more to it.

sticker design is all about subtleties and hinting that there's a backstory

Hoon's stickers are better than this tbqh.

where can I find hoon's stuff?
I only go to osg for bad descision keytags I ignore everything else since it is mostly autistic screetching about waifus

It's his name and dot com

Projecthoon . Com

I don't think Hoons stuff is very good

he seems like hes trying too hard and some of the japanese he uses in his stickers is absolutely cringe worthy

sure designs are nice but the subjects are shit
>le ebin otaku inside may may
>le expensive kar with uninspired sentace
Doesn't shine a candle to
>"bad luck club"
>"no promises always late"
designs and words which are strong enough to stand on their own as just pure text.
If hoon focused on something like that I think he'd be great and we could have something cool.
But as for now it's nothing special.

I do think they're more original than what comfydesu just shilled, but to each his own. The point is, osg is not supposed to rail on people, it's supposed to support everyone like a community. What they're doing is breaking up trust between each other and most of all new shops.

Who would want to open up in osg if they see what happened to Hoon?

I like normal sticker general and otaku sticker general to be separated
One can focus on actual design language and impactful messages while others can enjoy autistic screetching about waifus and lewd shit in peace

I agree. I hope Hoon gives up on osg so he can focus on nsg. I think he'd do well that way. And no Hoon, I don't mean give up your fight, just take some time and work on nsg, you're the perfect base for it.

>tfw part of Veeky Forums car club
>tfw we make our own non autistic designs
feels good

if the "gajin" sticker did away with japanese
and "gajin" and just had
"outsider" on it it would be so much better.
The background image would imply that it is translated to gajin and would be really clever and subtle
But it'd still be a bit edgy.

If hoon tried and took a time to make one slap he'd be great.

But whatever, artist should never listen to what the fans want because the fans never know what they want until they get it.

Ask him to try your idea for next slap maybe?

Are you guys kidding? Why the fuck would I want a stupid sticker with the name of the shop?
Why the fuck would I want a sticker with stupid text on it?

Smh senpai.

This. I think this was what Hoon got right over others. He didn't jump into a logo slap for brownie points. I just hope his slaps turn out good because I ordered both lol.

I'm the guy you replied to and his stickers are as shit as all the others.

These wannabe artists aren't able to produce new content so they settle with writing some shit over a supposedly 80's graphic.


Which Bad Decisions stuff should I get when he opens?

I like this idea

why the fuck would I want a slap with a picture on it
If your car is so ugly and badly kept you need pictures to cover it up you need a new car.
Text adds to the vehicle
Pictures compete with it
Bsides the shop name slaps are way better design than literally every single picture slap found on Veeky Forums

See what you like from his stuff yourself.
I dislike the new anti suicide suicide cult line, 2edgy4me but "bad descisions, stupid mistakes" keytag is fantastic and I love the irony of it

>why the fuck would I want a slap with a picture on it
Because it takes actual skill to draw something interesting.
Not saying there shouldn't be text but doing this is pathetic, as is buying and defending it.

>Bsides the shop name slaps are way better design than literally every single picture slap found on Veeky Forums
No hope for you, kill yourself.

Ya blew it

lmao i'm an artist and I draw shit and do 3d for a living.
Graphic design is just as hard.
You can draw the prettiest picture it still has no place on a car.
Your car should be the pretty picture.

Let's not even pretend that any of those pictures weren't stolen you weeb piece of shit

Who said you can't have 3D?
CAD designer here with little /gd/ shit.

I don't care who the fuck you are, stickers with the store name are shit.
Get more creative or fuck off.

literally threw up/10

Holy shit. /osg/ has turned into a bunch of teenage highschool girls fighting among themselves. Get back to your fucking thread you autistic shit fucks.

Veeky Forums is for auto shitposting, we don't need your drama shit crowding up the place. This isn't Facebook. It's like you guys got in a fight with your bf and now you're posting for everyone to see.

i dunno what you expected from a bunch of weebshits

Literally this, they got so triggered that some newbie came in and made sales


ever putting stickers on your car is retarded and you'll always look like manchildren, you dumb autistic fuckup.

>implying people who put stickers on their car aren't faggots in the first place

You didn't address almost any of what I said, and still say "m-muh sales".
There are plenty of other stores that sell out instantly, even shitboxmeme sold out on his first print run within a day. If this isn't some marketing scheme to get everybody talking about you, I'm actually deeply sorry for you. You're like a child. You can't take it when others don't like you, so you force yourself on them. Do you not think about what you post before posting? Do you have any self awareness?
I sincerely hope this is a marketing scheme, because if not, you are a very poor human being.

Nah. Anybody whos been to more than one thread knows the community is supportive. Hoon was accepted at first too, but when he was given any criticism he flipped out. He proceeded to go on a tirade about how his stickers were the second coming of Christ, ignored all the helpful advice given, and then constantly posted about his shop, we're talking every 10 posts or so. The /osg/ community didn't just hate him from the get go. He did everything in his power to be liked as little as possible.

>some marketing scheme to get everybody talking about you

What if this is really all he is doing because he needs to keep his shop relevant while he waits for his stickers?

pretty much.
Only ones acceptable are team stickers and shit like the nürbürgring one if you've been around it.

you are retarded
it's the store name shit that works
Shit like "bad descisions" works because it's not just a store name it's also an ironic comment on your driving style.
If it was
"comfydesu" it'd be retarded.
It's not my fault you're a retarded weebshit who is so in love with some traced 2d poorly designed retarded japanese loli that you need to slap it everywhere to not feel alone

>an ironic comment
Maybe for stupid faggots like you.

>I want to like this idea...hnnnnnng, but I want Hoon to fuck off too...

Lmao fuck off cancerous circle jerker
A newbie came in and threatened the secret club of neets ILLEGALLY selling over priced shit stickers, so everyone tried to get rid of him

He was simply defending himself, but apparently that means something different to you spineless losers who probably run away and cry in private whenever poked at

Kys and stay kys'd

Oh by the way, it is illegal
Anyone pay taxes on their sales? Lmao
Reported every single "store" in osg to the irs
Stay btfo

95% of /osg/ is jap weeb shit that doesn't apply to my tastes or car type. I'll support this alternate sticker idea if it provides me some shit I can put on my landbarges.

Snitches get stitches, bitch

Remind me who reported hoon because he made a new thread? :^)

Thank you, I'm working on a way to create this without breaking the rules of this board. Most likely it will involve setting up a Discord and only linking things through there, but then I need this general to also function and be active, that's what I'm stuck on

Dude, I'm not that bad -_- Just wait till I get my first orders shipped for this batch, I'm telling you that will cure my anxiety and questions and I'll be totally different

Toshinyoko also reported me and told everyone to report me twice for advertising in previous OSG threads, got me banned for 3 weeks straight cuz of that, and killed my sales. But they get mad when I try and do that shit to them. Pathetic.

Thank you

I heard you guys like anime girls

Does anyone have a link Crimson Seven's store?