How did you find your religion, Veeky Forums?

How did you find your religion, Veeky Forums?

I went on walkabout.

& religion was a mistake

I waited and then he came to me.

I was born into it

It came to me in my sleep

I closed my eyes and saw the true god, Nothing.

Don't confuse religion with humanity


A wind blew a fedora unto my face.

I guess I made it up myself
I believe there is a god, like a force of energy that basically just exists, created the universe just because, in a rush of unleashed energy, similar to why I live, just because. Maybe pays
attention to us, maybe doesn't.
I believe jesus existed but was just a teacher, and a wise person obviously.
The bible is not written by god but by people who heard word of mouth stories about jesus, and who also had their own political agenda. The old testament is also man made obviously.

First I lost the capacity to believe in Something.

Then I lost the capacity to believe in Nothing.

And now I am here.

After i left the church i went through an edgy dawkins-tier atheism phase but that subsided after some time leading me to increasingly study and embrace the heathen faith of my germanic ancestors, and now i know that the folkish nordic european faith is the only way

I don't think you left your edgy phase.

Natural science

>LITERAL cannibalist LARPing christcuck virgin calling others "edgy"

Kill yourself jew-worshipper lmao, go feast upon the flesh of (((rabbi yeshua))) the kike

With a lobotomy.

this is cringey, my man.

Find comfort in friends.

The funny thing is that civilized Europe was culturally closer to the Levant and North Africa than it was to Germany and Northern Europe.

Not going to defend the /pol/ack but your sentence was spooked as shit.

You see, the funny thing is, that civilized Europe was culturally closer to Greece than it was to the Levant and North Africa.

And Greece was significantly different than its southern neighbors at the time. How do I base my claims that it was? Well, I don't have any claims.. Just know that I am real and you are spooked, my friend.

The truth will set you free

Greece was part of civilized Europe.

Also your post isn't an argument. See? I can use memes too!


>greece was part of civilized europe

What time period of "civilized Yurop" are we talking about here?

>also your post isn't an argument

We'll see about that, fucknigger.


Guess what language the New Testament is written in.

>caring about christcuckoldry books


Greek. The New Testament is written in Greek user.

I was raised in a creationist Protestant family. I eventually started to question my religion. I had a lot of trouble believing that an all good God would send people to hell for eternity. After that, I became agnostic, and I started to believe things like evolution and the big bang theory. Eventually I learned that not all Christian sects were creationist and that the Eastern Orthodox faith does not believe that hell is eternal, and that Catholics believe that it's possible that no one will be sent to hell. So lately I have been going to Catholic church and reading my Bible. I think I might eventually become Catholic, but I like the Eastern Orthodox view on hell better.

Epic meme my fellow redditor

Humanity is great. We are the first species to replace genes with memes in a big way.

Read that Tao te Ching and just kinda went along with the Way, my dudes.

I believe we're just a blip on an infinite timeline

It found me

> i believe
> obviously.

I can respect wanting to practice the religion of your ancestors but you really cant and claiming that you are is honestly retarded. Those religions haven't been practiced for over a millennia and the written records we have of their rituals, rites, mythologies, beliefs, etc are scant. There's not enough material out there to reconstruct even the better preserved polytheistic European religions like the Greek or Norse pantheons, much less something like the Celtic, Slavic, or German ones.

Started reading about Zen which led to Madhyamaka which led to Vajrayana, though I haven't really committed yet.

Big fish was a great movie
But go meme arrow someone else

He led me to Lutheranism.

i'm cringing so hard

I was raised a catholic and do not go to church, but pray on rare occasions

I don't really mind that much about religion, so it's convenient, rather than finding another religion which would suit me more.

Plus it does not take much effort since noone's asking you to believe in all the "fairy tales" but just remember there's a big guy up there to thank when you're having a good day. Also, a christian families is usually a good environment for a kid if they're not zealots

The Eternal Kraut strikes again




Saw some spaghetti monster flying around when I was smoking some good shit.

I didn't find religion.

Religion found me.

I was raised as a Catholic, but didn't care much about religion for most of my childhood. Then, when I was 15, I became overzealous, in a way that literally stressed me out. This lasted for about 1 year, after which I slowly started to care less and less about religion, until I became and atheist at 18, when I couldn't reconcile the inconsistencies between the real world and the assumed existence of a benevolent god.

How about you pick the one you reckon to be true, instead of the one most comforting, ya dungus?

>heathen faith of my germanic ancestors

I bet your american


Born into atheist family
Coverted to egyptian polytheism

user that's Lucifer

So we have every kind of autist on Veeky Forums ITT

how can someone read a post like this and come to a conclusion other than the fact Calvin was right


He's evil


I discovered my true self

I was found myself! And well I was born and raised Roman Catholic, I was given the choice when I became 18 to stay or go, I stayed obviously but I been thinking about converting to Orthodoxy (All the spoons calling me a traitor inc) which was well introduced to me by my girlfriend.

I've mentioned this on this board before, but God found me. One episode of sleep paralysis I saw Jesus smiling at me while I was being strangled by a shadow figure. Was the craziest and most terrifying experience I ever been through at the time. For a few weeks or about a month I thought He was laughing at me, some how enjoying it since I was pretty much a spoiled and hateful asshole. That type of experience can stir up a plethora of emotional driven theories as to why something so terrifying can happen to someone.

Long story short I got annoyed and frustrated and demanded answers as to what that whole thing was about, I was upset that this could happen to people, I didn't think it was right and my life was already bad, now I'm waking up out of my body getting tortured? Why did this also have to happen? This can't be right. And one night I was thinking about this hard, I couldn't fall asleep and got frustrated and demanded an if things couldn't get weirder, I then heard a voice tell me that He was telling me something with that smile when I was getting strangled by that shadow figure. I asked what He was telling me, and the voice told me He was telling me to let go. Let go of what I asked, and all of a sudden I saw visions flying by my face, panel, after panel, after panel. It was like a conveyor belt of panels with images. On every single one, everyone one of them, it was me angry and being the hateful asshole I was in different situations. I was being told to let go of my anger.

I wasn't magically cured of my hate and anger or anything, I mean it took time for me to get the message thoroughly.

But yeah, a few more of these types of experiences later, without drugs mind you, and that's it. That's when I realize there are people out there who believe because they don't have a choice. They've seen it.

You miserable fools pain me so much.

good goyim

haven't found it yet I will come back when I do

kek you're not serious are you? xD

Whats the one thing common to nearly all religions?

I heard he is fun at parties.

>invent calculus
>some guy invents it later and gets credit

>invent boolean algebra
>some guy invents it later and gets credit

>invent monads


Nobody ever invented anything friend. It was always there and we just discovered it.

the possibility was there, the existence and conception was not, at least in this region of the galaxy

>rockets were always there, we just discovered it

Lick my ass.

>people discovered vacuum tubes
>people discovered microchips
>people discovered Mcdonalds
You're an idiot

I was raised christian, protestant/baptist, to be specific. Loved science even as kid, dinosaurs were da bomb, love science when i grow up. Watch Cosmos with Neil deGrasse Tyson, my man. Begin to question my religion, mainly creationism, my idea was if i cant accept it all, then im just creating a new religion by accepting the parts i do like. The Bible is a package and you cant just nitpick what you want to believe out of it. If you dont believe everything in it, then you are just making up your own relgion. Stop being christian, dont want to be atheists, because im still theistic, and dont want to be grouped with those atheists, read into buddhism, dig it, read into taoism, dig it 90% of the time. Realize zen is just buddhism with tao influence and thats where im at today. Never been happier or more content. Leaving Christianity was such a great feeling and i dont know why. Was like a sense of relief. I wonder if others feel the same way about leaving their religions.

Poetry t b H f a m

its 12:20 at night i cant handle this.