Does Veeky Forums regret the death of the British Empire?

Does Veeky Forums regret the death of the British Empire?

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Kind of. The "Anglo" does best the further away from home he is.

what even was its point

I only regret it didn't happen sooner.

Introducing tea to the British people, then maintaining their supply in addition to searching for new types.

>tfw napoleon will never go full autistic and march across the east and topple the BEIC.

It's fucked up but true.

No, why would I regret the death of an colonially oppressive regime?

>Brits decide to give up their empire without a fight
>give back land to the stupid third worlders Peacefully
>refuse to return land to their fellow europeans and going so far as to take action against Argentina
Why are the Brits such cunts?

return what land to Europeans, Gibraltar and NI are all I can think of and both of those are majority want to be be British.


Yes it was literally the best Empire after Rome.

>inb4 Perfidious Albion

Of all the European Empires that colonized Africa and Asia, the British was the best.

>mfw British killed their empire to stop the Germans with two absolutely devastating wars, then dismantled it themselves and opened their borders and allowed Enoch Powell's warning to come true. Then on top of it, hand over all the power to a colony.

Feels good to watch the empire that killed yours die to the Teutonic menace.


>the empire that killed yours

What the fuck are you talking about, France destroyed us. Two times, first they made the sun set on our empire in Rocroi then with Napoleon they simply erased it.

Brits can only claim the meme armada against us (in a war that finished favourably for Spain, by the way). Even Americans did more by conquering our last colonies in the 98. Brits got the greatest empire of all times, but not by fighting spaniards, they were second-class when we were relevant and we were second-class and they were relevant.

and we were second-class when they were relevant, sorry

>greatest empire of all times

biggest =/= greatest

It was also the memiest

I regret it not being earlier.

Nah, as if they still had their empire then they wouldn't have given Hong Kong back to us like a little bitch:

> The Foreign Office proposed a counter-strategy founded upon a distinction between 'sovereignty' and 'administration'. It suggested that Thatcher aim to reach an agreement with China whereby Britain would cede a titular sovereignty over Hong Kong to Peking, in exchange for Peking's formal agreement **to allow British administration to remain in place in Hong Kong beyond 1997.** Thatcher eventually digested the proposal in principle **more easily** than the Foreign Office had feared

> Thatcher later said that Deng told her bluntly that China could easily take Hong Kong by force, stating that "I could walk in and take the whole lot this afternoon"

> Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping tells her that sovereignty is not negotiable and China will take back Hong Kong on its own terms in 1997 no matter whether UK agrees or not.

> Mrs Thatcher falls off steps after talks with Chinese leader on Hong Kong issue

Hello "Australian"

Not even nearly as much as I regret the death of the French Empire.

How the fuck would empires work in the 21st Century?

That shit's so expensive without exploiting some foreign labour group.

absolument :(

Why should we?
The British Empire was an unimpressive collection of 3rd world shitholes gather between 1840 and 1890

I'd rather regreat the death of the Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Empire and the German Empire

By calling said minorities "citizens," and calling your empire "republic." And exude the image of multiethnicity.

Worked well for China & Soviet Russia. Too bad Western Europe is slow on the take. Save for Spain though, who fucking assimilated all those natives into hispanic culture but let race get in the fucking way.

Handing over the power to a colony with huge landmass and less chance of being culturally overrun by immigration was probably a good idea, actually.
Plus it means our language survives, even if the accents don't.

I get a little sad about its fall sometimes.

>I know why the sun never sets on the British Empire, God would never trust an Englishman in the dark

>their fellow european
Either spaniard or argie, nevertheless some pompous spic

Am sad about the fall of USSR desu

was supposed to be an unbreakable union

european empires unfortunately were always about capitalistic exploitation instead of racial goals of living space, if we'd have just exterminated the non-white races we conquered instead of using their shit labour and chasing shekels for jews the world would be a better place

>I believe a second factor which has weighed heavily in this matter is the attitude, or supposed attitude, of the United States. I confess that I am not greatly moved by this. Whatever may be the attitude of the American Government and public to the United Kingdom as such, my view of American policy over the last decade has been that it has been steadily and relentlessly directed towards the weakening and the destruction of the links which bind the British Empire together. We can watch the events as they unfold and place our own interpretation on them. My interpretation is that the United States has for this country, considered separately, a very considerable economic and strategic use but that she sees little or no strategic use or economic value in the British Empire or the British Commonwealth as it has existed and as it still exists. Against the background I ask the House to consider the evidence of advancing American imperialism in this area from which they are helping to eliminate us.

It took the Eternal Anglo to bring down the Eternal Anglo

>refuse to return land to their fellow europeans and going so far as to take action against Argentina
Maybe because the overwhelming majority of the population of those lands would prefer NOt to be "returned to fellow europeans"?
>fellow Europeans

If king shall die, who else should receive the crown if not his son?

t. butthurt argie


>Does Veeky Forums regret the death of the British Empire?

>British Empire
>best empire after the Roman Empire

No, though I do wish everyone handled it better.
A lot of current problems could've avoided had Britain handled their colonialism smarter.

But if they did i would stab them in the back.


A little, yeah, mostly because the new players were prettty lame (US, USSR). But it really wasn't that good, only /pol/cucks idolize it.

>what even was its point

To spread industrialised civilisation, to discover, unite and invent new nations, to boldly go where no one has gone before, and to hope each day that the next leap will be the leap home.

If you realised the extent to which British influence changed the face of the world you would probably revere the Empire and wish that your people had similar influence. It invaded all but 22 of the earth's nations (171 in total).

It united India from its tribal city states,
founded modern America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand,
Invented International trade ports,
Created infrastructure in the african colonies so they could become efficient nations later,
and acted as a stabilising force across the world.

Sadly it also divided religions in india, starved the irish, and set up conflicts in the middle east which are still going on today - but hey, we got the modern age out of it so stop complaining.

Sad they got their Empire.

>It united India from its tribal city-states.

India wasn't united, but it also definitely wasn't a conglomeration of tribes/city-states. After the Mughals started declining, the main power on the subcontinent became the Marathas, and then the Sikhs and the East India Company became extremely powerful after their fall. It finally ended with the Company conquering the Sikhs and consolidating the Punjab, effectively covering the continent in either their rule, or the rule of princely states allied to them.