Is Honda overcompensating for years of boring, bland design? Those fake vents and holes and grills and spoilers...

Is Honda overcompensating for years of boring, bland design? Those fake vents and holes and grills and spoilers. Hello Japanese Aztec.

Compare Toyota's before and after they started taking the "they look boring" critique to heart.

Don't know who is the target demographic for this car - a 20 year old couldn't afford it, and anyone over 30 wouldn't be caught dead driving this.

"exciting" Prius

Who's designing these? fire them.

Forget hot hatch, it's a fat hatch.

I think it looks cool! Also I'm 10.

let me see the price of this. I'll decide from there.

I've only seen these once and that was in Vegas, Jesus how I almost gagged

20yo can afford a lot of things lad

every time I see these tail lights I want to commit sudoku

Probably the stupid EEO hire woman that "designed" the new NSX. And when I say "designed", I mean that she slapped some vents n shieet over a fairly handsome and clean, albeit low key design that a Japanese designer had penned for it 5-6 years prior.

Is this the new Subaru WRX?

20 year olds are looking at the ford focus, mazdas, and the dodge dart(for some reason), and the 30+ market is either looking for some high end car with a high end badge, something classic, or something that is "safe"

Did honda just make a civic that literally no-one would buy?

reminds me of this vintage meme

Cuz Honda is being too cocky with their pricing.

Was gonna into Civic Hatchibaku Spurt or Coupe EX-T but said fuck it and got a Camry SE instead for $5,000 cheaper. Camry is a fucking tier above the Civic, WTF honda your shit ain't worth that much

The sad reality is cars are getting bigger and Civic is drifting into Accord turf, Fit is the new Civic-tier, but it doesn't have any spurting potential

That, and why does the FT86 have tusks?

Take the fake grills and vents off every car and youre left with a blob

Would be pretty cool if the NSX over-heated all the time

The new Civic is nicer than the Camry
>specced out Camry still has blanked out buttons from previous generations

There is a grey zone where there are well-off 20 year olds that make enough money to either afford one easily or be able to afford one if they cut back in other areas and older enthusiasts who just plain like fun cars and don't give a fuck.

I know a dude in his 50's with a WRX. He bought it 2 years ago as his daily beater - his other cars include a 911 Carrera 4S and a fucking Ferrari.

With that being said, I'm sure there are plenty of fanboys who always wanted a Type-R. if people will pay 45k for a focus, they'll pay up for this.

No you didn't you fucking liar, you bought a bus pass

Well it's better than it was a few years ago when they really overdesigned those cars and made them look like garbage ricers.

We want the focus Rs audience

>Type R in AWD

>It's another Veeky Forums bitches about cars they can't afford episode

No, they're cashing in on the Type-R hype in the US of A.
Personally I already have an appointment to test drive one when my local dealership gets them in, I'll decide after that.