America makes cars
Japan makes cars
Germany makes cars
Sweden makes cars
France makes cars
Hell, Italy makes cars
FFS, even little Worst Korea has a handful of car manufacturers
Why can't Canada into cars?
America makes cars
Japan makes cars
Germany makes cars
Sweden makes cars
France makes cars
Hell, Italy makes cars
FFS, even little Worst Korea has a handful of car manufacturers
Why can't Canada into cars?
Other urls found in this thread:
My Honda civic was made in Canada. It's a DX-G, which is the lowest trim, but the superior Canada-infused version comes with AC.
We do...and have for over a century...
Because we just piggyback off the accomplishments of America. Everything this country does is basically America Lite.
I know foreign manufacturers have assembly plants in Canada, that isn't what I'm talking about.
Canadians don't exist. Something like 70% of "Canadians" are Chinese or brown and it's a well established fact that primitive (ie, non-European) people do not have a penchant for engineering or creativity.
I don't know, Sweden is pretty brown, bro.
Only like 20% of the population is a visible minority lol
Could've fooled me, but then again I live in Ontario.
Ah, I forgot even Pakist- I mean, er, Great Britain makes cars too!
Come west, friend. It's pretty white out here.
Except all the Indians and their fresh food stands in BC.
In the next few hundred years there won't be "whites".
Imagine the world as early America. Irish, German, French, etc. immigrated over, then a few hundred years later (through intermingling) most people don't identify as those nations because they're mixed with so many other "white" nations.
So we just say "white" now because you're 1/4 French, with 1/8 English, and your great great great grandma banged a latino, so now youre 1/16 mexican.
Now put that back to the larger scale of the real world. You might marry a Philippino girl, and your son might marry someone from Saudi Arabia.
Hundreds of years past, and the whole world is this varying degrees of brown. Sure, there will be a few "white" people around, but they'll be as rare as someone who claims to be "pure blooded German".
Who really cares?
Also not Veeky Forums related.
More like fresh POO stands.
A few reasons.
>Canada doesn't have the kind of economic base to make a car from start to finish
>Canadian made cars would have to compete in a global market
>Canadian car companies would require government investments to start up and conservatives would have none of that shit and liberals would also have none of that shit
>established marques are already too powerful
>Canadian marques existed, but were bought out by American and other companies
You can also thank Diefenbaker for the Canadian brain drain. Cancelling the Avro Arrow killed our aeronautics industry, which saw many highly skilled engineers move to America. We could have seen successful Canadian car brands out of the 1960s if the Arrow were completed and capitalized on by further investment into the automotive industry.
We also make the BRP Can-Am, the three wheeled not a motorcycle monstrosity for people who want to ride motorcycles, but are terrified of them or have disabilities or are too weak due to age.
So the answer is "we kinda do have successful automotive industries", but not in the way of having a national brand of regular cars. We've got snowmobiles, motorcycles, buses, planes, and we do make specialized cars from stupidly obscure brands. But every country has those.
We just don't have a Chevy or a Toyota. But we make lots of stuff for those companies.
Why would I want to move to Nontario? How's OPEC treating you, westie? Are we gonna restart your economy? Or will the big, bad Saudis undercut you again?
but they do, pic related
>tfw I work in the transportation industry and am making money hand over fist while all the rig pigs are unemployed and blaming Notley and Trudeau for their lack of financial foresight
The non-riggers kept telling the west to diversify their assets. Invest into tourism, the arts, industrial sectors, transportation and electricity.
But naw man.
Oil. That's the ticket.
Less competitive oil with smaller profit margins than conventionally drilled oil.
I'm glad you're doing well, user. Even if you're out west.
I'm trying to run my own business in Ontario, a martial arts and fitness club. Currently I work a job while it's not making me money. But I love doing it, and while it grows, maybe I can turn it into a paycheque.
But until then, I keep myself floating with a job.
And maybe if I work hard enough, I'll live the dream.
Best post. I wish we had a good native brand, but it just can't happen.
I hope you're not talking about BC, buddy.
We make the Campagna T-Rex
>living in onterrible
>Canadian marques existed, but were bought out by American and other companies
Pretty much this. Whenever Canada does something good the Americans throw money at the owners and it becomes American.
We have Magna which, like most other suppliers, deserves more credit than they get for being on the frontline of "making" a car from R&D to production to delivery.
We also have R&D and test centres for OEs in Canada (i.e. testing in Northern Ontario).
Besides, our assembly plants aren't purely puzzle piecing whatever the engineers in corporate HQ say; best practices are devised with local operators and production engineers before the lines are approved to run.
A great example is the Toyota plant in Ontario; Canada has one of the best performing Toyota plants worldwide and being awarded to assemble the RX series says a lot about our quality.
Except for a brand name, that's a lot of Canada that goes into a lot of cars.
t. Working at a JPN supplier
its their last ride before the electric quads.
it is kind of sad.
clearly most people in this thread if you do some reading.
people who talk about >muh white country are usually nobodies
I've lived in Onterribad and Vangookver, all really bad places.
>even Tim Hortons is now american
Your post is more real than I'd prefer.
I can't wait for Canada to be annexed by the US.
kek, canada would shit all over you
If bombardier started making cars that would be pretty dank
Why can't Portugal into cars?
Why can't New Zealand into cars?
Why can't Norway into cars?
Why can't Kazakhstan into cars?
Nigga not every country needs to design its own cars.
But people like Canada more than the US. You'd literally start WW3. And lose.
Nobody even gives 2 shits about Crimea and look how much bad press Russians got. Now imagine that, but with a country people like, that isn't a 3rd world shit hole where news is what the guy with the strongest donkey says.
The English get their panties in a wad because we're still technically with them, Russians use it as an excuse to start throwing bombs, shitty places that people immigrate from get irate about not having a fallback country when they get rejected from warmer climates. Mexico's already pissed off enough, so they're loving this too. Lotsa people angry.
Oil dries up, Alaska gets Canucked immediately with the help of Russia. We own your northern radar systems and the ones near the Canada border are shit-tier, so missiles a plenty.
Canada has a garbage military, but we've spent 150 years making up for it with "sorry" and "thank you" so we don't need it.
Oh, and we also train most of your special forces units, and we have a much more rigorous military training program in general. Not to mention most people here still have rifles from before registration was a thing.
Have fun trudging through our shitty landscape finding 1 person every 10 kilometers, too.
Don't blame them for not knowing, their education sucks and they are sheep.
I'd fight for Canada, and we would win.
we do make cars. and you know what else? we have never lost a war, USA cant say that. you started shit with Vietnam and lost how many young men to uneducated stupid jungle people
don't forget Iraq
Your shitty 40' buses don't count, Philippe Laval
"""""America's""""" Crown Victoria is made in Canada, along with the Ford GT and the Hellcats
Id rather die than suck Frenchman dicks. Plus you have to start wars and have your military stop having gay sex in order to lose wars.
>implying the US military isn't the world's biggest sausage fest
I'm Canadian, and that doesn't count. Otherwise:
>apple is chinese
>all clothing is some sort of asian
>Ford is mexican
It's designed in, and owned by people in, the US. It's not Canadian just because it's thrown together here.
Isn't Chrysler based in Canada?
you guys pretty much suck our dick for oil, and you guys suck Mexicos dick because you want illegal immigrants deported but none of your fat fuck kids will pick strawberries for $5 an hour. USA is double penetrated
were allowed any foreign car 15 years old or older, works for me and i dont care we dont mass produce cars. we created "Americas pastime" (baseball), insulin, snowmobiles, television, god knows what else thats good in the world
New NSX must be Japanese then. Veeky Forums must have been lying to me
Americans are living on thin ice, soon we'll need to build a fence of our own, i'll guard it personally.
Nissan Leaf
every single canadian aerospace or whatever company fails because the federal government is a total joke
bombardier is next on the chopping block
>calls our government a total joke
>is an american
wew, lad
>Veeky Forums must have been lying to me
... Yeah, pretty much. If you paid a German to design your house, Mexicans to build it, but you pay for it, whose house is it? Hitler's? Pedro's? Don't think so.
It's cool that we build it, that means we get the majority of money from the taxes on all the labour and that's awesome for our economy.. But we don't own ford. They're not "Canadian cars". They're american cars built in Canada. Like your house is your house built by Mexicans.
Home builders are nothing like multi-national companies
Do you really think that every single Ford is designed in America? And that not a single bot of research and development is done in other countries?