Why do Americans all drive SUVs, Jeeps, and trucks if they never haul anything or go offroading? What is the benefit of taking your DODGE RAM to Wal Mart?
Why do Americans all drive SUVs, Jeeps, and trucks if they never haul anything or go offroading...
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Blatant generalization, I see more demands and hatches and crossovers than trucks/SUVS daily and I'm out of the city a ways
2. It's not uncommon for a middle class family to own a boat or camper etc
3. Pickups are useful as construction/other labor vehicles
>3. Pickups are useful as construction/other labor vehicles
They sure are, but 60% of them are owned by dudebros who don't even work and filipino grandmas.
Used trucks have to come from somewhere.
>mfw being the exception and abusing the fuck out of my 16 f150 offroad
Mall cruisers go home you make the rest of us look bad.
Someone who has practical or recreational need for a large vehicle may drive one anyway for:
I.e. a symbol of masculinity or status (in lower-class circles)
Large body-on-frame SUVs and crew-cab pickups have more or less taken over the landbarge niche that used to be served by large "slab" sedans/coupes. With modern ride comfort, the trucks do almost everything better than the old plushy landboats did.
A lot of people just like the high seating position, even women- though many such drivers are moving over into the crossover segment for this.
>has practical or recreational need
has no practical or recreational need
I bought my truck because I could fix it up, drive it for a couple of years, and sell it for at least $1000 more than I paid for it.
What is the benefit of taking your SPORTS CAR to Wal Mart?
>I've Never owned a truck/suv before. Only coupes, sedans, hatches. I did use to deliver parts in a 2010-ish Tacoma. 2 doors. Bench seat, no rear seats. Rwd. Fun in the rain even with an automatic.
I would love to have a little mini truck with a sensibly lowered ride-height. Sort of pic related, but not as low.
Use it as if it were a car, but have extra cargo room for whatever. Enjoy some rwd fun in something with little weight over the rear axle.
I drive an H2 in the summer sometimes just to piss ppl off and I'll always try to park next to a prius or hybrid car.
Plus, it let's ppl know my dick is small ^.^
Because we can, why doesn't everyone else understand this.
I agree, these are blantant generalizations, stop generalizing european car manufacturers/car culture Veeky Forums, k thanks
T; yurocuck lellel
>3. Pickups are useful as construction/other labor vehicles
So are vans and your shit isn't readily available to be stolen.
I can also shit in my mouth, but I don't do that.
>I can also shit in my mouth
Wait, how?
Would post a gif, but this is a blue board.
Similar to pic related only to a more extreme extent. You gotta be flexible though
>What is the benefit of taking your SPORTS CAR to Wal Mart?
You besides the fun drive?
I'm a big guy
It's 10x easier to find a comfortable suv than a comfortable car
It's also nice when it isn't 2" off the ground
The appeal of being able to haul while never actually hauling shit tbqh
honda ridgeline?
You can't put a load of dirt or woodchips in a van.
Tow a trailer for your dirt or wood chips. That way your tools can still be secure and you don't need to unload them all to load up with dirt
Why do you wear tennis shoes when you dont play tennis you fucking poser?
Triggering autists like yourself
I have a grand Cherokee, which I occasionally take to the trails. I like the room in it cause i drive a few thousand miles a month cross state usually carrying enough to fill my interior space. I also like to camp and sleep in the back occasionally. My dad has a ram 1500 which he uses for work transporting things in the bed. However it does infuriate me to see soccermoms drive both vehicles and it's really common
Well it's because this is America and that's how America works.
>3. Pickups are useful as construction/other labor vehicles
Sorry, but they aren't. This is just a meme propagated by closed minded folk who refuse to admit that the majority of trucks are simply marketed on this whole le big and strong masculinity premise. Cargo vans are literally built using the same frame/motor engine configuration as entry level trucks and offer infinitely more utility.
The only exception to this is if your job requires you to tow shit. In which case, something like a dually or a king ranch would be a better fit
umm sorry but no your wrong
vans dont offer the same utility has a pickup
explain to me how a 2017 EB F150 provides more utility than a 2017 EB T250
if you actually worked a trade youd already know
I feel it's like a status symbol of sorts to some people, I can't even count how many fancy off road packaged trucks I see rolling around without a single scratch or bit of dirt/mud.
I bought a basic level 4x4 and upgraded it with skid plates and shocks for a fraction of the price and actually do take it off the pavement, I also have a camping trailer and a utility trailer for dump runs and projects around the house.
If you're doing work with dirt/woodchips etc you start going to be using very many tools other shan shovels and wheelbarrows. The way most construction shit works is there's a master tool trailer or two that are just parked in the area of the job. They're fullblown semi trailers, usually accompanied by an "office" trailer. Everything lives in them and you take stuff out as needed and put it back. Smaller fix up job with dirt? Dirt in the bed with shovels and wheelbarrows. Huge fill job? Dump truck shows up with dirt, pickup truck hauls a skidloader. Need to secure tools a lot? Topper on the bed.
i think alot of people buy offroad shit with some intention of going offroading but then realize its completely stupid and blowing up axles isnt very fun no matter how drunk you are
They both have their uses.
To claim one is more utilitarian than the other just means that you are closed minded and haven't worked in various fields or had to deal with various situations.
Vans are as popular with the working man in the US as pickups (considering dropside vans are pickups) are as popular with the working man as vans are in the EU.
Women love suvs because it makes them feel safe. p much all the women I went to HS with drive suvs, and most dudes I know drive a truck. most suvs were never made for offroading, don't know where you got that from.
>makes them feel safe
sure, that is if your aren't that unfortunate lady that takes a sharp corner too fast flipping the sunofabitch.
You could corner the old SUVs really hard and never flip. The flipping generally happens when they collide with another vehicle or slide into a curb.
The modern SUV, which women prefer, are even harder to flip and some of them corner fantastically
It's a shame you, being a "man", are unable to realize this.
>You could corner the old SUVs really hard and never flip.
citation needed
>The modern SUV, which women prefer, are even harder to flip and some of them corner fantastically
again, citation needed
>It's a shame you, being a "man", are unable to realize this.
Welp, better being a man than being a cunt that wants privileges given to her by bitching and moaning for it.
>You could corner the old SUVs really hard and never flip
simply incorrect
going over 35 and making a hard turn you're basically good as dead with old suvs
Because it's /comfy/ and large vehicles have more interior room which is also even comfier.
It's seriously 99% because they know they're bad drivers and want to make sure they kill the other driver in an accident because bigger = safer they figure.
because biny benis
You're the retard that doesn't know shit. I drive a Subaru hatch and work a trade. It's a hundred times better than a truck in every way. Uses like 1/4 the gas, full time AWD, plenty of room in the back for tools and equipment, a trillion times easier to park, cheaper to insure, and people don't look at me like I'm some inbred hick because it's not a truck.
the guy you replied to is baiting, 99% sure
Getting it run over by an old ass woman in a Taurus? No really, it just happened in Florida recently.
i'm 'bating right now
because they're fat as shit and they do not fit into sedans
Everything the burger does is motivated by fear.
Right wing Americunts are scared of Non-whites/the guberment
Left wing Americunts are scared of the weather and right wing Americunts.
I took a sharp turn at 60 that was meant for 35 in my jeep
It felt like it was on 2 wheels for a bit
Where I live, a road with a curve in it is straight. It is primarily corners.
Also the vehicles are primarily early 90's Japanese SUVs.
35 mph into a hairpin turn sure you would turn over but that's after you fly off the cliff.
I have had Nissan Urvan, Suzuki escudos, Isuzu troopers, Isuzu rodeos, Mitsubishi pajeros and many more through tight corners at speed. Normally you loose traction before anything else.
I am.talking about actual experiences and not what I witnessed on a YouTube video
plenty of suvs and jeeps here too my european friend, stop living in eastern european shithole
though most of suvs are korean but we're slowly transforming
>implying your stupid experiences on shitty worn out all season tires overrules scientific tests as well as common sense
Because we can afford to and the infrastructure supports it. Personally I'd wish they fuck off from the road but this isn't some stupid /int/-tier shitposting reasoning
Are you actually retarded? Trucks offer way more utility and vans are fucking ugly. Why the fuck would you DD a van over a truck?
Because not everyone is an insecure bro who has to buy a truck to compensate for either their tiny cock or complete lack of any self esteem whatsoever.
Anyone who can drive a van is pretty secure.
This argument is shit.
1. Can't dump anything into a van with a loader
2. Hard limit on capacity because you can't take the roof off
3. We don't have gypsies in the US and even our niggers won't steal plywood and topsoil
Vans are for pedophiles.
Oh fuck off with your insecure-people-drive-trucks bullshit. I'm "secure" but I don't want to drive an uglyass van as a DD. If I needed a utilitarian vehicle, I would get a truck light years before a van because they look better, have better off-road capabilities, and I think a bed would be really handy. Vans look like shit, trucks don't. I want a nice looking vehicle.
They need a heavy chassis to move their fat around.
Not a valid answer.
>not having you materials delivered to site in an actual truck.
>real men wear pink and get pegged by trannies
Okay, fag.
Vans are shit.
And while we're still here I'll say that no sedan or coupe deserves to exist if it's not a sport model. 'Cars' are for women.
>paying someone to do your own work
You pay a guy to fuck your wife for you, too?
Insecure cuck detected trigger level 10/10
Your toolbox lives in the enclosed front end of the van bed. That means the chainsaw, shears, shovels, etc. Bulky, valuable stuff you don't want stolen.
The woodchipper is towed behind the van.
The woodchips go into the shuttered rear half of the van bed.
Also, you can spec vans with a pickup-style bed, but with drop sides and a tailgate. Even with a tipper.
Vans can even come from the factory as just a cab and chassis and have stuff added on later. Can't do that with a pickup truck, because that comes from a car dealer with car parts.
I actually drive a coupe because I don't need anything utilitarian, I'm just not retarded. Good argument though.
desu nobody in the fucking world gives a flying fuck about your shitty preferences
Okay? Doesn't mean I'm not fucking right. Trucks have better off-road capabilities, beds are easier to load than vans, you can dump things into them, there's no vertical space limit, you can seat 6 people, and they aren't fucking hideous. Or I'm wrong, but truck sales indicate that isn't the case. But you can go rape kids in your Econoline and pretend people don't think it's significantly uglier than a truck.
King Ranch is a luxury trim level for Ford pickups. It has nothing to do with performance or size. You are a dingus.
>Buying from somewhere that doesn't deliver
>Taking time out of your day to go and collect materials in your own personal vehicle that you drive all the time.
>the van meme
every mexican drywaller who drives a D21 Nissan (aka all of them) says you are wrong.
>Vans can even come from the factory as just a cab and chassis and have stuff added on later. Can't do that with a pickup truck,
You can do that with a pickup too user. A lot of them are actually. And it sounds like the "van" you just described would be a crew crab pickup truck with a tipper bed or flat bed.
Why do I read this opinion threads Veeky Forums? What disease do I have
Tfw I have owned a Miata, a full size van, and a full sized pick up as well as half a dozen sedans and hatches. I don't remember my penis growing a shrinking between vehicles. I just needed different capabilities for different times in my life. Why is that so difficult for people to understand?
The Miata was great when I was single. The van was great when I was married and had to transport lots of family, the truck was great when I lived in a rural area with shitty mud and snow "roads" and sheltered great Danes. My dream car is a two seat Mercedes coup with a tt v12. I guess then my penis will shrink? Or grow? I don't know. I enjoyed driving all those vehicles. All of them had something excellent about thier capabilities and utility. Some were more fun in twisties. Some could haul all my shit up the mountains. I'd you don't understand why different vehicles exist you are a sperger katana hat tipper.
>all of them
where the hell do you live? I mostly see them in ford and chebbys
>Can't do that with a pickup truck
If you put a bed on a van is it still a van? (no)
If you put a van body on a truck is still a truck?
If you shoot a man and then throw him put of an airplane, did he dies?
Trick question, you can't steal bread from the Baker to feed your family because you are the trolley
Hmmm should I pick the 4000lb sedan or a truck... They both cost the same and get similar mpg's. A truck gives you more bang for the buck.
Anybody who says trucks aren't fun has never been off roading or blasted up a rough logging road at 120 km/h. But people never go off roading, right? That's because you're cucked to the city by your car. Go out to the bush and you'll see people actually using their toys.
Ideally you have a truck for nasty winter days or weekends and a light shitbox for city commuting.
short answer: yes
long answer,
i didn't know they sell trucks in australia
How does it offer more utility?
They can carry stuff, tow and go off-roading. They also ride nice on the highway.
And no you can't tow a 6000lb travel trailer behind a sedan here just because it has trailer brakes.
There's no roof, so you can fit things that's are larger than the internal dimensions of a van. Otherwise they are exactly the fucking same BECAUSE MOST TIME THEY ARE ON THE SAME BODY AND WHY IS THERE A WHOLE THREAD DEDICATED TO HOW A BIG BOX AND A BIG BOX WITH A FLAT PART BEHIND IT ARE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER
He's defending vans as DDs over pickups, don't expect intelligence
this is a stupid argument they are very different
you can fit a lot of tools into the van if you set it up right. but you obviously wouldnt just throw bags of sand into a van that has a full set of electricians tools
plz stop
also plz stop buying cars altogether driving to work is literal insanity in america everyone has a personal giant metal cage that is literally powered by explosions to move at a top speed of 25mph everyday in every city on every major highway
if there is a god or aliens plz let them forgive us for being so insanely backwards
cars and roads for non to and from work purposes are ok by me but jesus fuckin jrishddwa
I agree I really wish someone would bring back a decent looking small truck that isnt bulgy and "heavy" like modern day trucks.
>Large body-on-frame SUVs and crew-cab pickups have more or less taken over the landbarge niche that used to be served by large "slab" sedans/coupes. With modern ride comfort, the trucks do almost everything better than the old plushy landboats did.
This user has it right. Americans are lazy and we like to be comfy af. The steering isn't twitchy, the ride is good, everything is sort of squishy if that makes sense in terms of throttle and brakes and shit. Yes, they're kinda big and if you're not retarded you should absolutely be aware of that and be careful, but they FEEL easy to drive. That's the big thing in all of this. They feel easy and they're "practical" enough that you're not really compromising anything.
I drive a 2005 Dakota because it was my dad's and he gave it to me, and while sure something sportier would be pretty nice, I do like it.