/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

Multiverse Edition

The free update will include:

New level cap for your time patroller (up to level 90)!
5 costumes
3 accessories
5 attacks
New world tournament rules
A new option to change the BGM in Battles
Two disappointing Expert Missions


>1.04 patch info

>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links
pastebin.com/LTscGRpT (embed)

>Xenoverse 2 Mods
pastebin.com/pDwFPrB3 (embed)

>Xenoverse 2 changes
pastebin.com/uDAS7TD9 (embed)

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here

>Notice: Go borderless/windowed if you have problems with glitching through the floor if you alt+tab or use windows key instead

Last time on Dragon Ball G!:

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the first time the placement of the "Voice chat list" thing actually bugged me.


Good night guys

repost from late last night aka 3 in the morning

hope everyone's having a good time lately on these threads!

and here's hoping I eventually stop procrastinating and work on my projects.

>trying to navigate that fucking desert while doing the flight quest for humans

Fucking nightmare fuel.


you're a buutt

I'll contribute.

This is a gun thread now.

Would you play a Trio the Dangers spin-off game if it was anything like this?


sure here's a butt

Did somebody say GUN?




>Finished OG DB
>Started watching Z again
>they mention that Raditz smells

Holy shit stinky saiyans is canon

Does anyone else feel like every match is torn between deciding if you want to win or want to job? Because it feels like most of my matches are like that.
I mean, regardless of the outcome, it's really easy to tell in a straightforward game like this when the opponent's interest is waning. Stronger, equal or weaker it's totally not fun fighting someone who's giving half an ass or is one step of lying down and hoping it'll be over soon. Shit sucks.
I feel like the vast majority of the 'struggle' getting gud is just finding people willing to deal with your shit long enough to take you seriously for more than two matches a session. Like, how is getting several get out of jail free cards per game going to help? But there's so few to choose from in /dbg/, so you can't expect them all to be wellsprings of training montage sweat and tears, right? Then there's connection as another limiting criterium.
Then there's the other side of the matter where lower level players just stop trying to beat you midfight because you got a couple of good punishes out. You just get ignored if you give unwanted advice which is understandable, if it's not asked for. And then they wonder why they can't be good but won't train. I mean if they're just playing for fun sure but I'm not talking about those people.
All of these problems wouldn't exist in the way of improvement if it weren't for the fact /dbg/ makes up just about all of the tolerable playerbase for this cheat-ridden and terribly netcoded game.

Cat loves food, yeah yeah yeah.

>One is said to smell bad so they all smell bad

Da's racist. You're racist.

You don't hang around Pumki on a daily basis, don't judge

is there anybody who's well versed in DBXV2's story/cutscenes?

I want to make a cutscene movie out of this (you know that shit where you record all the cutscenes and maybe add a few seconds of gameplay to make a movie to watch) but I also want to use the same CaC from XV1 but with a newer outfit to illustrate the CaC from XV2 is the one from the future/current one while the XV1 is the past one (in other words in DBXV2 I transferred my CaC from XV1 but also recreated my CaC from XV1 as well so it's the exact same character, but XV2 I gave him a new outfit)

Is there cutscenes I should cut or move around to be able to achieve this type of context? Anything specific I could do to make it work out?

how does giant namekian do in pve?

Better than in PvP seeing as you can actually hit the enemies.

PvP they just step vanish forever until you run out of stamina or give up.

Nothing, I said nothing!

cool, I don't intend to pvp with it, but I want a unique playstyle thats effective for pve

No clue. Maybe the one in the time best before the final battle in XV2 is good

i saw it

>There hasn't been an update since june
>There hasn't been a peep not even for new years
I still have hope that one day I will play this in english Even if that hope is slowly becoming despair

That's gonna be the last thing you see.

>be me
>waited between for that English patch for years
>one day friend gives me a disc
>says I'll be able to play DBO now, even in English
>try to run it on a shitty Mac
>doesn't work
>go back to friend the next day, tell him he's full of shit
>years later
>realize the problem all along was that the disc would never run on a shitty Mac
>lost the disc years ago
>never stayed in contact with that friend
>mfw the last chance I had to play DBO is now gone because I tried to use the disc on an old Mac
I can get by with the Xenoverse games, but god damn. I really wanted to kill myself after that

How did he get it in english ?.

mornin /dbg/

post recent screenshots.

I can't fucking stand Hallow

did you get new parts? that looks better than usual

The most recent I have on my phone.

Super Kame vs Final Flash
Which one is better?

super, because you it has faster recovery

No idea, so I think he might have been lying

So does anyone know what the TP medal shop has today?

what projects?

same ahit as always

Good morning!

Damn. I was hoping final shine attack would be there this time

I think we can all agree that chocolate waifus are the best.

>chocolate waifus
what did they mean by this
which people are you talking about user

Every, single, one, of them.

He obviously means the smelly monkeys.


i'm still sad i didnt screen that.

Ded thread

but which ones are chocolate ones




jesus fuck it's a slow day
what are you up to user



Aaah, it's fine. You can still sorta tell how it would've looked on your end.

are you fellow Veeky Forumsizen?

It is the morning in burgerland so it is pretty normal to be slow right now.

I'm just waking up myself as well, might fall asleep again though

my man

I'm quite proud of it.

The mornings are gonna kill off the thread one of these days.



>Rhyme knows the release date
>won't say it

Why the fuck does he get to know it anyway? Why the fuck haven't they said the release date yet? Why are they waiting this long just to tell us a release date?

>youtube fags get to play DaSIII dlc before march

I hate Bamco so much

Even for a Ningen, you've got quite the package...

I didn't know you felt that way. I'll try to get better so I can give you a better fight. You can call on me any time you want to rumble.

Pretty sure bamco will cut his dick off if he talks




I'm guilty of doing this against the people I struggle to fight against, and it's just because I don't always feel like putting the 110% into it that I'd have to with those people in the midst of a beach party with constant fights and minimal down time.

The thing that bothers me is that those few people think I'm lower tier than I really am, and have openly said as much because they were shocked that I could beat someone that they struggled with, and it just kinda takes the steam out of my desire to fight to see people say "You're way better than them though!" to someone I enjoyed fighting.

It's like people don't understand that it's more of a circle than a tier list when it comes to who can beat who and loses to others.

Remove evil

A what now? Ultramen don't do delivery, madam.

Turles is not evil, he is a hero who was willing to sacrifice a few things to grow strong enough to defeat Frieza and rebuild the Saiyan race.

what move is that?
we already know that turles and note are aubah's parents

Not really, or rather I'm feeling torn between getting my ass handed to me and just abandoning the fight. I'm simply at a level where I know I can't win against anyone, no matter how hard I try. So after loosing a dozen fights in a row, I usually do ask myself if I am actually enjoying this, and if there really is a point in trying anymore, when I know that I will never git gud.

It was fun. All of that tech talk makes me really wonder about HuFs. I just throw things that I know link up out. Even the basic attack build you're fisting there I can actually lock myself out of continuing a combo if I don't have enough stamina. We should fight more often. I'm really interested in learning more.

Young lady, entire planets and all the life on them are not "a few things"! His goal may have been noble, but there was no excuse for his method!

Cross-Arm Dive! It is quite the fun move, but very difficult to get a good screenshot of. It works well with Sledgehammer, I've found.

Look at that slut showing off her thighs, what a whore

This is not true. Note is pure.

But Frieza was destroying (and enslaving) far more planets than he was! Frieza would have gotten to them eventually if Turles did nothing!

It's a small sacrifice when you look at the situation!

>Actually went out of my way to get screenshots yesterday

>new parts

what do you mean user?

>not evil
>wants to rebuild an objectively evil race

Not the majins obviously. The brown majins look like poo.

>Cross-Arm Dive!
time to try it out
so is turles, and from their purity, the cutest being was born
I mean new pc parts, I remember you old screenshots looking worse, so I assumed your pc got an upgrade

Do you God Form? I know I do.

Go away, Sam Ass. You think every race is evil.

No! That is not canon!

How does a Kai get a god form, they're already gods.

Doesn't change anything, Gohan, Goten and Trunks are like the only saiyans who aren't genocidal monsters

>new pc parts
nope, laptop's still the same old toaster

They fuse with a monkey.

I will shoot whoever doesn't let saiyanfus display their thighs as they please.

Godly Kais get longer hair.

that makes Aubah x Note so much hotter

>saiyan envy

goku and vegeta shower otherwise bulma will point out that they smell and be surprisingly well animated when saying it

There is a difference between enslaving and outright killing! The enslaved planets could have been be saved, but the ones ravaged by Turles are ruined forever. A true hero would have tried to achieve his goal without any sacrifices!

The planets and their inhabitants should be happy to become nutrients for divinity


Good morning.

Question for ya /dbg/.

What new stages would you like to see in the future? Or what ones are you surprised to see omitted?