What do you think is the best area of Mythology?
Personal I'd have to say Greek or Norse mythology.
Best Mythology
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>Best mythology
Terrible meme. Everything interesting in Norse mythology is told better in Celtic mythology or Slavic mythology. Greece is fine, it's a standard, but it cribs so much from the Near East it's kind of annoying. Go back to early Mesopotamian mythology, Epic of Gilgamesh level shit, now that's based.
I tried to read a book on Norse mythology, and it was incredibly convoluted
Aztec. It's insanely complex with deity interactions, but is also strict, unlike some more animistic mythologies that have a lot of deities. And most of it is about gods killing themselves and each other.
And also the classic greco-roman mythology, of course.
I need to study more semitic/middle eastern/mesopotamian since I only know the basics but the Bible and make it seem very interesting as well. In fact, I could mark biblical mythology as one of my favourites (I'm not christian).
Aztec or Maya.
Norse mythology is hollywood thrash, the best mythology is the roman one
>roman one
Other than Romulus and Remus what mythology are you talking about?
I gotta look more into Celtic and Slavic mythology. Celtic is even more animistic than Norse if I remember right from cursory reading months ago.
Same. I think I'll try reading it again soon since It's been like 6 years since I bought it. This site is a lot more concise.
Hollywood took it because a lot of it is "badass", and because it's the best account of pre-Christian European religion.
Would love to get a book recommendation, or just a name of an expert on Slavic mythology.
What should we call the specific brand of Catholicism/Classical mythology syncretization you find with certain authors? That, or more generally every type of localized folk Catholicism.
>best mythology
What the fuck does this even mean?
Catholicism desu
Cultural fanfiction
You mean like Dante?
Wow, i didnt realize that even Veeky Forums had posers
Anything so long as it's not American """"""""""""Mythology.""""""""""
And no I'm not talking Native American.
>Opened a book on "Myths of the World."
>Ameriniggers dared to put the fucking US there and shit like "Paul Bunyan" or "Johnny Appleseed" as mythology.
Cringe as fuck.
Japanese mythology is pretty dope.
>how did all these mountains and rivers get there?
>they're the tracks of a giant snake
It actually makes sense that you'd assume that other than some weird Greek shit with sky people.
Zoroastrianism's is pretty cool
That link you provided is really good, i was reading a bit of it just now, im going to continue later but thanks for the link mate.
Wut. Norse mythology isn't that similar to celtic and slavic. Not the theological tales. Things like lokes trickery and shit is ace. When in celtic mythology does a god get raped by a horse?
Hindu mythology
There are no stronger gods
There are no philosophical gods
There are no numerous gods
He means favorite, most likely.
>Personal I'd have to say Greek or Norse mythology.
That is pretty much the only you know of, ain't it so?
I personally hardly know African and Aboriginal mythology, only the spider trickster when it comes to Africa.
Tricksters are my favorite part of mythology and they are pretty much universal.
I always found it funny that one of the supreme deities and probably most important one of the Aztecs was a troll.
why were there 4 Tezcatlipocas?
Aeneid maybe?
Astras are pretty cool.
Could you recommend a good introductory book on Aztec mythology? :)
>best mythology
>What the fuck does this even mean?
It means Greek mythology.
Old Testament/Jewish Mythology
The four directions I assume, and it was the number of the sun. Tezcatlipoca himself was a sun,
cool, was there a fifth one?
Nanahuatzin (Our current and final sun). Later changed to Huitzilopochtli by the Aztecs to elevate their unknown minor deity to a central sun deity when they sought to define their imperialistic agenda.
The Mesopotamian one for being OG
The Norse one for being the one I can identify with the most
I would like this too.
Literalism is cancer.
An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya
Aztec and Maya Myths (Legendary Past Series). Karl Taube
Also check out the Aztecs by Michael E Smith
and Tamoanchan, Tlalocan: Places of Mist by Alfredo Lopez Austin and look into the Legend of the Five Suns. This animation is actually pretty decent: