Car is already on

>car is already on
>turn key to start ignition
>mfw that horrible sound

>car isn't on
>release e brake
>wheel won't move
>start rolling backwards

how bad is this?
I've done it and the ignition got fucked but it wasn't my car so i didn't care.

>not using your alternator for extra boost


>-25C outside
>running late for work
>shift into reverse

>get on bus
>swipe monthly bus pass
>denied multiple times
>mfw I forgot to renew the buspass

Do it too much and eventually you'll fuck up the starter or ring gear. It would take a lot of grinding, though.

you absolute degenerate

>Coming to a gentle stop
>Combination of engine breaking and coasting has got me down to 15 kmh
>Gently apply brake to come to a stop
>Nails on chalkboard amplified with a megaphone SKREEEEEEEEEEEE

>His car doesn't have keyless ignition

>Drive manual ute (company car) 400~km/w marketing
>Goes in for service, needs new CV joint and blah blah, get same car but auto
>So used to heel toe that I CONSTANTLY stab the fucking brake pedal instead of the clutch that's like 3x wider than it needs to be, fucking autotragicfaggots
>Start lolling imagining me in chase cam lurching before turning a corner

I've always been a prissy faggot and would rather rev match religiously than drag the clutch and let the diesel engine braking eventually catch up. So much smoother.

>Day 4, still get confused when there's no clutch
>Day 5, getting the hang of not slapping the PRNDL stick left and right to check neutral

I need to pay attention more and not muscle memory so much.

>Nails on chalkboard
I am one of the few people who does not find that sound annoying at all. Actually it's kind of pleasant to do. Many evil laughs were had back then.

>start car
>seems to be idling a little rough
>give it some gas
>revs drop below idle and stalls
>start it again
>idles fine

>car busted radiator hose on campus this morning
>roadside hack it and make it barely work
>driving back home and keep it around 65
>cop pulls me over for apparently doing 75

Gremlins, man. It's the only explanation.

>Park car.
>Turn off engine.
>Apply parking brake.
>Leave transmission in drive.
>Wonder why I can't pull out key.


>Day 5, getting the hang of not slapping the PRNDL stick left and right to check neutral
Kek, I did this once.

>at cold start car used to idle 100 rpm below what most people said it'd idle at after being warmed up
>few weeks after i got it it idles 100 rpm below what people say it idles at for a cold start

> DD Automatic
> drive a manual like once a month or two
> foot still looks for clutch

>letting the clutch out before turning off ignition

>car is already on
>turn key
>starter is disengaged because car obviously is on and engine is turning
>nothing happens

such is life in a Mercedes Benz

>get in car
>turn key
>computer thinks engine is already running
>nothing happens
>late for work again

Such is life in a Mercedes Benz

lol, its a mechanical disengagement system, and the mechanics in my W124 WILL NEVER BREAK.

also, if for some reason (which is literally impossible) the engine isnt running and the system is disengaged, you just turn the key all the way to the off position, and back, to reset it. no matte rif the engine runs or doesnt run (obviosuly it shouldnt because you ust turned the car off) the starter will engage.

Sounds like daily carburetor life.

>>car is already on
let me guess, 3 cyl turbo with cylinder deactivation


>convoluted mechanical features that serve almost no purpose except to fail

lmao this
>start car
>car was already on
>it turns off rather then re engage the starter

>buying into the parking brake meme

you deserved it

>trusting a 4000 lbs brick on wheels to a hook the size of your thumb

Do you drive an X-Trail with the 2.0 petrol? Done that several times in mumy grandfathers... such a quiet piece of shit

if i drive a classic then go back to my daily, i frequently have to check the tachometer to make sure the car is still running. Cars sure are quiet nowadays

>trusting your 180 pound body to function with it's half pound heart

Fact: heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women.

>driving unfamiliar car
>on the country road
>fifth gear
>attempt to change into sixth
>look at gear shift

>6th gear on a country road.
You deserved it for even thinking this is okay.

>Shift oh fug

Please explain. The speed limit was 100km/h and the car was doing 70 in the fifth gear just fine.

>4th gear and pretty high revs
>shift to 5th like a good boi
>tfw accidentally shifted to 3rd

Because i don't like it.

Sorry to have hurt your feelings bruh
If it is of any solace to you, I didn't use the sixth gear anyway


>idling at a stoplight
>rough idle shaking the entire truck
>disappears when I take off

>pedal to the floor
>no power
>ease into throttle
>thrust forward and chirp back tires

>showing off on highway with friend in car
>"user how fast does this go"
>hit about 110 in 4th
>go to shift to 5th
>slam it like a mad cunt
>3rd gear engages
>pic related
>4.6 liter at 9k RPM
>from that day on always idles low
>AC shuts car off at lights in the summer

Thankfully I didn't murder my car that bad but it does run weirdly on idle sometimes.

>Go sit in car
>Turn on ignition
>Car flies forward towards the one parked infront of me
>Suffer mini heart-attack

>Girlfriend left it in gear

Such an annoying fucking habit. Why. There are no hills in this country. The handbrake works fine. It isn't the 1960's anymore and this isn't a fucking trabant.

How dumb are you to not push the fucking clutch when turning on the car?

I always do you mong, then let it out to fiddle with the radio, aircon, seatbelts etc.

Sold It in the winter so he never even knew. Thank god it was a ferd with a dohc.

Your carb is tuned too lean

>5th gear in right lane
>want to downshift to 4th to pass on the left
>accidentally downshift into 2nd

Jesus I hope you were driving a dorifto doing 50

>no busposting on Veeky Forums
>99% of Veeky Forums posters are bus riders

really makes you think and go hmmmmmm

I have a shitbox 97 f150 with the 4.2L v6. Pretty sure my engine is just a piece of dog shit and needs to be swapped.

that seems worse

I did this once
I was learning how to drive, my family and I went to a flanigans or something. I went into a parking space and I was parked incorrectly or something, my dad lectures me for a bit
It was loud outside and I guess I forgot the engine was on because I didn't hear any car noises. I needed to adjust so i went to "turn on" the car, horrible noise was made, and my dad looked at me like an idiot

>driving in 5th
>accidently [spoiler]brake to a comlete stop, pull up the handbrake, turn off engine and lock the car from outside with the key[/spoiler]

My jeep does that sometimes if it idles too long

What horrible sound are your referring to, OP?

>Driving home from work
>Steam begins to erupt from hood
>Pull over and open hood
>"Please just be water from a puddle, I mean it did just get warm the snow must have melted right?'

Hey old Ford guy, this is old Chevy guy
My truck does this as well
I'll uh... be right back..

youre fucking retarded

>Engine breaking
Yeah, I hate it when my engine breaks too.
Learn English, bitch.

is that a pic of u? l o c a t i o n.

>bought the car for 1800€
>drive it since >40000 kilometers now
>340000 on the clock
>not a SINGLE failure or problem

i love this car, dude.
i just did 800 kilometers in it again in one sitting. its the best car, no, the best OBJECT i have ever owned in my life.
there is nothing i can depend on as much as i can depend on that car. my trust in it has grown to such extreme proportions that i would probably shoot myself immediately should it ever not start or break down.

don't make them like they used to
I had a 1985 w123 and bought it for $1500 when it was at 350,000 miles. Drove it to 600,000 miles only having done regular maintenance and replacing the driver's side window switch
sold for $1500

>waiting for bus
>pull out metropass
>sir, this is last month's
>no problem time to pull out backup presto card
>imouto has it
>tfw had to use backup token

>coming up to roundabout
>need to go all the way around
>half way car wont seem to turn
>realize the car had turned off as i was turning
>now i have to two feet every corner

>Start up car in walmart parking lot
>Hear the engine, watch the gauge cluster do the thing where it goes from zero to max then to idle settings.
>Check phone, turn on radio
>Shift to R, car just sits there, then rolls forward a bit
>Engine is now off
>Restart engine, starter crying for a bit before it turns over

Such is the life of a shitbox owner.

I bet this guy wish he did. I've had older trucks slip out of park before.

Why are you calling your dad an idiot if you are clearly the idiot?

I think he means his dad looked at him like he was an idiot.

i knew i wasn't the only one

>there's someone in the car

haha sucker you live in toronto

yeah u probably warped the living fuck outta that head lol

i did the same shit because it never came across my mind that things other than the seat would be different if someone else drove my car for a bit

of course i learned and i just park in gear everytime now instead of being lazy so I always have the habit of checking

>implying presto card works on the TTC
no way lol


how do you even manage to fuck up a simple H pattern, I will never understand.
like nigger, JUST GO RIGHT, NOT LEFT

No, I went up not right lol

KKK is retarded, you don't have a carburetor.


Toyobaru but it didn't cross the red line.

>implying it doesn't

Buses, Streetcars and now most Subway stations have it. Step it up senpai