/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #206












>Instagram (DM PICTURES)


>List of Sticker Websites
pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j (embed)

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


Downey was right

Here's the fucking problem. When everyone is sharing their designs and giving input and shit, everything's golden and we're all good. The shit hits the fan when you got people who take this shit too seriously (c'mon guys, it's just silly meme stickers) and take *every* criticism and shitpost as a personal attack on themselves.

Except it's not just a personal attack on them, but their "brand" too. So now you got guys who make these silly meme stickers saying because of us we're ruining their brand and sabotaging their legitimate business.

I mean jesus fuck, people. It's just personal preferences. Not everyone is gonna wear Nike shoes. Not everyone is gonna eat at McDonalds. And not everyone is gonna like your fucking designs. Once you accept that, you can start having fucking fun in here again.

The shit hits the fan when people who have things selling get shit on for bad design which ruins their brand reputation. Stop leaving this key piece out.

Good designs doesn't mean sales, just as bad designs doesn't mean sales, but what's important is, a sale happens when someone wants something, and if someone is making sales it means people want those things.

All I did was make something people want, and people bought it, but then you've got people saying that doesn't mean it's good design, and I said sure, but to the persons that bought it, it does, or it at least means enough for them to want to buy it.

You guys destroyed my shops name by doing that shit, and stalled my sales a few times.

I hope this general gets shut down, it's pathetic what happens in here. I made good on all of my orders. I printed the stickers, and sent them. I didn't charge arms or legs for stickers. Yet, just because I have something different, or because I am not giving up within a few days, you all think it's being a shill.

However, all of you in the OP, are the ultimate shills in my view.

The tough criticism is what I appreciate. That tough love you don't get on FB groups, and realistically it's the only thing that will make your designs better.
If your skin is too thin to take the critique on here it's probably too thin to be posting on Veeky Forums at all.

Except you didn't have something different. Yeah it's not anime, but a picture of a car with text over it has been done before. Just get over yourself. 99.9% of people here don't like you or your designs, it is what it is.

Bingo, iron sharpens iron. If you're gonna be sharing anything with these guys you need to expect criticism. If anything, I feel like FB gets more of the spergy SHIT SUX FAG responses than on Veeky Forums.

And you just pretty much proved correct. "Brand reputation" "stalling my sales" "destroying my shop's name". You brought that upon yourself by shitting on everyone who criticized your stuff instead of shrugging it off like a fucking adult. And then on top of that you took it seriously because you feel like you're more than just some guy on Veeky Forums making silly car meme stickers.

Guess what? You're just some guy on Veeky Forums making silly car meme stickers.

Get the fuck over yourself.

> A picture of text over anime hasn't been done before.

Okay buddy.

Status update on Bad Decisions? Picked up a couple of keytags and a twingo keychain. I know the twingo was supposed to take a few weeks. Just curious if there's an ETA. I saw awhile ago this is a side thing you do, so there's no rush.

I agree with this actually. I have one sticker with animu grill on my Supra and that's as far as I'd ever go, only because I liked the design to begin with. I'm seeing people with nude/half nude hentai girls on their cars and their windows and hoods and bumpers paraded in nothing but anime and it (in my opinion) seems to be going too far with what was a good thing. I remember back in the day it was just WAT stickers. Now it's evolving (devolving?) into a bunch of (in my opinion) shit stickers that people are just pushing out just to have a product list. I never lurk /osg/ and only check the new shops every few months, but what I see the rare times I come here, it seems to be going too far. I get that Veeky Forums is based on/around anime. Maybe those who sell a lot of only /a/ related stickers should try selling on there instead to make it more sensible.

Also I dunno what has been going on otherwise, but if people can't take criticism on their work, then they shouldn't be asking for it or posting shit where it'll get criticized. There's a big difference between requesting constructive criticism and indirectly seeking confirmation/acceptance.

It's actually the keytags I've been waiting on. Pic related. Should be here either in the morning or tomorrow.

Show me where in my post I said that.
What I'm saying is that the reason people don't like you isn't because of your stickers. It's because of your attitude and how you present yourself.

It's not like the anime shit is pushing out the Veeky Forums-related stuff though. People have freedom of choice and preference, and they let their money do the talking. That's what's nice about /osg/, if your shit sucks, you're not gonna make a dollar. If it doesn't suck, you'll make something.

The problem with is people mostly dont like his stuff and he can't accept that. He claims he made money but desu if I was selling a product that was selling pretty well, I could give less of a damn about what those who aren't buying are saying. These kinds of guys only get assmad when nobody is ponying up for their lazy, derivative shit.

So are you opening when they've arrived or?

I'm opening as soon as I have the new printed stickers and clothing in. Stickers come Thursday. Clothing should ship tomorrow, I was told. When it's all in, I'm opening next day. I'll have an announcement and everything on here and IG.

Oh fuck off, hoon. You son of a bitch

You make a fair point.

I also have no idea who he is, I do somewhat recall a month or so ago I saw someone getting really angry that no one liked their shop.

Oh, well that's no problem. I ordered back in January and I was just curious. Like I said in my post, I don't lurk here, so I don't see if you post otherwise. Thanks for the update mango.

That is not what happened at all. It was actually simply just me being new and asking questions about Photoshop, because I didn't know how to ask them but then I learned a few things and stopped doing that. Next, they said I wouldn't get my piece of shit New Driver diecut printed, but I did. Then they said I'd scam Lonerscrew, but I didn't, I mailed it out. Then they said that I should quit, because my designs are bad. I said no, and kept improving. I finally had two I personally liked and got them printed. That day I got 5 pre-orders. Then after that, they said just because people buy your stuff doesn't mean it's good. I said they can say that but I'm happy that people are liking my things and that means there's a market for it. Then they said I will never be good and should just quit.

Basically, they kept trying to tell me I couldn't do this or that or that I wouldn't even make 1 sale or that I should quit, and I kept saying no and perservered. They hate me because of my "personality" which is one where I perservere. It's been almost 2 weeks and I haven't given up. I don't go around reporting their stores for advertisement but they do it to me. I don't go around bashing their designs.

I just do me, get my stickers printed, and send them. I don't charge $10 for 1, and I don't charge a ridiculous shipping amount. I have sales up constantly.

Yet, it always comes back to "Hoon fucking just quit, fuck off Hoon" etc.

And it's because I'm not giving up like they wanted me to from the first day. Somehow, that's a bad thing to them. Well fuck them, if they're going to be assholes to me, I will return the favor and begin reporting everything.

Again here, >my attitude

My attitude of not stopping and keeping at it learning new things? Is that bad? Why is it bad? I present myself 100% transparently.

People do like it, that's $15 worth.

That's one nice stretch of road




>I don't go around reporting their stores for advertisement but they do it to me.
You tried getting osg banned literally because "they wont play nice with me"
> I don't go around bashing their designs.
do you want me to pull receipts

Why don't you just ignore them? Take whatever criticism and thank people who give the constructive stuff and ignore the rest. When you think you have a design you really enjoy and what you feel others are enjoying, throw it up to buy. People are going to keep giving you a hard time if you get frustrated and type out your life story everytime they question you or bring it up.

Just chill and have fun with it, thats what everyone else is doing, right?

It was quite fun I will admit. There was quite a bit of traffic as it goes back to the Crystal Cave, a tourist attraction here in PA.

wow, you're really fucking dense, aren't you?

No one had a problem with you making designs and selling them. The problem people have with you is being a huge fucking autist who spergs the fuck out in chat at anyone who doesn't get on their knees and worship your heaven-sent cock every single time you post something. Then, when people try to give you constructive criticism so that you can improve you cover your ears and start babbling about M-MUH SUBJECTIVE TASTE MEANS MY ART CAN'T BE SHIT NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. If you just shut the fuck up, keep making slaps for people to criticize so you can improve, and stop trying to stir up shit, maybe people will actually tolerate you.

>getting so assblasted after your third time getting told to fuck off that you go to the Veeky Forums IRC and ask the moderators to remove /osg/
are you literally 12?

People here don't like you, people in the chat don't like you, people in the discord don't like you. Does this tell you something?
If you're making sales then that's good for you. Just chill out and you do you.

only two people?

oh look, the #206th advertising thread

>The problem people have with you is being a huge fucking autist who spergs the fuck out in chat at anyone who doesn't get on their knees and worship your heaven-sent cock every single time you post something
lmao someone is fucking mad

its quite pathetic the amount of people in this general having a sook because someone who isnt in the cirlcle jerk is trying to sell stickers

buy my stickers before you do

read the rest of the post, dumbass. I personally have no problem with hoon making/shilling shit in this thread or in the chat, it's not like all of his designs are shit- one of them did come out nicely. The problem comes from him being unable to take any criticism and going off on hour long tangents every time someone doesn't tell him his new slap is 11/10 amazing.

Hey look, he's self-replying again!

Fuck off Dev.

I find it so funny how hoon is so fixated on vindicating himself on us, when he's the problem.

I hope hoon's Hyundai Korean pos catches fire with him in it. Good grief, if ever I raised my own kids improperly to be as soft-skinned, cancerous pieces of shit as he is.

I did ignore them, for like 3 days now, and today completely.

Then they banned me from the Discord, because "fuck off we're full" which says to me there is no room for different shops.

Thank you.

I took tonnes of criticism, do you want me to fucking post all of it? I went back and got 340 screenshots that Ayako and Spicy have seen. But even if I do that, you'll still say I don't take criticism, so fuck off with that pathetic line.

err, just because you get criticism, doesn't mean you actually take it to heart

I also got some shiny shit to play with while I wait on my new stuff.

>dropped pic

That's not what happened.

>340 screenshots
Who does this?
You take this shit too seriously.

>The problem comes from him being unable to take any criticism
So standing up for himself when circle jerkers try push him out of the thread is a bad thing?
Fuck off kid
Your safe space is invaded AND against board rules. Deal with it.

/osg/ is run by nazis?

>stop threatening my aganist site rules safe space! go away youre not welcome here arrrgh!

autists are full mad. how about you all fuck off to leddit, its more your circle jerkers speed

Someone (not me) added him to the pastebin under the blacklist.

>go away you're not welcome here
He can post on Veeky Forums all he wants. Discord though.

That happened just now stop fucking lying you fucking cunt, what I was talking about happened THIS EVENING, HOURS AGO.

I take shit to seriously, but I have to take criticism to heart? LOL. You guys take shit too seriously. Now you can take the RULES seriously as well. Exactly this. Thank you. This is all I want to say. Why can't I defend myself, why must I subject myself to their needs of anime only? Veeky Forums is not full of only anime. It is a SFW board. Most of this stuff isn't even SFW.

Thank you. Why should they get to break rules and at the same time report me by using the same rules they break?

The fact is, you don't do anything about it. If OSG is a COMMUNITY, you shouldn't stand for shit like that.

>Someone (not me) added him to the pastebin under the blacklist
why is there a blacklist for someone who delivers on their sales?

cancerous autistic losers

The blacklist includes people that made up all these designs, took peoples money, and ran away.

I didn't do that shit. I made stickers, and I literally sent them out. I didn't scam anyone. I am literally just doing what they do with different designs, and because they don't like the designs, they dress it up with they don't like my personality to make it sound legit. They just want to keep their circlejerk from growing so they can have control over it.

This isn't just a few dollars, these guys print hundreds of dollars worth of stuff and sell it for thousands. It's a blatant misuse of Veeky Forums, and it breaks the rules in a big way. Just the other day Imoutodreams said she made $800 this week. MADE. That means it costed her less than 30% of it to make the items. Take that and multiply by the number of shops in the OP, plus those that post links here constantly like impurethoughts.us and kansei project. That's thousands a week, that Veeky Forums is not being paid for.


He has his view and there is no way to try and change that.

Yes we can, we just need to tip him over a little more, then he'll become one of us

Would anyone be interested in an Ika Musume sticker?

>then he'll become one of us

...why the hell would we want that? He tried to get this general shut down. Who fucking cares about his views anymore, he's persona non grata as far as /osg/ is concerned.

>He has his view
And its pretty concrete fact m8

Stop advertising your fucking shit here cunts

>waah waah he tried to destroy my safe space he isnt welcome here!!
kys circle jerker cancer filth

Because he has a point, we can't kick him out of /osg/ because he's doing exactly what most stores on /osg/ did when they started. If we kick him out, it shows that he's right.

He may be persona non grata, but he is still a persona, and he has made his case. There might not even be an /osg/ since he was able to do this much damage to your circle jerk already. If you simply didn't report him for advertising he wouldn't be doing this shit, but you guys brought it upon yourself just as much as you say he brought it upon himself, but he is a newbie, you guys are the veterans, so you will always be more at fault.

Stop replying to yourself, hoon. Holy shit. Pathetic af. Literally everyone can tell it's you.

Can you prove that's Hoon, because I'm Hoon and that's not me. Like I've showed you fucking fags so many times. People are there that aren't me. The fact that you pretend like everyone who defends Hoon must be Hoon replying to himself is pathetic. It just shows how toxic you are.

I'd rather he an hero

But i wanna tell him that he's a little bitch

literally so mad the newfag resorts to samefag

>It just shows how toxic you are
truly does bruh

Trips confirm pic related is hoon

>resorts to claiming samefag*

Asking him to an-hero, nice. You see, this is why you've caused him to go on like this. You're not helping the situation at all. You're doing exactly what you're telling him not to do, and that only goes so far. People will retaliate eventually. It is time for you to stop, and reflect, and see if this could have been avoided by simply being more accepting. You are picking and choosing which rules to follow, and being biased against someone you don't like, who is achieving some level of success in his first try.


Asking someone to commit suicide is not exactly the image I think /osg/ wants.

Who the fuck says "lmao" on Veeky Forums?
Clearly, hoon. Save that shit for leddit or whatever.

welcome to the new Veeky Forums, it's been a while and we grown old.
It is a whole new era of newfaggotry


>Who the fuck says "lmao" on Veeky Forums?
me, for 8 years now
deal with it lmao

>It is a whole new era of newfaggotry
ikr, all these circle jerking sticker faggots treating threads like their personal safe space

volventibus annis...
tempus fugit

I just wanna cop stickers and waifus. But when someone wants to shut down the general, fuck em

What stickers and waifus do you want?

Hello there osg weebs

Just my very irregular comfy desu shill post

new stickers just dropped, at a low low price

check em out pls

also to people who have already purchased: ALL orders have been posted and are now on the way, very sorry for the delays. Stickers are all printed now so I can whip em out super quick

>advertising in here at this time

I agree.
It's one thing to have some subtle wat stickers and whatever you have
it's another thing to have nude waifus and shit on a car where people and kids can see them.
It's just drawing bad attention and there is a point where even if you're being ironic nobody would believe you

Its prime time here in upside down land

also oops forgot link

also you had shit like well designed stuff like bad descisions, no promises always late for example and the pantsu triangles are really clever (but extremely cringy) as well and WAT which feels like a real racing team.

But just poorly cropped and vectored waifus and some random japanese text on shitty pixelated backgrounds with barely any effort in them just makes me mad as an artist.

You mean like this? This isn't even vectored, it's just text on a green background.

>new stickers just dropped, at a low low price
>check em out pls
how about this, i report you for violation of global rules instead, faggot

I just did.

this community has changed

you guys used to be so welcoming and open and now everyone thinks they are art critics specialising in anime car stickers

Why are you all so jaded?

This is what Hoon brought out to show them and they still want to shit on him lol.

The dude made sales, He's doing something right.

If someone turned up to a meet with shit like wat and super eurobeat and some other text stickers it'd be cool.
If it was someone with fucking waifus and pantsus and lolis and shit I think entire group would pretend to be normies discussing which hyundai or kia to buy next with automatics

They shit on Hoon for driving a Sonata while Imoutodreams and waifusquad drive Elantras and Accents. Yes, they're that stupid.

are you serious?

holy fuck this general is actually the biggest source of cancer on o

its normie incarnate

can we please get the mods in to shut it down

which stickerfag drives the nicest car?

They all drive shitboxes and it's how they justify their lewd anime on their car. They try hard to make it seem ironic but it's really not. One of them has an FRS that's loaded to the gills with anime.

> Lurking on Veeky Forums almost a year ago
> Found and went to osg to look at stickies and it actually made me draw some too
> Got feedbacks, and friends to talk to
> Made it as a distraction to not killing myself
> Be glad somehow even if my life went to shit I still could stupidly giggles at stickers
> Now it went like this

Sorry for being an autist but please guys, I just want to chill with you all like we used to.

Also, fuck you Hoon.

who the fuck cares
Why people by retarded animu stuckers and not only buy but request horribly designed retarded looking stickers just because their waifu is on it

But it's not up to me to tell what people do with their money or cars.
I know if someone showed up to a meet with a car covered in weebshit they'd get bullied the fuck out

>posted non animu team sticker with minimalist design
>got bullied because it dind't have anything to do with animu
>bunch of "master designers" jumped on it and ripped it apart, making it obvious they had 0 clue about GD
>ask my graphic design friend
>got told base design was solid but to tweak some details and colors

>any of these faggots leave their house
>they all live in tiny towns with sub 5k people

>I know if someone showed up to a meet with a car covered in weebshit they'd get bullied the fuck out
maybe thats why they bullied hoon. because they mad chad picked on their faggot girl stickers

>muh safe space

After reading this thread I'm starting to think Hoon may be right about some things.

>tfw people telling Hoon to go to Reddit so they can have their safe space on Veeky Forums

Osg's "master designers" are fucking retarded, they can only horribly vector other people artwork, and damn those new stores are fucking horrible. But I'm not saying all osg's makers are shit though, some of them are okay but they didn't show up that much sadly.

Yeah, sorry if I felt that this is my 'safe space' or something, I'm a failure IRL and this mongolian glued art thread makes me smile though.

Get this, Hoon's Gaijin Slap was made using Creative Commons license, and they bullied him for "stealing", but all their shit is literally stolen. They tried to justify it for hours!!!

Also, design is different for everyone, I personally hate the master designer shit, it's too cringeworthy, but I like subdued toned down stuff.

I remember when some guys here were shitting on VIPSTARS for a bit then he made some better designs later on

Dude now these guys are happy that VIPstars followed them on Instagram yesterday loll.

This is the problem, Hoon will get better, he actually already is much better than when he started. But shitting on him is not helping anyone. It's just making him more mad and it has put osg into jeopardy.

>nsg is going better than osg

What have we done

You sounded like Hoon, what the fuck. Also good on you osg guys who makes oc.

>housewives drama
>on a jap car forum

Cant wait till the faggots leave and people just make stickers.

>no more weeb stickers
Its anime nerds discussing cars not the other way around, even then let cunts do what they want you autismo

What's that in the bottom right? Feel like the picture isn't doing it justice

Not really, I got my stuff shat on by /osg/ in the past. leave for a month or two working on new shit, post it, get some feedback, improve. It's best to leave for a bit and improve. my bro's also a graphic designer so I send him some designs to get feedback from now when I feel like /osg/ isn't the best at times(shitposting too much). Been here since the the early day but haven't posted a design here for months, things have been going good then bad this past year. Honestly I feel like /osg/ is good at help with sticker ideas, if you got an idea and need some feedback, /osg/ is kinda helpful at it.
I notice some stickerfags have been posting rarely too nowadays.
I kinda dislike how Hoon handled his situation but, it's better off if he'd take a break from /osg/ until he feels comfortable coming back and not handling things so much with an attitude.

Do you ship to the states?

I feel for you, user.

It's like a purple/blue variant of oil slick. Pretty much looks like the picture irl. Really nice stuff.

I assume the azumanga idea from last thread is a no-go? Once I finish up the roanapur and witch's crew slaps (whenever that may be), do you guys want me to start on the suicide forest slap or helvetica standard?

Shit I've shared with /osg/ from 2015 to now. Have new designs now that I haven't shared with you guys and starting up shop next month.
Also if you are around inb4chan, I can redo the Osaka WAT and send it to you if you want to produce it.