/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight Genera

KIDF:0 Survivor Bulls: 902134329553132234
Are you even trying?- Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>What is Friday the 13th?
a upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one

>Official Wikis and sites

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.3.1f)

Hooked thread:

First for all Lauries need to be mori'd

This general is do dead

Threadly reminder to always bet on Ace, baby!

user you reposting my oc means more to me than you know

Love how this guy draws meg

Don't even bother replying to me I'm unsubbing from this discussion

>rank 19 survivor who DS's me twice and its running nearly 3 times faster than me
>Rages at me when I pull the plug when he's teabagging on the hatch

You're really gonna to get mad at me because you were clearly cheating and I had enough if it?

stay mad, killercuck

its every survivorbulls' right to exploit!

Maybe you should unsub from life too while your at it.
Hey, we made it to daylight didn't we?

Only if you stream

>killer has shitty internet so can't even pallet loop
>complains about pallets anyway

Probably more than half the killers here.

Fucking Rite of Bell ritual. I hate this shit. It's only good for running around a pallet and chancing a stun.

Rather get that than the blink hit with nurse ritual.

That's easy, everyone has sprint burst so it's impossible to land a hit with the time frame after decloaking.

Why? It's free monies.

Well thanks user.

I love drawing best girl.

>Start ringing bell
>They blow SB
>cancel the decloak and catch back up because you're the fastest killer in the game

You've got a point, but then they're at a pallet and I've sat and waited to see what a survivor would do if I went afk by one and they stood their until the match ended. I hate this fucking meta.

>unhook yourself because the other person is slugged and the killer left to go get them
>Reason for the killer to let you bleed out while slowly following you revving their chainsaw like unhooking yourself is some form of BM against the killer
That's a new one

ust take the prestige Wraith... so hard to play VS skilled players BUT
tactics [1 lying on the ground bleeding to death = someone runs to pick it up] it works. And most importantly, survivors to get 1.5 for the removal of the hook!
Any trips for Wraith player? ("dont play him" is not considered )

play something else is the only option.
hag and wraith are dog shit

not that guy but I agree wraith is dogshit and avoided playing him after they nerfed shadowborn but I've recently gone back and I have to say he's not as bad as I thought

Yeah you don't get much to help you in chases but people are easily approached by the cloak and the REAL reason I keep playing him is that nearly every survivor is retarded

I hook someone, facecamp him while cloaked and another guy comes along, tries to unhook and can't as I'm invisible facecamping so I get to see and hit him too and despite the fact this shouldn't work as often as it does it really does work most games to my constant amazement

Wraith SHOULD be a lot worse than everyone else but cocky survivors and general idiocy help you out a lot

I run Unrel/Whispers/Tinkerer/STBFL on him, surprised this stuff works on rank 1's

P.S green swift addon + 1 second speed boost with tinkerer is seriously good, devs should buff default uncloaking time

>tfw can't play killer because connection is too shit.

Why are you surprised? Many of r1 killers I come across follow that same build besides tinkerer(usually swapped for brutal strength). In terms of actually making wraith better, just make it so he doesn't proc skills like premonition and spine chill while cloaked just like EW 1 Meyers.

>i can kill people with wraith using the 3 most powerful killer perks

I'll alert the media

theyre doing that with spine chill atleast.
which is dumb because i will just make everyone use prem instead.

If prem only worked on wraith in cloak and spine chill only worked on EW1 Myers the changes would be worth it and not stupid

>Play with your food
Is it any good? +=15% movement speed doesn't seem that great when I'm rushing to a pallet anyway.

its a must have on hag imho.
if your playing the long game and controlling gens getting 3 stacks is pretty easy

>less than 30 posts
>Page 10
Come on clowns

we all playing for honor

it's pretty shit after they gutted it

It was pretty shit before they gutted it.

Why bother trapping feet if you refuse to leave the area?

What is the trinity?

Something bad killers cry about.

Sprint Burst, Self-care, Decisive Strike.
I hope you also think machinegun is just something bad survivors cry about.

>6 games on wrecker's yard in a row

Sloppy Butcher + Bloodhound + Stridor + Unrelenting/BS


I literally can't understand this either.

>Hex: The Third Seal doesn't stop survivors from seeing the hook or the hooked survivor seeing those around him

Literally what's the point then?

It's strange, because as one of the long time stealth survivors, I hardly think machine gun is a problem. I'm the least equipped to deal with it but I still manage through evading sight in the first place. And if I get caught and they happen to have MG then I take the counter. It's like if they let me get out of sight thinking they'll hear me then they realize Iron Will. They just take it.

The point is fuck you

>Sloppy Butcher + Bloodhound + Stridor

A bit overkill m8

They want the person on the hook to die with slim chance of rescue. How is that hard to understand?

Dude they are buffing it so map auras don't work. Quit crying like a little bitch.

Isn't that the point? You're supposed to synergize your perks together

Yeah, it's called being a camping faggot.

>Map auras
>The least used item

I hope you were being sarcastic

>survivorcuck tears

Nothing wrong with camping.

Use stridor with some headphones. You don't need three perks to track injured survivors.

>Nothing wrong with camping.
No there isn't, but its redundant to trap feet and camp.
You'd might as well just face camp.

The entire point of trapping feet is to already burn time on hooks because of the time it takes to set one and to disarm one as well as being a notification of where you need to walk to asap.

You're just wasting your own time if you trap and do a tight patrol/stand a bit in the distance and watch

>Used a shroud that spawns me as far from the killer as possible
>Killer's on my dick in 2 seconds anyway
fun stuff.

The entity hates you. Specifically you.

>Trapper hooks you
>Doesn't even trap feet
>Don't attempt to unhook myself
>Survivor within terror radius of the hook working on a gen the entire time doesn't stop to try for the save
>Rank 1 survivor
I'm so angry right now...

>You're just wasting your own time if you trap and do a tight patrol/stand a bit in the distance and watch

It really isn't when you have two survivors crouching near by waiting for you to leave terror radius.

>playing trapper
>down and hook, same old same old
>decide not to trap feet for once
>survivor reaches struggle with no one coming to help
>no scratch marks going to the dude, no nothing
>dies cause his team's a bunch of assholes
I feel so bad right now...

>all these perma rank 20 killers who won't be able to get a single sac once MG is nerfed
It'll probably be the death of this game to be honest.


Halloween>Halloween 4>Halloween 2>Halloween 3>>POWERGAP>>Halloween 5>Halloween 2 (remake)>Halloween H20>>>Halloween (remake)>shit>Halloween Resurrection>my mum's corpse> sabo claudettes>Halloween 6

you're welcome user

I can't wait to be honest

Frogs in charge of doing anything right

I'd wager 60% of killers will stop playing because they can't have machinegun, either because they don't think it was fair and done with the role or rage quit the role because they learn they were never good in the first place and can't get 1 sac a game without their crutch.

Literally the same thing that would happen if the followed through with the 1 teachable perks

You act as if before machine gun killers couldn't get any sacs at all. The only thing that's gonna happen from machine gun being nerfed is hook swarming will be unpunishable

What perk are you gonna cry about next? The steam forums have their heart set on Whispers.

>You act as if before machine gun killers couldn't get any sacs at all.
Yes, good ones could, you're grossly underestimating the amount of bad killers who won't be able to play without their crutch


literally who the fuck CARES

I do when I was rank 2 about to get rank 1 and don't because the system is bogus

When I play survivor I pretty much come across no machine gun users

dont even use it myself stbfl is easily enough i dont need unrelenting as well

As a rank 1 survivor going against rank 1 killers, its literally all I see, only one killer in the last 12 games wasn't running machinegun, and he was still running unrelenting 3.


what a loser

there should be a killer perk that makes them vault windows and stuff more quickly

There should be a perk that slightly slows you down whole carrying a body but gives you a NOED effect.

Also perks should have slots.

Like.. Aid perks for survivors, where you can only have shit like Bond, Up the Ante, Self-care

Aid, Movement, Seek, and Stealth

One such perk slot for killers would be carry, where they have Agi, IG, and like one I listed so they can't be stacks

i don't understand how people have issues with EW1 meyers.

You don't put yourself in a small enclosed area and use your fucking eyes, it's not that hard.

Its bad game design if it doesn't have any direct counter user, even if you think spinning your camera is enough.

For example, several times I've been rotating my camera to get the alert for an incoming skill check and when I shift my focus to see where it is from the game around me to have a myors suddenly jump on me.

No, that's retarded and would limit the amount of flexible builds

However, at it's current state it's a bit too flexible and people can cover all bases and basically have no weaknesses.

A simple solution would be reducing the amount of perk slots and removing teachables instead.

no the simple fix is nerfing the perks that allow you to cover every base, no need to gut the entire system to benefit

No amount of nerfing or buffing can fix this broken shitfest of a game.

This game is so deeply flawed and it needs to be gutted out and rebuilt from the ground up if it's going to survive two new competitors.

F13 isn't too similar to this game at all and Last Year is never happening

f13 is going steal away exactly 0 people from this game.

>it's bad game design if counters softer than rock/paper/scissors

eh, i get it, but i dont think i've ever lost to a EW1 meyers.

If anything it's so easy to punish them unless you let yourself get put into an area where you won't know where he is.

I feel like this game is hilariously broken in so many other regards that this complaint confuses me.

I literally just made an EW1 meyers alt f4 right after i posted my reply to you. Didn't even need to use pallets or infinites, just kited him and 360 juked him becuase his lunge was so garbage.

Why do people disconnect so much? Does it let you keep your items or something?

Yes. Gotta save those suntubes

I swear claudettes have less fucking braincells

I go out of my way to play nice (even though there was sabos) I'm sick of this shit

Survivor players are easily some of the biggest crybabies on the internet, I don't know what it is about this game that promotes this mentality

>killers cant complain about survivors because they have x and vice-versa.

you know this is whats creating this toxic community?
youre a faggot if you run meta on either side but if you're not your a faggot because why are you not using the the best tools you have?

its an endless whirlpool of shit

Welcome to MOBA mentality

this isnt a fucking moba though, nothing about it is like a moba or even competitive

it's literally every game community now.

it's just how the internet is now.

it makes me feel so angry and old!

the fact that it's supposed to be a team game, but everyone is scored individually

The real problem is this fuckin forced ranked system. We should all know by know that ranked play in any game turns people into abrasive dicks over the slightest offense, made up or not. This game doesn't really have a competitive nature to it gameplay wise yet people still treat it so. Why?

The problem with dbd specifically is that ranking or deranking relies solely on point accumulation so people resort to the most disgusting gameplay habits without regard to simply having fucking fun with the other players that you're matched with. Since ranking is basically a natural progression it's guaranteed you're going to run into increasingly higher number of faggots with such a bloated ego that they think they are entitled to be a tremendous megadouche of the highest caliber to anyone even slightly lower ranked than them. Form an entire community of these people and you get a bunch of crybabies getting their jimmies rustled over measuring their made up imaginary points to someone over the fucking internet playing fucking videogames.

>the fact that it's supposed to be a team game
no, it not. its supposed to be 4 survivors with no real way of communication other than a few gestures vs 1 stronger oppenent.

People wanting to play with friends easily made SWF a thing, and SWF made this a "team game" which made then need for swarming and made the need for camping.

this game was never supposed to be a team game, it had aspects that could make teamwork lucrative but it was designed to be everyone for themselves

It's only a team game in the sense that you have the possibility of working together with other people.
However, given that survivors can easily sandbag each other, it's more akin to a FFA with an implied alliance against the killer.
The argument is strengthened when considering how harmful overly altruistic survivors can be to themselves (and the implied team).

>ranks rely on points therefore people act like shit
Speaking from a killer's perspective, I can't agree with this logic.
Simply from chasing people, getting hits, downs and hooks there's easily 15k points.
I can reliably pip without killing a single survivor, by spreading hooks/hits over multiple survivors - the sacrifices are only needed if that double pip is really needed
I like to think Thanatophobia makes it worthwhile to use hooked survivors as bait instead of outright killing them.

In my experience people who play killer tend to be less insufferable. It's the people who only play survivor (which I suspect is a good fraction of the community) who are by far are the most cancerous.

>In my experience people who play killer tend to be less insufferable
eh, some people are assholes from start to finish but most killer seem reactionary, they dont bm you if you dont do it to them first

>Simply from chasing people, getting hits, downs and hooks there's easily 15k points.
at high ranks playing killer isnt rewarding, every BP is hollow due to the bullshit you have to go through to get it

What is the bullshit that people complain about, and when does 'high rank' start? Currently at 8

>mass hook sabo
What you break, you pay for in blood.
Facecamp as many as possible while there's still hooks around, then let the rest bleed out.

>pallets, windows, infinites
*teleports behind u*
*unzips bone saw*
Only places with large vertical gaps give me headaches (Ironworks is particularly nasty).
Most survivors are completely clueless when it comes to avoiding blinks, but I can respect those who aren't.

>cancer perks
The only perk that really bothers me is Iron Will.
I rely heavily on sound to finish a chase, and IW really kills that.
I'm currently not seeing a lot of Decisive Strike (maybe every tenth player) and the other parts of the trinity are acceptable to me.

>*teleports behind u*
>*unzips bone saw*
That's it right there.
You are forced to play nurse or be forever cucked by survivors unless you play billy and trapper enough to run BS and Enduring, and even then you're still cucked pretty hard.

And high levels are the red levels, 4-1.

>forced to play Nurse
Joke's on you, she's the only killer I've played more than two games.