If you spent all the coins in your car right now on gas, about how many miles could you drive in your car?

If you spent all the coins in your car right now on gas, about how many miles could you drive in your car?

I got a smooth 50mi right now, goal is to keep enough jingle-jangle in my car for roughly 200


>using physical cash
t. boomer

My car doesn't travel in miles, it travels in kilometers.


>making it even easier for the gubmint and corporations to track your movement
I bet you use reward points on card purchases, too.

>making it even easier for the gubmint and corporations to track your movement

kek as if using cash will stop this

>what are the 100 other ways you are tracked daily

I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm not going to count my coins just for this

I only have a quater in my car, I can piss in the gas tank and go further than what the quarter could get me.

maybe 7.5 miles
I'm not actually sure how much cash I have in my car

0 I keep my coins in my house so it doesn't clutter my car plebs. Plus weight reduction

I like the rattle of the coins, it drowns out the rattles of the dashboard.

>weight reduction

This is also why I shave before going for a drive

got about 10 euros in coins hanging around, should let me go for about 150 km

I have about 40-70 dollars in change in it right now so about 2-2.5 tanks of gas, I get 400mi to the tank so 800+ miles

lol shitsubishi

The weight of the change costs more fuel to move in the long run.


I have 0 coins as they are disgusting.

>Non Evo Mitsubishi

I think I have just enough for a medium size coffee at Tim Hortons so.. I will take the coffee instead and suck dicks for fuel money.

dealing with change is cumbersome, get a bank account and a check/debit card, at least poorfag

and that's why it's 410 miles per tank kek

>driving a hulking piece of machinery with thousands of nooks and crannies to shove a tracking device into

I have around $7.5, that'd equal to 7.1 liters of gas, enough to travel 85.7 kilometers.


But the tank still has like 3 gallons when it's on a low fuel light.

I would never pay cash for gas when my credit card gives me 4% cashback on gas.

I could probably fill the tank with all the toonies I have in my ash tray.

>someone could have a gps tracker on your car RIGHT NOW

getting robbed by nignogs because you have all your cash on you

id rather the gubbamint track me ftfy

I once spilt a big ass jar of spare change in my truck once and used it as a floormat for a couple months.

None. I have no change in my car.

this, kek what's the point, if they want to keep tabs on you they will

>implying the goberment isn't tracking your every movement using traffic cameras to watch your plate.