Have (((journalists))) given up on even attempting to keep a semblance of sincerity? What motivates (((gawker))) to do this? Are they trying to prime us for (((self driving cars)))? Governments will have the ability to control our cars at their fingertips once they take away all the control from us, in name of the (((greater good))). Imagine being suspected of having thought something they don't like and having your car drive you to the closest "reeducation camp".
Have (((journalists))) given up on even attempting to keep a semblance of sincerity...
>Gawker """""""""journalism""""""""""
Nobody listens to them. Also maybe the manual in the colorado is shit, who knows.
>Imagine being suspected of having thought something they don't like and having your car drive you to the closest "reeducation camp".
I'm sure you can imagine worse situations, like running out of tinfoil
Gawker is as liberally inclined as salon is. It's basically full of a bunch of idiots who write click bait all day then fill their articles with 7 large pictures to make their dinky 4 paragraph essay look way longer than it really is
This. Gawker is a feminist/left leaning clickbait website. Just ignore it, it's Facebook teir journalism
>Facebook tier
you're flattering them with that remark
Gawker isn't even journalism.
It's not like real journalism isn't out there, but definitely not on Gawker.
>It's not like real journalism isn't out there, but definitely not on Gawker.
I think it is exactly like that, just that Gawker is the most extreme case. (((Auto journalists))) are actually shills, presstitutes who will praise whoever advertises on their magazines. Corruption is rampant and the Germans lead the ring.
Always thought hulk hogan put Gawker out of business. Regardless, those articles are right.
No one wants to drive manual as a daily.
>No americuck wants to drive manual as a daily.
gawker is a blog
a blog is not a news website
bloggers are not journalists
bloggers are writers
blogs are biased opinion based articles
not news stories
>not blocking targeted adds
>actually looking at clickbait
also im not personally a fan of manuals but jesus dont sperg out because other people dont like them
>one busrider thinks he speaks for all of us
>not blocking targeted adds
>implying I don't
ABL masterrace
I went there by chance, I was looking at manual Giulia interior pics and found that
>gawker is a blog
>a blog is not a news website
>bloggers are not journalists
>bloggers are writers
>blogs are biased opinion based articles
They sway opinion though and they pretend they're neutral all the time. No press outlet in this day and age is free of corruption though, even if Gawker takes it to another level.
>No one wants to drive manual as a daily.
Speak for yourself, stupid tripfag.
Manual is an annoyance for city driving. I have both. Manual is fine for sports car, but an inconvenience for regular day to day life. Literally everyone past puberty agrees with this you boiracing faggots.
You partake in benchrace shitposting, thus you are a busrider. You owning a vehicle or not (you don't) is irrelevant.
>manual is an annoyance for city driving
>living in the city
>having a cable clutch as a daily
>being unable to into coasting in traffic or just waiting in neutral
Anything with a hydraulic clutch is piss-easy.
>annoyance in daily life
>not having to deal with a tucking retarded computer to get the gear you want
>roll-starting in case of parasitic draw
My father is 55 and he still prefers manual.
>Manual is an annoyance for city driving
I see, so you can't drive manual and have to come up with excuses. As expected of the busriding tripfaggot.
>You partake in benchrace shitposting
Are you autistic or something? That doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense.
plus none of your green texts aren't even remotely relevant as autos are superior for a daily driver.
Gtr vs corvette and the like are benchrace shitposting. And the only real metrics for daily driving are reliability and fuel economy, and outside of newer cars manual wins both, and still wins reliability.
>he thinks driving a manual is difficult and makes him special
nice projection timmy, but it doesn't.
a mundane inconvenience yes, difficult no.
>Gtr vs corvette and the like are benchrace shitposting
And? I rarely, if ever partake in those debates. I'll post a meme n watch them sperg but that's about it. Regardless, the only real metric for a daily is convenience and reliability if you want to go there. Manual is an inconvenience. RWD is also overrated in that realm.
Can you neo nazis stay on your board?
How is something that's slightly more involved but still easy an inconvenience?
>posts in every thread
>rarely partakes
>hilly as fuck Washington
>dd a manuel
>every trip to downtown seattle/tacoma is hell
Only time I have a problem with manual is with rock crawling.
get better or buy an autotragic
>How is something that's more involved
>an inconvenience
That's literally the definition you fuckwit.
feel free to filter me if bother you that much (you won't :^) )
It is nicer for dailying if your route's not straight city/highway. Down here in Texas, I take some lovely backroads to and from school where it's perfect.
Filtering you won't stop Alphonse from responding as anonymous. Why not trigger /r9k/ instead? There's way more weirdos there. Just change the subject matter.
Not sure what you're implying, but i don't lurk /r9k/ i'm not an autist. Like i said, 99% of my post are with trip, filter if butthurt kthx
I made a statement about Alphonse and asked you a question. If you like triggering autists why not go to autist central instead of contributing to what makes Veeky Forums garbage?
Dude i'm not gonna go hunt down for a crop of autist to trigger. What the fuck are you even talking about? I simply said real people (not actors) prefer auto for their daily. get over it.
Are you intentionally being obtuse or something? Everybody but you and alphonse hates gtr vs corvette and its derivatives. I am kindly asking you to not post in those threads. However, if triggering Alphonse is something you really enjoy, I am suggesting am alternative that may be even better. That alternative is which is full of people like Alphonse to trigger. The catch is that you have to pretend to be a girl and just say anything about being a girl instead of saying anything about the corvette like you do here. You will get dozens of replies every thread and they will be sperging hard.
Are you fucking autistic dude? why would anyone care about gtr vs corvette shitposting?it the internet, if you dislike it just leave those threads. Stop trying to recruit me for your /r9k/ faggotry.
I've looked at r9k once or twice, that's all I know about it. We care because we can't fucking even mention a growing list of cars without Alphonse invading the thread and shitting it up, and in general they have no place on Veeky Forums, they belong on /trash/ or /b/.
So? take that up with Alphonse and his array of mental complexes and personalities.
not my problem.
You could just not post to stop encouraging him too.
Lots of other anons toy with him as well.
Why do you care?
>prezo projecting again
The manual is shit. Everything fucked rattled
That's him responding to himself. And how poor is your memory? I just said why here:
prezo's right this time tho. Veeky Forums was made for shitposting and Veeky Forums was never good anyways. stop being so upset.
I think you need to get out more honestly.
Alphonse shits up threads because he's upset. You're no worse than him at this point.
>Veeky Forums was made for shitposting
>Veeky Forums was never good
Hello newshits
>deleted his own threads 3 times yesterday after getting btfo
>calls others upset
in stitches rn
You realize that's the hotpockets finally doing his fucking job right?
t. triggered newfag
i'm not wrong
>i-it wasn't me! i-it was the mods!
he's right though
I only made 2 threads yesterday iirc
i've never deleted any thread b4. If they go down I just assume it rustled too many butts and got reported.
>weeb image board
>made for a bunch of preteen little shits to destroy good things
That's not how it works.
>bullied so hard he has to deny deleting his own threads
sperg more
to whom is Veeky Forums a good thing?
>"a bunch of preteen little shits"
so what are you, gramps? looking for some underage pootang?
am i being baited right now?
Before it all went to shit and it was just a decent place to hang out with none of the cancer that most car forums have.
>obsessed with me so hard that hes constantly injecting himself into my conversations and begging for a response
yeah but that was like at least 6 years ago
telltale sign that i've triggered you. top fucking kek
And this place is like fucking heroin, it's bad but you just can't stop if you don't have a ton of willpower. And for some of us, we just hope maybe somehow those days will come back.
>he ragequit from being bullied too hard
like clockwork. my job is done here.
>gm fangirls resort to name calling
so them being honest isnt good?
god you are a cringey child
>we just hope maybe somehow those days will come back
right in the heart
those days won't come back as long as gm fangirls keep sperging in every thread
you dont need a ton of willpower
you just need to have a single drop of it
if you cant stay off an internet site you are just a little bitch
I don't (((think))) (you) know how (((this))) meme (((works)))
25 here. Hate autos. If you aren't a spineless pussy you would know better
Three parenthesis means the thing is Jewish/NWO.
no one cares about you driving inferior cars ya edgelord
Hulk did put Gawker out of business. They declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy and sold themselves to Univision, which is the leftist Mexican news agency. Gawker's flagship website was so tainted by the trial that Univision shut it down, but kept the other websites up.
>implying jounalism isn't just targeted advertising
get a life lol
>business owner
>well above average IQ
>3 vehicles
>horny gf
>home owner
>takes time out of your day to obsess over my posts
>"g-get a life!1"
lol nice picture may i save that to my desktop folder i enjoy collecting hip cool memes
I've been gtr vs corvette shit posting since 2012
Kill yourself faggot
you go girl!
thank you have a good day friend
>this mad he cant shit post properly
>"I own three cars have a house my own business and and gf"
Lmao you have and shitty old truck, no job, live with your mother and your gf is so fucking ugly you refuse to post any pictures of her Lmao
>inb4 more ass mad made up stories to cope with being btfo by Alphonso several times a day
You should go make a thread then delete it before anyone has a chance to reply to you
[ ]told
[ ]not told
[ ]are you even trying
[x] ok now you look just plain mad
kek, somebody should tell prezo that his barbie playhouse set doesn't make him a home owner.
this post caused a massive trigger
Oh yeah that's right you have that "high profile gf" so you never post any proof of owning a car. You can post your bus pass safely though, I'm sure.
what are you even talking about?
git gud
can't make this shit up
I don't use it only for jews, globalists get the special punctuation too
>horny gf
Makes sense, unsatisfied women crave proper cock. She probably gets fucked on the side though.
Prez/o/ BTFO
Imagine thinking something as crazy as the cia being able to hack any phone in the world and many tvs to listen to conversations, or being able to hack moden cars to cause them to crash. So paranoid.
Oh wait...
why are you using the Internet then you stupid fuck? holy shit Americans are retarded
>I'm not American
Calm down limpdick, I know it can be upsetting when your bus is running late
nice projection
Is America the land of the cucks?
It's the only country where the average car is autotragic because the average driver would rather let a machine satisfy the car's need for gearshifts than himself, and it's the country where self driving cars are gaining the most traction because the average burger would rather let a machine satisfy his car's need to turn, brake and accelerate. It's also the country where people actually believe they're free because the government lets them have a limited selection of guns if they earn enough good goy points, and the country where people justify invasions of their privacy in the name of security. I'm not sure it's possible to be more cucked.
>be ameribetic
>get shot
I forgot to say that your democratic republic sucks even if it's less shit than most
>suggests that America is cucked because of automatic transmissions
>manuals are more popular in europe because so many cars sold are base trim level
Let me pose a question: Is any European country he most cucked because the average car engine is 1.5L?