Hey Veeky Forums how come your car doesn't have a sharkfin?
Hey Veeky Forums how come your car doesn't have a sharkfin?
>visible antenna
Enjoy your RC car, I guess.
Sharkfin a cute! CUTE!
Because it's 25 years old.
because i drive a convertible
it doesn't even have a visible antenna, i think it's in the windshield or something. very weird.
>very quirky xdxd
Holy fuck that picture is kawaii as fuck desu
Wanted to post a picture of a Jag XJ/XK with their huge 6tf tall external antennas to make you feel like a cuck but I can't find a pic.
Because my car didn't come with one.
Because my antenna is embedded in the glass which is one step better.
>he thinks his integrated shit is better than a sharkfin
Because they're shit.
I'd remove the aerial if I knew how. Never use the radio anyway.
>drive a 2001 ford focus estate
>already autistic, the need for accessories to highlight this is not necessary
>he doesn't have a whip antenna
>he has the antenna I bend and bike off in the parking lot whenever I see them.
Brake* DESU, shut post gone wrong.
I give up.
Hey, just a warning, if I ever catch you doing this to anyone's car, you'll wish I hadn't.
>implying you actually do this
your scrawny little cuckboi ass would get beat to shit the first time anyone witnessed you do it.
because had car with sharkfin. radio reception is like patchy at best so had to stick to other sources. if you want listen to the radio you better be parked up.
cause its not a shark
it does tho?
it does famalam. based bmw e61.
>in the parking lot
In the parking lot, it retracts.
Because it has no roof.
Jokes in you faggot, I hardly ever use the radio
ITT poorfags